Moonlight Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 70 Mrs. McGonagall

Chapter 70 Mrs. McGonagall
Although Hermione took Ivan and went to Qiu Zhang to explain it early the next morning, but no matter what Hermione said, Qiu Zhang always had an expression of "I believe, I understand, and I won't talk nonsense". Hermione had a terrible headache, and when she looked back at Ivan who was standing there winking, she immediately became even more angry...

But these are small episodes. Since what happened in the corridor that day, nothing like it has happened again, which quickly calmed down the turmoil.

With the help of Dumbledore, the male peacock Lockhart and Mrs. Norris also successfully recovered their health. The result in exchange was that Filch would hug his cat wherever he went, and Lockhart's classroom also turned into an acting class.

That's right, acting class, literally, in class, let the little wizard play the role in his book, stand on the podium like a fool and recite words praising her aloud, making Aiwen complain secretly, but maybe it's because the first Because of one class, Lockhart was a little jealous of Aiwen, so he never called Aiwen's name once.

Harry's younger brother was fortunate to be Lockhart's favorite student, and he often left Harry in the office to answer fan letters for him, making Harry miserable.

Later, under Ivan's instigation and guidance, Harry, who couldn't bear it, took out his wand and cast a spell on Lockhart when playing the snow monster. The emerald green vines quickly extended from the ground and locked Lockhart. Harry got entangled, and after a few run-ups, Harry kicked Lockhart, kicking Lockhart out of the classroom...

Then Harry, like a showman possessed, said very aggrieved, Professor, I didn't do it on purpose, I didn't expect you to be so weak and so on...

Sure enough, if you are close to vermilion, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black. Harry, who used to be a very honest boy, is now starting to learn how to be bad.

After Lockhart left a few words in embarrassment, since then, he has never singled out Harry again...

Then, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class changed from an acting class to a recitation class, and it became a complete joke...

What surprised Ivan the most was actually Snape. That day Ivan replied to Snape with such words, but he didn't expect that Snape's attitude towards him was the same as usual. It seems that the influence of that person on him Really big.

Time is like water, when the scent of pumpkins filled the Hogwarts castle, Ivan knew that Halloween was coming!

"Wear this!" Ivan slapped a piece of clothing on the table, his face flushed.

"No, I think this one is better!" Hermione also slapped a piece of clothing on the table without giving an inch.

Professor McGonagall sat behind her desk, looking obviously helpless. There were not many people in Hogwarts who could make her make such an expression.

Professor McGonagall, who has always been known as a strict and notarized person, seems to always reject people thousands of miles away, but in fact she is easier to contact than anyone else. She is actually very lonely, longing to be loved but afraid of being loved, and has been living in the shadow of the past , sealed up his memory, and finally had the current Mag.

There is nothing inherently withdrawn, only that you have been hurt too deeply.

"Mr. McGonagall, which one do you think is better!" Hermione grabbed the two clothes aggressively, and walked towards Professor McGonagall, "Is it Ivan's Blood Queen or my Charm Witch!"

"Eh..." Professor McGonagall hesitated a little, looked at Ivan and Hermione, and was in a daze, as if he saw his past life. In Hogsmeade's villa, there seemed to be two of them. My children often stand in front of me and argue, but that seems to be a long time ago...

"It's still a witch." Professor McGonagall pointed at the clothes in Hermione's hands with her slender fingers, and the clothes automatically flew in front of her. "After all, I'm an old witch, right?"

"No, Mr. McGonagall is still very young!" Hermione stuck out her little tongue, and walked up to Ivan triumphantly. Ivan grabbed her arm and pulled her forward, pulling her into his arms. Min exclaimed, the complacent expression just now disappeared completely, and shouted, "Aiwen, what are you doing?"

"In that case, I want to see you in the blood queen's clothes."

"You think beautiful!"


Ivan scratched Hermione's creaking nest.

"Aiwen, what are you doing... Don't, don't, I'll be rude to you if you scratch me again... Don't, I was wrong... Well, wear it, can't I wear it?"

Hermione, who is used to bullying Aiwen, decided to let Aiwen go for the time being this time, Feng Shui takes turns, you will wait for me tomorrow.

"Okay, you two, stop fighting, go out first, I have to prepare for the banquet later." Professor McGonagall took the clothes in his hands and looked up and down. It used to be the same old one, and this year it was changed. The clothes seemed to be in good condition. Professor McGonagall's eyes were a little erratic, as if he was remembering.

"Goodbye, Mr. McGonagall!" The two quickly said goodbye to Professor McGonagall, and then quietly bleated out of Professor McGonagall's office, saying that Professor McGonagall suddenly asked them to call them teachers a few days ago. The two of them didn't understand what it meant, but after Professor McGonagall taught them some very secret knowledge, they understood it thoroughly.

In the magic world, different from the title of professor, the title of teacher and student is obviously more intimate. Although the word teacher is used in many places, teacher and teacher are still different after all, especially when it is said in public. That's even more different.

There are pumpkin lanterns and magic bats everywhere in the school. Although they haven't reached the auditorium yet, the atmosphere of Halloween has already been heightened. Everyone is excitedly preparing for a dinner party, and after the dinner party, each college will hold a masquerade party.

"Hey, Ivan, don't you think Mr. McGonagall's last words are so gentle." Hermione looked around and said to Ivan quietly.

"You are as gentle as water." Ivan replied with a smile.

"Are you finding fault on purpose?" Hermione stepped on Ivan immediately.

"Hey, what are you doing so much? It's a good thing that Professor McGonagall is more gentle than before. Don't you want Mr. McGonagall to maintain a cold appearance?" Ivan shrugged indifferently. At this moment, A large gray net fell from the sky, and the first thing Ivan couldn't react was Hermione pushed it out, and then he was tightly wrapped.

Just when he was about to struggle, the big net that wrapped him suddenly disappeared without a trace. The little wizard standing around first applauded, and then burst out laughing.

It turned out that this was a Halloween prank... Ivan looked at the big spider above his head speechlessly, wondering if the roasted spider legs were poisonous...

"That's right, man enough, elementary school brother, are you interested in being the little lover of the senior sister? The senior sister provides food and accommodation, as long as you know how to warm the bed." Senior sister Penello came over and patted Ivan on the shoulder. The corner of her mouth twitched, and she quickly pulled Hermione to the front to let her face the firepower of the senior sister, our small body can't stand it.

"Cut, it's boring, little sister, or leave Ivan and go with my sister." Penello went to hook up with Hermione again, and Ivan quickly pulled Hermione behind him, forget it, senior sister, your firepower is still Come at me, the big deal is to soak goji berries in the thermos.

Penello giggled twice, just when she was about to say something, at this moment, the banquet began!

The auditorium, which was originally decorated with lights, suddenly fell silent. It was dark for three seconds, and then a faint singing sounded, and then the auditorium was lit up. Aiwen looked at the three female skeletons holding magic wands and standing in the center singing and dancing, and couldn't help complaining secretly.

What form is emptiness, emptiness is form,

All the confidantes are pink skulls,
That's all bullshit.

What?You do not believe?
Believe it or not.

Anyway, I believe it.

"Hermione, bring me that cake."




Thank you Liusu for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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