Chapter 3: Exercise I, Phase II: Neutralize The Golden Beetle
Agent Eleven walked toward the creature confidently and said, "Come now! You had all that confidence and attacked me non-stop before! You tired or something, you weak ass bug?!"
The agent pulls his gun again and the beetle launches glass shards before the agent can aim it properly.
The agent pulls a knife off his bandolier and says, "Okay, if you're going to keep doing that…"
He runs into the beetle's attack range knife drawn which causes it to swipe at the agent and miss.
The agent rolls past the first attack and the creature turns toward him. It swings three of its wings at full speed, but instead of dodging, the agent blocks the impact of all three wings, barely budging from his position. He takes the opportunity to grab the metallic wing and drives his knife into it.
The beetle roars, and as it tries to pull away, the agent twists the knife and runs it down to the tip of the wing, severing veins along the way, gushing green blood.
The agent sees the beetle reeling from pain and rushes the wing guarding the creature's eye.
He presses a button on the knife and it releases a subtle glow. He immediately jumps to the top of the creature's wing and grabs onto it.
He lines the knife up with the thick edge of the wing, and runs the blade down the width of the wing.
A large section of the wing is severed like a hot knife through butter, spraying green blood across the room.
The beetle roars in pain and quickly spins with its clear wings extended hoping the agent will give it space.
Instead, Agent Eleven smiles holding his powered up knife and bracing for impact.
The undaunted man uses the knife to slice off a segment of wing as it came by, but the second wing had a different path, so the agent was only able to graze it.
"Your attacks are no longer a threat, beetle. Prepare for my next attack, because you won't see it coming."
The agent reaches behind his back and then makes a throwing motion at the creature. The agent then begins running at the creature full speed.
The beetle pulls what remains of its golden wings to shield its face, but suddenly, the creature feels something hit the top of its head.
The creature looks up in surprise, seeing nothing.
Seeing its head lifted, the agent crouches low and lunges toward the neck of the creature and begins stabbing into its jaw. He twists the blade and runs it across the base of the creature's head and thorax, releasing a torrent of green blood across the floor.
The beetle roars and reels away, but the agent doesn't allow it to retreat.
Agent Eleven grabs the creature's horn and swings himself up to the creature's face and repeatedly stabs it in the eye.
He pushed his knife deeper into the socket hoping to hit the creature's brain and continued to puncture anything that resisted his blade.
After the first stabs in the cranium, the creature slowed down its bucking movements and its large body began to sway side to side.
The creature could no longer keep its balance after the assault and it fell into a puddle of its own blood.
The agent drops from the creature's face and powers down his knife, "(Target dispatched. That means the source of interference must be -)"
Agent Eleven leaps backwards and draws his guns as he notices the golden beetle's body beginning to glow.
But the agent lowers his guard when he sees it disintegrating, "What the hell?"
The blood on the walls and floor even begins to dissipate in a sparkling mist and the agent notices something in the beetle's place.
"(A stone… no, a gem of some sort. What the -)" the agent throws the gem to the ground as he sees small sparks start to shoot from it. When the sparks subside, the agent walks over to inspect the gem and sees that there is now some foreign script on its flat surface.
"(Why does everything keep getting stranger?)"
The agent turns his head toward the chest wondering what he would find inside.
The agent walks over to the chest and checks it for any switches, strings, or any other trap he can conceive.
When he believes it to be safe, he opens it slowly and cautiously, not knowing what to expect.
What is inside confuses the agent more than surprises him.