Chapter 90: The Worlds Waiting For An Answer.
"I-...Don't know Ack..." Poniard coughed blood. She was down and out by this point. She couldn't stand. The pain was too much. But the words of the Captain. She couldn't stand them.
"I don't know what my Superiors did. But I'll fight for Justice..."
Even with Bellamy down, taking a knee. Even with Leroy looming in front of them. He just listened to them. Listening.
The Crowd around them began to cheer for the Marines. Cadets and Warrant Officers cupping their mouths as they spoke "Kick his Ass Sirs!"
"Yeah! The Captain and Lieutenant got this!" These words strengthened Bellamy's resolve. Who stood to his feet. The Marines, from what he expirenced. As far back as boot camp. Were like family. They looked out for one another. Some joined for cash, some joined for hopes of being a Hero. The posters even on the very walls that were faded and torn that read 'Pirates Scourge the Water. Do your Part! Join the Marines!'
Every Marine that died. Was Irrelevant to everyday people. The Deaths weren't reported. Just another name in the weekly Marine Obituaries to frown and pout at and say 'oh...another one gone. Good thing they fight the good fight.'
Even when a Marine died that truly fought for what they told were Justice. There was no great honor. Just another song sang. Another Oceans Guide sang at the Funeral. But then, nothing. People would continue to label them corrupt regardless. How many people had to die? Because some Pirate declared their dreams? And take any means to achieve it? How many were crushed when another pirate kills another marine?
That was what Bellamy Thought.
Shink. Bellay stood tall. Rain pouring on him as he pulled the standard issue jack knife from his boot. "The Marines have done more for this world then you'll ever know, Kid. You just don't see it. Songs written about them. Books written about them. Unlike the 'Nobel' Pirate...I might not be perfect. But at least I'm not a dirty Pirate..."
Even though Bellamy Preached. The Fact was. More people in the world cheered for Marines than for Pirates. Pirates were just an Idea to read about. Here stories and spread how 'cool' they were or 'how scary' they were. But Marines? Everyone had that Family friend who had served. Or the brother that started as a scrawny kid that joined with a chip on his shoulder. Hell, there were dozens of Islands with humble beginnings that watched as 'That one' took a voyage to the closest base to Enlist.
"Now. Can we arrest you? Or are you gonna kill us..."
Leroy listened. All the marines around them to afraid to approach. It was Ironic. Despite what Bellamy Spoke, of Honor, Of true justice. The very individuals he spoke of, even now in the echo of the words. Did nothing.
"I have no wish to kill any of you...You've done nothing to deserve it. Even if I dislike the marines...Even if you lick the boots of those around you. I don't understand it well. Eventually I will..." He said as he he pulled his fist up. His knuckles curling and cracking as his guard was regained.
"You are Both Nobel." His gaze hardened. "But I can't let you take me. Not here. Not ever. I'll finish this fight..."
But suddenly. Before Leroy could truly finish the fight.
A sudden Gust of Wind shot through the street they were in! It was concentrated and seemed to be aimed! It caused a sudden mist to flow through the Street! Blocking the view of Leroy and All surrounding marines! It was like a veil that covered the Vision of all those Around! Marines fell to the ground from the gust of wind as their vision was blinded!
Leroys face shot around as he notice that all the marines around him had been blown away. But he was left standing...Had the Wind been focused on them?
Suddenly. A Gloved Hand was placed on the Shoulder of Lieutenant Bellamy. The only other Marine that was currently standing. Captain P having been left Collapsed. The Mist around them was hard for anyone else besides the Marines close to Bellamy to truly see what was Going on.
"I think that's Enough...Let the Man leave." The Voice was from behind Bellamy. From way above him. A Baritone tone.
Bellamy's knife dropped. A Cold chill washing over him as it ran up his spine. The gloved hand touching his shoulder as he tensed. Turning around slightly, the bloodied face of Bellay gazed at the Man above him.
It was a Face that the Entire World would know...But why was he Here? In the East? Was it truly him? Why Interrupt a Fight like this?
The Man that loomed over head of Lt. Bellamy...Was none other than Tigre...The Leader and Supreme Commander of the Militia Movement. The Revolutionary Army... He wore a Black Cloak Cape that was connected to itself with a metal clasp that bore the insignia of the Milita, a Tiger that clamped down on a simple dipiction of a snake that ate at itself. There was as well a hood over his head. He Certainly Looked old. But with the lack of greying hair. He couldn't be over 50.
His clothes underneath looked formal. But Rather relaxed, A Buttoned up waistcoat with a dark mutted colored Turtleneck underneath. The Sleeves Partially Rolled up to his forearms.
It was truly him...But the Question still Remained...Why. Was. He. Here?
The Militia Movement is the Sole independent organization that stands against the World Government and It's Nobility. They seek to dismantle the World Government. And it is thought that once this is accomplished a new form of government will be enacted to ensure corruption is cleansed from the Government, There main goal which remains for the most part unknown, has been partially revealed to be able to one day enact their own government, though this is more or less hearsay.
They were famous for their movement of Liberation. Island to Island they freed slaves and civilians from Kingdoms they deemed corrupt.
Leroy could Barely see through the Mist...But looking around at the Marines and how they struggled to stand to their feet. He knew that this Was his best time to leave! Leaping up and Over the Low hanging mist, he could barely see the Silhouette of the man that was currently occupying the Marines. The Captain then Slung his hands out ward and swung through the city of Louge. Looking for the Rest of his crew in the Thick Haze of a torrential downpour.
"Why are you here?" The shaky breath of the Lieutenant forced the breath out. "You know what it means if we Catch you...." His knees began to quake as he stared up at the man. But he couldn't muster a single ounce of strength to turn to fully face him.
Tigre Smiled gently. It was a sly and Mischievous smile "Who would I be if I didn't stop a marine?" Sarcasm came from his voice as he spoke Suddenly, the Glove disappeared, and the Visage of Tigre was regained at a vantage point. A hanging wooden awning His hands were at his side spread wide as he spoke
"Now, why would I tell a Marine why I'm here in the first place? So that you can run to HQ and tell them What's happened, that there's some grand plan in the East? I think you have enough Paperwork to deal with once those injuries are healed..." He said giving that same grin.
It was almost Belittling to look and stare at. Who did he think he was? "This world is on the verge of change wouldn't you say!" He raised a hand, aim it up loosely
"The worlds waiting for how we respond to it's change!" Suddenly. The Face of Tigre...Disappeared The sudden Fog lifted. But the Rain remained around them.