Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 78 The meeting finally arrived

Hermione glanced at the boarded-up windows and suddenly whispered, "I think I know where this is. We're in the Shrieking Shack."

Aaron looked around.His eyes fell on a nearby wooden chair. A large piece of wood was torn off the chair, and one of its legs was missing.He said slowly, "A ghost wouldn't do such a thing."

At this time, there was a creaking sound overhead, and something was moving upstairs.All three looked up at the ceiling.They looked at each other and quietly walked out into the hall.Everything was covered with a thick layer of dust, except the floor, where something had been dragged upstairs and left a wide, shiny mark on the floor.

They climbed the crumbling stairs and arrived at the second-floor corridor.


In order to avoid being discovered by the big dog, they extinguished the light of their wands.

Only one door on the second floor is open.Sneaking over, they heard movement behind the door, a low groan, and then a satisfied cat purr, deep and loud.They exchanged one last look and nodded.

Harry tightened his grip on his wand and kicked open the door.

There was a luxurious four-poster bed, the curtains around it were covered with dust, and Crookshanks was lying on the bed, whining loudly with satisfaction at the sight of them.On the floor next to Crookshanks, Ron was clutching one of his legs, stretching it unnaturally.

Aaron, Harry and Hermione rushed to him.

"Ron, are you all right?"

"Can you stand up?"

"Where did the dog go?"

"That's not a dog," Ron groaned.He gritted his teeth because of the pain, "Harry, this is a trap..."


"He's the dog...he's an Animagus..."

Ron looked over Harry's shoulder.Aaron, Harry and Hermione turned around quickly.With a snap, the man in the shadows closed the door behind them.

A tangle of dirty, tangled hair hung down to his elbows. If the eyes in their deep, dark sockets hadn't glowed, he might have been a corpse. The waxy skin clung to the skeleton of his face. Go up and live like a skull.He grinned with yellow teeth and it was Sirius Black.

"Expelliarmus!" he croaked, pointing Ron's wand at them.

Aaron, Harry and Hermione all lost their wands and flew high in the air, only to be caught by Black.Then he took a step forward and stared at Harry.

"I thought you would come to help your friends," he said hoarsely.His voice sounded like he hadn't spoken in a while, "Your dad would have done the same to me. You were so brave and didn't go to the teacher. I'm grateful...it makes things so much easier..."

Aaron imagined meeting Blake many times.But when Blake actually appeared in front of him, he still couldn't suppress the hatred boiling in his chest.For the first time in his life, he longed for the wand back in his hands, not to defend himself, but to attack...kill.He wanted to rush over and smash his fist into Blake's face, but the remaining reason in his heart stopped him.He knew that in this situation, he must not act rashly.

But there was one person who couldn't control himself anymore.Harry was about to rush towards Black without saying a word.

Noticing Harry's actions, Aaron and Hermione quickly grabbed him.

"No, Harry," Hermione said to Harry fearfully.

Ron stood up now.

"If you're going to kill Harry, then you're going to kill us too!" he said angrily to Black.Although the forceful movement to stand up had made his face paler, and he was swaying a bit when he spoke.

Something flickered in Blake's dark eyes.

"Lie down," he said calmly to Ron. "You're going to hurt that leg even more."

"Don't you understand me?" Ron said weakly, "You must kill all four of us!"

"There will only be one murder here tonight," Black said, his smile widening.

"Why is this?" Harry spat, trying to get away from Aaron and Hermione, "Do you still care about killing innocent people? In order to kill Peter Pettigrew, you can kill so many innocent people without caring. Gua... What does it matter if I kill a few more people?"

"Harry!" Hermione sobbed, "Quiet!"

"He killed my mum and dad!" Harry yelled, struggled hard, broke free from the restraints of Aaron and Hermione and rushed forward.

Perhaps out of shock at seeing Harry do something so stupid, Black didn't raise his wand in time.One of Harry's hands grabbed Black's wand hand, forcing the end of the wand to change direction, and the knuckles of his other hand bumped into the side of Black's head.They both fell backwards and hit the wall.The wand in Black's hand sent a spark into the air, inches from Harry's face.


Seeing this scene, Aaron's eyes lit up, and he rushed towards Harry and Black who were entangled with Hermione and Ron screaming.

