Naruto: Different Perks

Chapter 91: Fourth Hokage and his family! Mikoto's Resolve!

"You done?" Kazutora said as he appeared beside Tsunade at Mikoto's house. Tsunade looked at Kazutora with a curious look in her eyes and asked, "Where were you?"

"Just went to do something," Kazutora said with a wink and Tsunade shook her head at his actions.


Kazutora turned towards Kushina as she called out to him, noticing her bow. A puzzled expression crossed his face upon hearing her words, "Thank you for looking after Naru-chan for us."

"I can see that he has lived a good life and after hearing the words, I can see that you are the central part of the group."

Kazutora smiled at Kushina's words and said, "Kushina-San, there is no need to thank me. I just did what I can do. Besides, you two gave your life to save the village, which in return saved me. The least I can do is to make sure that your child grows well and lives a happy life."

"Besides, it was fun to take care of him and I got experience for the future," Kazutora said with a chuckle, and his shoulder was hit by Tsunade. Looking at the scene, Kushina smiled, and she was happy that Tsunade had found someone to lean on, and the one who could take care of her in future.

"What -San, just call her sister like you call me. Or are you trying to mess up seniority here?" Mikoto said with a chuckle, and Tsunade rolled her eyes at her words.

"It's already messed up since Naruto calls him Nii!" Tsunade said with a smirk on her face and Kushina chuckled at her words. She looked at Naruto with a flicker in her eyes and said, "Naruto, do you mind calling Kazutora-kun, Uncle?"

"No, brother is good," Naruto said while shaking his head, and he felt his head getting rubbed by Kushina.

"Hmm?" Kushina said with her hair moving and Naruto nodded instantly and said, "Uncle!"

Kazutora had a wry smile on his face as he heard his words and he said, "It doesn't really matter what you call me. Anyway, I can see that you are about to use up your chakra, do you want me to give you some? I can see that you are like Shadow Clone, and I can extend your stay like I did with Shiruko."

"Hmm? you can do that?" "Shiruko?" Kazu, do it."

Kushina, Mikoto and Tsunade said at the same time, and Kazutora nodded at their words.

Minato's expression changed at his words, and he didn't expect Kazutora's chakra control to be this good. He understood what Kazutora meant since it was, he who sealed the chakra after talking with Kushina.

A ball of colorless chakra appeared in Kazutora's hand, and it flew towards Kushina. She took the chakra in her hand and her expression changed when she noticed the chakra in her body increasing.

"Wouldn't it be possible to stay like this forever?" She muttered with a light in her eyes and Kazutora shook his head.

"When you are done with what you were thinking at the time you sealed the chakra, you would disperse even if you don't want to. The Spiritual Energy in your body would become blank without intentions and you will only exist as chakra even if you continue to live."

Kazutora explained as he heard the words, and Kushina looked down as she heard the words. Minato put his hand on her head, and Kushina smiled as she looked at him.

"You could continue if I used Impure World Reincarnation but that also wouldn't be permanent unless I controlled you two. If you force yourself, your soul might start to deteriorate."

"But, if I did, you two would just be puppets and that's not something any one of us wants to see."

"The only way is to revive you but that's not possible for now," Kazutora said with a thoughtful look on his face and their expression changed at his words.

"For now?" Kushina asked as she pondered over his words and others were the same.

"Because of the existence of Pure Land, the souls of dead people don't disperse. Instead, they gather in the Pure Land. Because of this, it is possible to revive people, and I can revive but not now."

"Since I will need a month to recover the vitality lost in the process and after the event, if you two would like, I can revive."

"But, you will have to hide your identities, or I will have to revive others."

Kazutora said with a serious look on his face, and Minato shook his head.

"No," Minato said and he saw Kushina staring at him with some anger in her eyes, but Minato didn't budge.

"I am thankful for your words, but I don't intend to destroy the natural order again. The Impure World Reincarnation has already done once, and I understand it is a serious situation."

"But reviving isn't something that should be done, since many people die in the world, and everyone wants their dead loved ones to live again."

"Kushina, even if you promise to not say anything, do you think your thoughts will remain the same if Kakashi comes and talks about Rin?"

Minato said to Kushina, who froze at his words, and she looked down. Tsunade wanted to speak but before saying, she glanced at Kazutora who smiled at her.

A sigh escaped her lips and she muttered, "Somethings shouldn't be done even if you can do it."

"If you did something once, you will surely do it twice. As you continue, your bottom line will decrease, and one day you might do something that you shouldn't have done."

Tsunade said as she stared at Kushina, who looked down with her hands clenched. If possible, she would really like to be with her son, but after thinking for a moment, Kushina sighed.

Looking at everyone, Kazutora's eyes flickered, and he remembered that he thought of reviving his parents. But he didn't remember thinking about this again, and he understood that he had moved on from their deaths.

A sigh escaped his lips as he pondered this, and he muttered, "Time truly compels you to endure everything."

The atmosphere between them changed, and Mikoto clapped her hand to disperse the gloomy atmosphere.

"Let's not talk about the matter anymore. Kushina, what do you want now? Stay like this or stay in Impure World Reincarnation?"

"Actually, I have a better idea than Impure World Reincarnation," Kazutora said with a flicker in his eyes, and everyone stared at him.

"Instead of summoning her, I will just bind her chakra to a blank clone, and she can possess it. Since I can share chakra with the clone, you won't have to use your chakra to move, and can stay until you have fulfilled your wishes."

"I can do the same with Minato, and this way, you both will be able to sense and feel everything, instead of only being able to speak and express emotions."

