Chapter 194: Chapter 194. The hero is here part 2
POV: Daniel
I quickly got up and walked away from this awkward situation, I don't want to deal with the guards in this city.
I wonder where the System teleported me?
It said that the 'gloomy' one was in the Coral Kingdom, but where exactly?
Just as I was about to ask the next villager who crossed my path where I was, I saw the sea spreading over the horizon.
The sea was calm with small waves hitting the port which was filled with ships of different sizes.
Villagers of different sizes came in and out of those wooden beasts caring difrent boxes, this truly felt like I was in a different world.
"I guess I'm somewhere on the coast, so the furthest point possible from the Stone Kingdom. Now where is the enemy?"
I looked through a few shops and bought the items that I was missing because of my sudden teleportation.
I don't want to shop here anytime soon, everything was way to expensive!
"Now that I'm prepared for the fight, I should search for those Iligers."
Just as I was about to do some scouting, a huge shadow covered the street I was on.
Confused, I looked up to see a flying platform with the people that I was searching for.
"Well that was easy, but what are doing so out in the open? Wait what's that?"
As the platform was passing me, it dropped a glowing block on top of the house near me.
The roof was blown to pieces and panic spread throughout the streets.
Soon the houses were empty and everyone looked with fear as the flying platform was slowly moving while dropping explosives everywhere they could.
"That's so evil, that's why I hate people who grief other players. You can rob them blind, sure. But leave the hard-worked structures alone!"
I have to stop them before they mess up this place more, at least I should destroy the pistons of the platform so they won't go any further!
Maybe I could run ahead and tower up?
No, I'm sure they have bows to shoot me off, and it's not like I can fight the whole group on my own.
Oh right, I could use the same weapons them.
But I need some redstone and a lot of TNT for this.
Feeling a little sorry for what I was about to do, I drank a speed potion and visited every shop that was evacuated by its owners.
I was looking for TNT blocks and redstone related items.
It was much harder to find than I expected, the TNT especially.
At least I got some fireworks and crossbows that I could use as ranged weapons.
While I was looting the stores, the platform was flying further and further away, but at one point it seemed to stop to drop some people before continuing their rain of terror.
I passed the place where they dropped their soldiers and saw 2 evokers surrounded by 5 normal Iligers.
The Iligers were annoying to deal with, especially since their iron axes did a lot of damage, but at least those could be blocked.
The Evokers instead, were the real problem, since they kept summoning vexes and their weird magical attacks.
You couldn't even block those, much less fight them up close.
But they didn't seem to be leaving their area for some reason, and the soldiers seemed to be able to hold on their own for a while.
They're much more useful than the common villager, that's for sure.
So I was going to leave them alone for a while and deal with the flying platform since it did more damage.
I ran at full speed predicting the path it would fly and stopped once I was 100 blocks away.
"Ok, this should stay here, the dust here and the TNT here....I'll also fire the first explosive manually, don't have enough time to put them in dispensers. Now, where is that platform?"
In only a minute my TNT cannon was finished, and ready to use.
The platform was getting closer, but it was making slow progress which was a good thing since I had plenty of tries to get this right.
I pressed the button, and the 3 explosive blocks were suddenly lit, the water pushed them together but not in the way I wanted.
Instead of merging into one, they stayed one after another like I placed them.
Not knowing if my canon was a failure, I quickly lit the last explosive and ran as far as I could.
I heard two explosions delayed by a few seconds, and to my luck, it seemed to hit the target.
My canon wasn't destroyed as I expected and the flying TNT managed to land in the middle of the platform making a huge hole and messing up all the delicate redstone that kept it together.
"That's a hit! The hero is here people, you will be saved!"
Ugh...I need to work more on those one liners.
That platform was still flying, are at least a few parts of it, but it was clear that the Piligers on top couldn't use it anymore.
Soon they would fall off since they couldn't keep their balance.
And as I expected, the Iligers were quickly falling one after another taking damage as they hit the ground.
Some of them were lucky enough to land on their feet while others were unlucky and landed on their head.
Those Piligers died instantly on impact, leaving a gruesome sight behind.
But I couldn't relax, as the one who survived started to drink health potions preparing for the next attck.
I quickly ran towards them preparing my crossbows to shoot from distance.
One after another the firework did a wonderful job at killing a few more.
Unfortunately, now everyone left was up and ready to fight, and those people were quite equipped.
"Well, I knew it would come to this."
I drank a strength potion and begun my attack.
Some of them blocked me, others dodged my sword but the ones that decided to tank it, made the biggest mistake in their life, and the price for this mistake was to lose it.