At this time, Harry and Black were still fighting each other.Although Harry was brave, he was short, skinny, and only 13 years old, while Black was a tall adult.So soon Black gained the upper hand and had one of his hands around Harry's throat...

"It's over." Blake whispered, "I've waited too long..."

His fingers began to tighten, making Harry breathless and his glasses tilted to one side.

But Aaron had arrived at this time and quickly kicked Blake.Black grunted in pain and let go of Harry.Aaron jumped on Blake's wand hand, forcing him to let go of Ron's wand.

Harry stood up. He saw his wand rolling on the floor and rushed towards it.But Crookshanks also joined the fight. Before Harry could pick up his wand, he jumped on his arm and dug his front paws into his arm.

"Ah!" Harry cried out in pain and quickly shook it off.

However, Crookshanks did not give up and rushed towards Harry's wand again.

"No, don't come here!" Harry yelled and kicked Crookshanks.

Crookshanks screamed and jumped aside, huffing in annoyance.

Harry grabbed his wand, turned around, and shouted to Aaron, "Get out of the way!"

Aaron gasped for air and crawled to the side.Hermione picked up her and Aaron's and Ron's wands from the ground.Ron crawled towards the bed, then collapsed on the bed, panting, his pale face now mixed with purple, and holding the broken leg with both hands.

Blake spread his limbs and fell against the wall, his thin chest rising and falling rapidly, watching Harry slowly approach.Harry pointed his wand straight at Black's heart.

"Are you going to kill me, Harry?" he whispered.

Harry was standing in front of him, wand still pointed at his chest, looking down at him.A black and blue scar was appearing around Blake's left eye, and his nose was bleeding.

"You killed my parents." Harry's voice was slightly trembling, but his hand holding the wand was steady.

Black stared at Harry with his deep-set eyes and said calmly: "I don't deny this, but if you knew the whole story..."

"The whole story?" Harry repeated, "You betrayed them to Voldemort, that's all I have to know!"

"You must listen to me," Blake's voice took on an urgent tone. "If you don't—understand—you'll regret it."

"I know a lot more than you think," Harry's voice trembled even more, "You never heard her scream, did you? My mother... tried hard not to let Voldemort kill me... and You did that... you did..."

"Don't talk nonsense to him, Harry." Aaron took back his wand from Hermione's hand at this time, "Let us kill him together and avenge our father and mother."

"Who are your parents? Did I kill them?" Blake looked at Aaron strangely.

"Oh, yeah. Of course, of course." Aaron said sarcastically, "Of course someone like you wouldn't remember two Muggles you killed casually. I guess when you blow up half a street with a spell At that time, you didn’t expect that the children of the victims would stand in front of you one day, right?”

"Are you...?" Blake said in surprise.

"I am the child of a certain couple among the twelve Muggles you killed 12 years ago." Aaron stared at Black with bright eyes.

"Listen to me, kid." Blake said hurriedly, "I'm sorry for what happened to your parents, but I wasn't the one who killed your parents?"

"Who are you? Could it be Peter Pettigrew?"

"Yes, it's him."

Aaron laughed angrily and said: "Is this your excuse, Blake? Blaming everything on a dead man, a victim who died under your hands? Do you think I will still believe what you say now? Do you think I am? Are you a fool? It’s all over.”

With that said, Aaron raised his wand.He wanted to kill Black, he had to kill Black.

But at this moment, a ginger-yellow thing flew past Aaron.Crookshanks jumped on Black's chest and crouched still over his heart.Blake blinked and looked down at the cat.

"Go away, Crookshanks," Aaron muttered, trying to drive Crookshanks away.

But Crookshanks dug his claws deep into Black's robes and wouldn't budge.It turned its ugly face to Aaron and looked at him with its big yellow eyes.

"Hermione, let your cat go." Aaron said to the sobbing Hermione.

"Crookshanks, come here," Hermione called to her cat.

But Crookshanks, squatting on Blake's chest, remained motionless.

Aaron tightened his grip on his wand and glared at Black and Crookshanks.Aaron wouldn't mind killing the cat too if it insisted on saving Blake.Now is his chance for revenge, and no one can stop him.

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