Kazutora said with the idea in his mind, and Minato's eyes changed at his words.

"Are you talking about how Tailed Beasts can possess their Jinchuuriki?" Minato asked as he thought of his words, and Kazutora nodded in response.

"Mm, you are right. That would be much better, right?"

"Yes, it would be. With that, we will be able to feel everything and can live like a real family for some time and enjoy our time with Naruto."

Minato said after thinking for a moment and the look in his eyes changed.

"Kazutora-Kun, I can't thank you enough for your help."

"There is no need to," Kazutora said while waving his hand, as he didn't do much. With the matter decided, Kazutora appeared outside and created two Wooden clone bodies. He dispersed the Impure World reincarnation and took out Minato and Kushina's chakra from Naruto.

Then, Kazutora performed a few seals and bound the chakra to the two wooden bodies. When he was done, they saw the appearance of bodies changing to Minato and Kushina's.

Opening their eyes, Minato and Kushina clenched their hands and they felt like they were in their real bodies.

"This body is amazing," Minato muttered as he released his senses, and his head was hit by Kushina.

"Don't waste chakra or you will leave early," Kushina said in an admonishing tone, and Minato laughed wryly at her words. Looking at the scene, Tsunade's eyes flickered, and she said, "You three can just change a bit of your appearance and go outside."

"Naruto, don't you want to show Konoha to them?"

"Yes," Naruto shouted with an excited look on his face. He held Minato and Kushina's hand with a bright smile on his face and took them out of the room. Looking at the scene, Kazutora smiled, and he remembered something.

"Sister Mikoto, Itachi won't be arriving here for the next twenty days."

"He is with you, right?" Mikoto asked with a concerned look on her face and Kazutora nodded in response.

"Then I don't have to worry," Mikoto said with a relieved look on her face and Tsunade decided to speak about the matter.

"Mikoto, I need to talk to you about something, alone," Tsunade said and her words made Kazutora and Mikoto look at her.

"Kazu, you will know the matter, but for now, let me talk with Mikoto. Also, can you go to my clone? She needs a little help with ANBU training."

Tsunade said as she received the words from her Wood clone, and Kazutora nodded at her. He disappeared from the place and Tsunade looked at Mikoto.

A barrier appeared in the room as Tsunade made a few seals, and Mikoto looked at her with a weird look in her eyes.

"Mikoto, you like Kazu, don't you?" Tsunade said straightforwardly and Mikoto frowned at her words.

"Mm? Don't you know already. I do like him, and who doesn't?" Mikoto said with no change in her expression, and she saw Tsunade shaking her head.

"Not as little brother or friend, but as a man. You like Kazu as a woman likes a man, right?"

"Ha?" Mikoto said with her body flinching at Tsunade's words and her heart skipped a beat.

"That's not--" Mikoto was about to say but the look in Tsunade's eyes made her stop her words.

"Think again and answer. The next words I will say will depend on your answer and even the future. Just say Yes or No, do you like him or not?"

Tsunade said with a serious look in her eyes and Mikoto could feel some pressure from her. She could see that Tsunade was serious about the words, and Mikoto started to ponder over them.

'Do I like him as a woman instead of a big sister?' Mikoto thought as she went through the memories of their encounter. A few moments later, a sigh escaped her lips and Mikoto said, "You are right, Tsunade-Sama. I think I do romantically like him."

"Haha! I didn't expect that after talking with him and saying not to develop these thoughts, it was me who developed them first."

Mikoto said with a bitter smile on her face, and she looked down.

"So, what do you want, Tsunade-Sama? Do you want me to suppress these thoughts and not interact with him anymore?"

"No," Tsunade said while shaking her head. She asked, "First, tell me everything. Why did your relationship with Fugaku break, and what exactly did Kazu do? No, scratch that! I think I already know since he did treat you differently from others but in a familial way."

Mikoto's eyes changed as she heard the words, and a sigh escaped her lips.

"Fugaku? Don't even mention his name. I won't say everything, but I can tell you that he neither fulfilled his duties and responsibilities as Clan head, nor he fulfilled his responsibilities as father and husband."

Mikoto said with a frown on her face and Tsunade's expression changed at her words.

"How bad?" She asked and Mikoto looked at her for a moment and said, "He has never trained Itachi and doesn't even know his abilities, but even after knowing that the next Chunin Exam is deadly, he asked Itachi to participate since he knew that he would pass."

"The reason why he is confident is because Itachi is his son,"

Mikoto said with a disgusted look on her face and Tsunad's eyes widened at her words.

"This bad?" She asked as it was such a stupid thing to do and say as father. Just because he is your son, he can do anything? What kind of delusional life did Fugaku live?

Tsunade had a look of disgust on her face, and she remembered several people in past who did the same thing with Nawaki. Just because he is the grandson of the First Hokage, he will be able to do everything, become Hokage and protect the village.

Thinking of those events, Tsunade clenched her hand. This is one of the major regrets she has as Nawaki's big sister, but she knows that she can't solve it. That's why, Tsunade never forced anyone to do the things they can't and never gave them false hope.

"Just this reason alone is enough to show his failure of responsibilities. You don't need to say anymore. I am not a mother, but I know what you are feeling."

"Mikoto, the next question I have is quite important. Do you want to have a future with Kazu or not?"

Tsunade asked with a serious look on her face and Mikoto froze as she heard them. The words left her thunderstruck as she had sub-conscious thoughts about the topic, and hearing Tsunade's words, Mikoto's mind blanked for a moment.

"Future with h-him? With K-Kazu? Is that even possible?" Mikoto asked with an uncertain but hopeful tone.


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