One Pice: The Straw Hat Adventure Reborn.

Chapter 89: CH 89

"Aren't you with the patrol?" Dalton asked.

"I'm all that's left of the patrol." the man wheezed out. "A ship came out of nowhere and attacked us."

"Who did this?" Dalton asked.

"It''s Wapol!" the man shouted. "Wapol's returned!" Everyone in the building were now looking shocked and horrified at this before Dalton mounted a horse and rode off. "Mr. Dalton! Wait!" Vivi shouted. Dalton kept going before slowly changing into a bison and charged off to confront Wapol.

-Somewhere on the island-

"Ah's freezing." Zoro said. "I followed those fish too far. Where am I?" he asked himself before spotting a sleigh in front of him with a reindeer pulling it and an old woman sitting in it. "Hey! I'm saved!" Zoro said before walking towards them. "Hey granny, mind giving me a lift?" he asked before seeing her outfit. "Why aren't you cold?!" he asked before Dr. Kureha motioned him to come closer with her finger.

"You should watch what you say!" she said before punching him far away. "I'm still in my youthful 130's!" she said before leaving Zoro in the snow.

-In Big Horn- "Wapol's returned!" shouted a villager.

"Wapol?" Gin asked. He and the rest of the Straw Hats that stayed in Big Horn were chatting in Dalton's house.

"You mean that King that everyone hates?" Valerie asked.

"Judging by how the town's panicking, I'd say that it's the same guy." Alvida said before they all heard some gun fire. They all walked towards the windows and peeked out to see what was happening. They looked around until they saw a man standing on what looked like a white-furred hippo and laughing a lot.

"That's him." Nojiko said as Wapol walked toward a building and did something that none of them saw coming. They watched as Wapol's mouth grew huge before biting down on the building, chewed it, and swallowed.

"What the- Did he just eat a house?!" Gin asked as Wapol finished the building before laughing. "First a knife, then a house." Valerie said. "What next?"

"I'll devour that hag along with those Straw Hats!" they heard Wapol bellow.

"Us apparently." Nojiko said before Wapol started screaming in pain.

"Dalton!" some of the villagers yelled out.

"This ends here Wapol!" Dalton said. Everyone stared at him as he, Chess, and Kuromarimo spoke before Kuromarimo ordered Wapol's personal doctors to heal him.

"Hey, I feel better." Wapol said after his quick surgery.

"Leave this island at once Wapol!" Dalton demanded. "This island doesn't need, nor want people like us."

"That's KING Wapol to you Dalton." Wapol stated before some of the villagers told him that Dalton cared for them, unlike he did. While they were talking, the Straw Hats walked outside and joined the crowd as Dalton spoke.

"Only outsiders wouldn't know of your decision to take the 20 best doctors this island had for yourself and either banish or kill the rest." Dalton said in disgust.

"That's the law." Wapol said like it wasn't a big deal.

"THAT'S INSANITY!" Dalton yelled. "With you keeping all the doctors to yourself in your castle, everyone on this island had to grovel and pledge loyalty to you for medical attention! A law like that is nothing but a crime!"

"Said enough?" Wapol asked. "MEN! Kill the former Captain of the Guards!"

"I owed a debt to your father, the former king, and had hoped you'd realize how horrible your actions were, but I see that you're a hopeless cause." Dalton said as he transformed into his 1/2 man 1/2, beast form.

"Watch it! It's the Bison model of the Ox-Ox Fruit!" one of the guards yelled before they started firing at Dalton. Dalton effortlessly dodged them before taking out.

"He's good." Valerie whispered.

"Leave Wapol!" Dalton demanded. "A Kingdom that would abandon it's people at the first hint of danger is better off gone."

"Such nonsense." Chess said.

"The two of us and you used to be the 'Three Heads of Staff.' Don't you know it's useless to try and defeat us?" Kuromarimo said with a grin.

"Besides, I know you Dalton." Chess said as he pulled out his bow and pulled back three arrows on the bow string. "I know your weaknesses as well."

"What?!" Dalton said, now seeing that Chess was aiming at a crowd of citizens who came to fight with Dalton. 'NO!' he screamed in his head. Just before he could move, a gunshot rang out as Chess dropped his weapon before grabbing his arm.

"GAH!" he screamed as blood trickled down his arm.

"A gunshot?!"

"Where'd that come from?"

"WHICH ONE OF YOU DID THAT?!" Wapol shouted.

"Over here!" came a voice in the crowd. Wapol and his men looked as the crowd parted to show Gin holding a smoking gun in his hand.

"That's one of the Straw Hats!" Kuromarimo shouted as the other Straw Hats joined him.

"So, you punks decided to show yourselves huh?" Wapol said before grinning. "Good. Now I have less of you to hunt down! Take aim men!" Soon, all of Wapol's men were aiming at the four before a low rumbling could be heard. Everyone stared at the mountains where the sound was coming from before they saw the snow start coming down.

"AN AVALANCHE!" someone shouted before everyone ran for cover. Wapol, Chess, and Kuromarimo got onto Robson before trying to flee from the avalanche, leaving everyone else behind. As everyone fled towards safety, Dalton noticed Nojiko staring at the avalanche with nothing but horror filling her eyes.

"MISS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Dalton shouted. That caught the attention of her friends, who looked back before running to retrieve her.

"Come on Nojiko!" Alvida shouted as she grabbed her arm.

"What's wrong with you?!" Valerie shouted.

"That's the direction...that the others took...towards the doctor." Nojiko said. The other three's eyes widened at that, now knowing what was on her mind as they dragged her to safety. 'Nami...please be okay.' Nojiko thought.

-With Luffy's group moments earlier-

Luffy and friends kept hiking up the mountain while Greg kept sniffling his nose.

"I hate Winter." he grumbled before he felt a sneeze coming. "Guys...get away!" he shouted before sneezing, which exploded right in front of him.

"What happened?!" Sanji asked after jumping away.

"Everything about me is a bomb." Greg said. "Even my breath." he said before feeling another one coming. "ACHOO!" he sneezed, causing another explosion. Sanji walked up behind him and grabbed Grace to keep her out of harms way as Greg kept sneezing. "AH! I hate the cold! It makes me sneeze too much!" he said before going into a sneezing fit, sending explosions out with each sneeze. "Hold it in already!" Sanji yelled. "You're gonna-" he said before hearing the low rumbling and going pale. "Cause an avalanche!"

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