Naruto: Did i Just Get Reincarnated as Gojo?

Chapter 171: Chapter 171: Five Ryō for Photosynthesis—My Struggle!

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[Turning Out the Lights for the Uzumaki Clan]

[Throughout Konoha's history, we have forged alliances with many villages.]

[But only one has truly been considered—family.]

[The Uzumaki clan, distant relatives of the Senju, their leader, Uzumaki Ashina, established the Hidden Eddy Village (Uzushiogakure) in the Land of Whirlpools. A master of sealing jutsu, he is considered the forefather of Konoha's sealing arts.]

[Thanks to Hashirama Senju's efforts, Uzushiogakure became Konoha's closest ally. To this day, Konoha ninja wear the Uzumaki crest on their uniforms, a symbol of our enduring friendship.]

[Today, we recount the story of the Uzumaki clan, revealing why Hashirama Senju valued their alliance so highly.]

[In Uzushiogakure, a small child was entangled in exposed electrical wires, their cries alerting passersby. The Uzushiogakure Military Police Force was notified, who then alerted the Kazekage Tower.]

[Within half an hour, Kazekage Uzumaki Ashina made a decision—to temporarily shut down the entire nation's power grid. Elite taijutsu specialists then rescued the child and delivered them to medical-nin for treatment.]

[The great Land of Whirlpools would stop for even the smallest of lives.]

[Perhaps it was this reverence for life that resonated with Hashirama Senju's ideals of peace, forging an unbreakable bond between their villages.]

[Let us celebrate life! Let us celebrate passion!]

[Konoha's Right to Sunlight]

[Some might argue that a single rescue mission doesn't fully demonstrate Uzushiogakure's reverence for life. Some might claim Konoha's ninja could have done it better, faster.]

[But intention and action are two different things!]

[The following story—perhaps anyone could have done it, even a civilian. But only someone with the Uzumaki's love of life and peace would have actually—acted.]

[The protagonist of this story is a Konoha ninja, whose identity will be revealed later. For now, we'll call him "Passerby." Passerby, having arrived in Uzushiogakure to study sealing jutsu…]

[His residence was immaculate, the surrounding environment picturesque. The meticulously manicured lawn was particularly—inviting.]

[One sunny Sunday, he decided to air out his bedding. Lacking a clothesline, he spread it on the lawn before returning inside to study his sealing jutsu scrolls.]

[Soon, a knock on the door. Two Uzushiogakure Military Police officers stood there. They greeted him with a polite bow and presented their badges. One of them produced a citation, demanding a five ryō fine.]

[Passerby was confused. He'd done nothing wrong. Why a fine? Though a small sum, he wasn't about to pay without an explanation.]

[Trusting in their alliance, he waited.]

[One of the officers pointed at the bedding on the lawn. Passerby remained confused. What about it?]

[The other officer produced a small booklet. "Have you—read this, sir?"]

[Passerby then recalled seeing the booklet on a stand outside his residence. He hadn't paid it much attention.]

["I've—seen it, but I haven't read it," he admitted sheepishly.]

["Then perhaps—you should," the officer suggested.]

[It was Uzushiogakure's Citizen Conduct Manual. Passerby quickly understood. Spreading bedding on the lawn was forbidden. It blocked the sunlight, depriving the grass of—life, a violation of the peace between man and nature.]

[The phrase, "Don't block the grass's right to sunlight," was highlighted in bold.]

["We witnessed your—transgression through our Telescope Jutsu while on duty. It took us half an hour to arrive," the officer explained, his tone turning serious.]

["We measured the area covered by your bedding: 2 meters by 1.25 meters, a total of 2.5 square meters. For half an hour, this patch of grass lived in darkness.]

[Imagine—if it were a person, how would they feel? All life is precious! This is—unacceptable! Especially—from a Konoha ninja. You should be setting an example.]


[Konoha—it embodies the First Hokage's reverence for life. Your actions—they've harmed the grass. It couldn't photosynthesize.]

[This damage—it can't be measured in ryō. You might not care, but we do. If everyone did this, the grass would—die. And what kind of—landscape would that be? You can air your bedding on your bed. The sun will reach it eventually. Especially in the afternoon. The sun's light is—unwavering. It's a symbol of peace, of life. Please—cooperate."]

[Passerby, having heard the officers'—impassioned speech, couldn't argue. He paid the five ryō fine and retrieved his bedding.]

[This Konoha ninja—was Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage.]

[This story is adapted from My Struggle. The following is the author's commentary.]

[This anecdote, "Konoha's Right to Sunlight," was discovered in the First Hokage's belongings. It's included in My Struggle, a memoir written by the Second Hokage.]

[With the Senju clan's permission, we share this story of the First Hokage's time in Uzushiogakure. Perhaps, in the future, we'll share more of Tobirama Senju's—personal reflections.]

[Through these simple words, we glimpse the Uzumaki clan's love of life, of peace. Such a clan—they were the key to world peace.]

[Unfortunately, many evil villages and nations couldn't tolerate the Uzumaki's peaceful nature. Before the Second Shinobi World War, they conspired to destroy Uzushiogakure.]

[Now, Uzumaki survivors are returning to Konoha. We will carry on their legacy, their dedication to peace, and end all wars.]

[Long live Konoha! Long live the Hokage! Long live the Senju!]



Such—dramatic prose.

And strangely—convincing.

'From the Second Hokage's Memoir? And approved by the Senju clan? This—must be true!'

Gojo Kaigetsu, to bolster the Uzumaki's image, had—borrowed Tobirama Senju's name.

It was—a form of atonement for the Second Hokage's past—indiscretions.

Even if his spirit lingered, knowing his reputation was being used this way, he couldn't—complain.

And Gojo Kaigetsu, the author, felt no guilt. After all, who had helped the Uzumaki when they were destroyed? Certainly not Hiruzen or Danzo.

During Konoha's founding, the power balance had been: Senju first, Uchiha second, and the Uzumaki—a distant third.

As for the Hyuga? Below the three, but above the rest.

The Senju had produced two Hokage.

Their position was secure. The Uchiha's image, though improving, was still—questionable.

"Are they—crazy?" people still whispered.

Though perhaps not in a derogatory way, more like—an expression of—bemused respect.

The Uchiha were now utterly devoted to the Hokage, to the Will of Fire, to the point of being—almost fanatical.

And now, the Uzumaki, the last of the "Big Three," would also be—rebranded.

Firstly, to—capitalize on the Uchiha's current—enthusiasm.

Secondly, to—discourage any potential alliances between the smaller clans and the Uzumaki. The Uzumaki's loyalty belonged to the Hokage, to—him, and his—descendants.

They would serve as a steady source of—manpower for the Hokage Guard and the Advisor's Guard. Nothing more.

No alliances, no dissent.

And this was Gojo Kaigetsu's first multi-platform release. A slightly modified version of "Konoha's Right to Sunlight" would be featured in the next issue of Iki.


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