My beast Emperor System

Chapter 188: The Greatest army of all time

The meeting continued for a good part of the day but Lucien didn't realize how much time had passed since he was having fun. After minor disagreements and arguments, Lucien was able to convince these old men to let him gather his forces and be the one to meet the forces of the Libet empire. Originally he was trying to get them to let him go alone but even the Wuxing clan head was against this plan. He knew Lucien was talented, terrifying, and all that but there is more to war than normal free and fair combat. Compared to a real battle between empires, their coup would be considered as childsplay. 

They decided that Klaus and the head of the Vladimir clan will be the ones to accompany Lucien in this battle. They will put up their forces and together they should be able to raise a two hundred thousand strong army since that's the least acceptable amount of forces they can have if they wish to face the Libet empire forces in battle. Since these two clan heads have a strong understanding of how war works, formations, and magic arrays, they didn't have to worry much.

They also agreed that the academy system in the empire should be abolished since they knew many wouldn't adhere to these laws. Since there is no central power anymore, there is no reason for them to answer to anyone but themselves, as such they do not need the empire to keep tabs on their entire fighting power! These people strongly believed that the leading clans should be more autonomous and Lucien actually agreed with this new system of power.

As soon as the meeting was over, Lucien left immediately and returned to his territory. With the new laws, he was more like a king in his territory and had no one to answer to, making him feel more at ease. Lucien knew he had only a week to set things right here and mobilize an army of a hundred thousand so he didn't have much time to waste.

By this time he has already forgotten about the magic beast rupture, cultivating below his castle and he was more focused on his personal growth. He returned to the Rakuzen clan and since the academy policy has been banned he needed a way to make up for it now. Without thinking twice about the plan, Lucien set up different prestigious halls and put the elders of the Hayato and Raizen clans as the masters of the hall. There they train the young and even decided who to consider an inner disciple. The title of hall masters was given to these elders in a bid to soothe their huge ego and make them feel important, meanwhile, the younger generation powerhouse of the two clans was now set up as elders who directly convey messages to Lucien.

He had Xio of the Hayato clan and then Randolf of the Raizen clan prepare the forces of their clans for war, meanwhile, Lucien personally requested the twelve heavenly palace hall masters to assist in the mobilization of the army. He acknowledged the fact that the words of these old men carry a lot of weight so, Lucien did what was necessary to have everyone cooperate without losing much power either.

He created the thirteenth hall and dedicated it to the spirit beast cultivators and placed the old man Aponi as the hall master. There he was allowed to train the younger generation of their clan and anyone who was interested in spirituality cultivation!

Instructor Han and Alice Lightborn were surprised by the way Lucien was able to solve the problem of the clan with little or no effort. They couldn't help but confess that his foresight and ability to judge situations correctly are great qualities and in no time many even request him to struggle for the emperor's title when the war is over.

At first, Lucien wanted to reject, not because he didn't want to but because he felt its too early to make such serious decisions but then when he saw how much this meant to these people. For the Hayato clan, only if Lucien becomes the emperor will they be able to avenge emperor Fei and punish those who killed their clan member but for the Raizen clan, Lucien becoming the emperor is a major win for them. As a clan that only served the emperor and the empire for centuries now, taking the leading position is a major goal for them which they are willing to achieve if the opportunity arises.

With both sides mounting so much pressure on him, Lucien had no other option to agree to this but right now his main focus was on the war approaching. Lucien will need to win a war and perform excellently well to gain the approval of the entire empire.

"In this world, strength is king!" Lucien said as he gazed at the small army in front of him.

The fifth day had gone by and he was already able to mobilize all the capable fighters of the spirit beast clan, with all at the warrior realm and above. He let the strongest warrior of the clan, Danas lead the small ten thousand spirit beast army and since he wasn't aware of the formations and war artifacts used by these people, Lucien didn't look too deep into this matter. The Hayato clan had raised an army of forty-five thousand and the Raizen clan raised an army of forty-five thousand as well. Combining it with the ten thousand spirit beast cultivators, Lucien already had an army of hundred thousand under bearing the Rakuzen banner.

He let the commanders of each army prepare their forces and everything necessary while he returned to his cultivation chamber and focused on his cultivation. While he would love to admit it, he couldn't deny the fact that he felt anxious and unsure of the battle about to take place. While he had the Vladimir clan and the Lightborn clan by his side, he wasn't the type to put so much trust in his allies. Lucien knew that if he wanted to do much on this battlefield, Lucien knew he would have to act as an independent unit and strike at openings. He also needed to watch out for the enemy generals and foes capable of standing out in battle.

For the two remaining days, Lucien spent it in a cultivation chamber, and there he was given updates on how the army formations are set up. Within the army, there are thousand-man commanders who care for a thousand-man team. Since the main generals cannot directly convey messages to the entire army, they have to rely on these commanders to help spread the messages while keeping the army in formation. Going through all the information given to him, Lucien couldn't help but agree that the entire war will be more like an organized battle and this is even more reason why he believed he had to act as an independent unit and breakthrough enemy ranks and formations.

"I hate you" Lucien muttered to the sleeping Rakuzen as he put on his blue mask and vanished from the cultivation chamber.

On the seventh day, the entire empire was filled with civilians cheering the two hundred thousand strong army and their generals. Klaus and the Vladimir clan head were seated on white horses with frustrated looks on their faces each time they gazed at the empty white horse not too far from them. They were supposed to move by now but because of Lucien's absence, the army had to wait. Hayato Xio, Randolf, and Danas tried to call Lucien out from his cultivation chamber but the castle's defensive formation prevented them from reaching Lucien. Since Lucien is the only imperial knight in the army and the highest-ranking officer they couldn't move without his presence!

"Did he fall asleep or something?" Klaus roared as he stared at Instructor Han but the instructor only gave him a slight nod before turning his attention elsewhere. Since he couldn't explain Lucien's absence he had no intentions of making excuses for it!


The grumbling crowd soon calmed down the moment an intense roar reached their ears, making many shudder in fear as they felt an immense aura approaching! The figure came with storm and hurricanes chasing after him as he shot forward! From his body numerous ferocious aura kept exploding at numerous intervals, making the hearts of everyone around beat with excitement!


Hearing his words, the people cheered without restraint as the dark clouds gathered and from it, a figure shot out. He was dressed in a bright blue sleeveless mage robe thathad the Chinese serpent dragon design on it. The youth had long silver hair and wore a bright blue dragon mask!

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