Chapter 82: CH 82
"Yeah. He thought I was some clown named Mr. 3." Sanji said before giving his jacket to Nami to cover up with. "Since that was the case, I went and told him you all were dead."
"So then he won't come after us anymore?" Vivi gasped.
"Good." Alvida said. "Yeah good." Usopp said sarcastically. "We're no longer hunted just as we learn we can't get off this island!"
"What are you all talking about?" Sanji asked as he pulled out an Eternal Pose to Alabasta. "Can't we leave with this?" he said. Everyone was stunned at that before Vivi hugged Sanji, thanking him as well. "No problem~!"
"Now we can leave!" Gin said as the others cheered while Sanji and Zoro argued about their hunting contest.
'Hunting contest?' Dorry and Broggy thought.
"Well Mr. Giants, looks like it's time for us to leave!" Luffy yelled out. "Take care!"
"Hey wait a minute." Sanji said after finally noticing the extra two walking with them. "Who are you two?"
"Oh yeah." Johnny said. "They're joining us." "The little girl's Grace." Yosaku said.
"I'm not little." Grace pouted. "I'm nearly 14."
"Anyway, she's Grace," Usopp said. "And that's...uh..."
"Greg." Mr. 5 said.
"Okay. That's Greg." Usopp said. Soon, all of them were at the ship before stocking up all the meat from the dinosaurs they could load before they started sailing off toward Alabasta. They sailed off the West of the island, where the giants stood on each side of the river facing the sea.
"Hey, the giants came to see us off." Luffy said, now remembering what was gonna happen and grinned out at the sea.
"A great danger lies ahead of you all!" Brogy said.
"One that has always been here to try and prevent all who sail this way!" Dorry said. "What?! Where?!" Nami cried out as some of them were looking around nervously.
"Fear not!" Dorry said with a grin. "You all fought like true warriors to protect the pride of our duel!"
"And because you all are willing to do that no matter what enemy you face!" Brogy said.
"WE WILL NEVER LET THEM DESTROY YOUR PRIDE!" Dorry shouted, his voice echoing around.
"Trust in what we say." Brogy said. "Go straight! No matter what happens, keep going straight! Understand?!"
"Right! Go straight!" Luffy yelled back as they sailed past them.
"This is farewell!" Brogy said.
"Let's meet again!" Dorry said as they both brough out their weapons.
"WHAT'S THAT?!" Nami shouted in terror as an enourmous goldfish surfaced in front of them with it's mouth wide open. Everyone was now looking at it in horror as some of them started screaming.
"Hello Island Eater!" Dorry said.
"Upon the name of Elbaf, you will let them pass!" Brogy said.
"That thing's huge!" Nami shouted.
"Look! A goldfish!" Luffy shouted.
"A g-goldfish?!" Usopp stuttered. "W-where have I heard of that before?!"
"Turn the helm before it eats us!" Nami yelled.
"N-no!" Usopp said. "We keep going straight! R-Right Luffy!" "Right!" he said.
"This isn't like with Laboon!" Nami yelled.
"Calm down." Luffy said. "Here, have the last rice cracker." he said before throwing it to her.
"I don't want it." she said as she caught it. "Turn the ship already!"
"Give it up Nami." Zoro said as he leaned against the cabin of the ship while Carue ran inside. She bit down on the cracker with tears in her eyes while leaning against Nojiko. Johnny and Yosaku tried to keep calm like Zoro, though they were sweating and turning blue as the rest of them were hoping to get out of this alive while Luffy grinned from his seat on the Merry's head. Soon they entered it's mouth as it closed around them with both Luffy and Usopp yelling for them to go straight ahead.
"Well we're in it's mouth! Now what?!" Nojiko yelled. 'Wait for it.' Luffy thought. Suddenly, they were flying out of a giant hole in the fish as it was ripped apart.
"HAKOKU!" both giants yelled as their weapons broke with that final attack. "GO FRIENDS! AND GOOD LUCK!" they shouted as the ship flew through the air.
"WE'RE FLYING!" Luffy shouted in amazement, still in awe at how strong the giants were.
"They split...the sea...itself." Usopp said with a smile as tears flowed down his face. "The strength...of Elbaf AMAZING!"
"AWESOME!" Johnny and Yosaku shouted.
"Now impressive!" Greg said. While they were all talking, Dorry and Brogy were chatting about a hunting contest of their own until the volcano erupted, signaling their battle to begin. Shortly afterwards with the crew, Luffy, Usopp, and even Gin were dancing on the rails about going to Elbaf while Carue ran in circles, Zoro, Johnny, and Yosaku were each training to get stronger, Sanji and Valerie were in the kitchen, Nami, Nojiko, and Vivi were near the mast looking at the Eternal Pose, and Alvida was showing Greg and Grace around the ship. Nami was leaning against the mast looking a little red in the face as she watched the trio dance.
'Heh. He used to be so serious.' she thought as she looked at Gin. She then looked at Luffy before smiling. 'He's been hanging around Luffy too much.' she thought before Sanji came out with a plate full of snacks.
"Are you ladies hungry?" he asked in a suave voice.
"They look nice Sanji." Vivi said.
"Well, I must confess," Sanji said as Luffy, Usopp, and Gin were eyeing the plate. "Only half of them were made by me." he said before glaring at them. "Your food is inside." he said.
"Thanks!" they said before racing up and into the cabin.
"Kyahaha." Valerie laughed as she turned to them all. She was wearing an apron over her usual outfit that had chocolate spots on it. "The food's on the table over there." she said as the boys started eating.
"These chocolates taste great!" Usopp said with a mouthful of food.
"I'm glad you like them." Valerie said.
"You made these?" Luffy asked.
"That's right." Sanji said as he walked in the door. "The lovely Valerie here made all the chocolates you idiots are shoving down your craw."
"Not bad." Gin said.
"I'm glad." she said with a sigh. "If they were terrible, I'd have no hope for my dream."
"Your dream?" Luffy said after swallowing his food. "Yes. I dream of being a chocolatier." she said. Sanji started saying how she could since she's lovely while Luffy smiled at her.
"By the way Luffy," Usopp asked. "How'd you turn into a giant anyway?" Luffy was about to answer but was interrupted by Vivi.
"Everyone come quick!" Vivi shouted in a panic stricken voice.
'Oh no!' Luffy thought as he remembered what happened here. They all raced out the door and looked down at her.
"What are you yelling about?" Gin asked.
"Nami has a horrible fever!" she shouted as Nami lay on the deck covered in sweat and breathing hard as Nojiko knelt down next to her in equal panic.
"WHAT?!" Sanji shouted as he kicked the men out of the doorway. "NAMI'S SICK?!" "She's not the only one!" came another voice. Everyone looked to see Alvida come out from below deck with Greg carrying Grace in his arms looking just as bad as Nami. "The kid's sick as well!"
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