But now I was surrounded by enemies on all sides and nobody seemed to be willing to fight with me at close range.
They all took their crossbows and shot at me.
But they didn't shoot arrows as I expected, instead, it was fireworks that quickly exploded as they touched my shield.
"Ahhh, chill out guys since when did you use those? They hurt you know!"
"That's the point, you dumbass!"
At least one of them had a sense of humor.
Now how should I deal with this predicament, should I perl away and snipe them from afar, or should I concentrate on one side and break their formation?
They wouldn't shoot me if I'm between their allies, right?
Another firework exploded, but not at me, instead it was towards the Iligers, taking everyone by surprise.
Then on a horse came a man in black armor that gave a menacing aura, making everyone including me tense up.
He took his crossbow and shot once more, waking the Iligers from their shock.
They tried to shoot him back, but the horse was too fast for them.
Once he was close, he took out his black sword and slashed everyone, blocking the iron axes thrown at him or his horse.
"Seriously, another one? I expected another Monster Lord but not another hero!"
The man spoke out of the blue.
Did he knew who I was without any introduction?
I must be pretty famous if so.
"Hey man, do you think you can take care of those guys? I have to hunt one last group."
The man sat beside me while shooting at the Iligers.
I scanned the area and realized that there were only a couple of Iligers left, some of them even begun to run away from the battle.
"Yeah sure, it should be a pice of cake."
"Good, be carful of the Shadow Lord. He can shoot arrows from a distance and telport."
Before I could ask more questions, he turned his horse and ran towards the coast at full speed.
Confused, I concentrated on my soul compass and saw that the Monster Lord was moving at great speeds.
"If it can teleport, that would explain why he's so fast. But why is it going towards the same place as the horse guy?"
I'll have to join him soon, I don't think his sword is capable of damaging the Shadow Lord like mine is.
But first I needed to finish those small fries.
With the help of the stranger, I was able to kill the rest of the Piligers that didn't run fast enough.
Unfortunately they didn't have totems on them, only some emeralds and a couple of items not worth taking.
"The guy was talking about going somewhere else, and those goys don't look like the final boss. That means I should follow him to get the good loot."
And it just so happens that the Shadow Lord was telporting towards the same direction as the scary stranger, so I had a guide that was telling me where to go.
So with my speed potion I ran towards the shore.
People were running all over the streets, some towards the wall while others towards the ships that were preparing to leave the docs.
But the Shadow Lord wasn't attacking anyone, and I still couldn't see him even though he was supposed to be a tall 5 blocks monster.
I arrived at a distracted with poor looking houses, but I couldn't see or hear any battles.
Where was everyone?
I looked up in the sky, but it was all clear, meaning no flaoting platform.
That only left the underground.
"Is there a secret entrance somewhere in those houses?"
But it would take me an eternity to find it if I have to search every house.
So I decided to get as close as possible to the signal the Shadow Lord gave, and dug straight down.
By doing that I broke one of the most essential rules if the game.
Never dig straight down.
And I soon had to pay the price, when I suddenly found myself falling down from the ceiling if a huge cave.
I landed on top of a building feeling immense pain from my lower part of my body.
They were broken.
"Shiiiiii-I need to eat a golden apple quickly."
With trembling hands and quick breaths, I manged to eat a golden apple, and the regeneration kicked in.
"Phew, I never want to experience that ever again! Even if my pain recpeteors are weaker in this world, it's still very painful."
I sat there as my legs were getting back to normal taking deep breaths to calm myself.
I couldn't hear voices, but I could hear laud explosions and clasing of swords which shock the whole cave.
This was the first time I experienced this kind of battle, and I didn't even see it.
Once I could walk again I quickly went towards the noise and arrived at port who had the most amazing ship I ever seen.
It was made with iron unlike the others, and its size was amazing, but I couldn't concrete at it for too long since the battlefield took my attention.
There, I saw several people with enchanted diamond armor which took me by surprise since I knew how rare where those to find, let alone so many in one place.
No only that, there where 2 monsters as well opposite of each other, both wonded.
One of them was 4 blocks tall with black skin and huge claws, while the other one was 5 blocks tall with a coat covering his face and body, but he was missing an arm and holding a huge arrow in the other one.
But everyone there stood and watched the man in black armor with high tension, and I could understand why.
The man did something I did not expect, he was ready to create one of the most annoying monsters of the game.
Four blocks of soulsand stood in a T shape with two black skulls already placed on each side.
The man was about to summon a Wither.