Chapter 187: Chapter 187. A duel for freedom
I saw the ball of light slowly floating towards the camp, bypassing the guards with ease.
"Alexa is pretty good at infiltration missions, I should send it out more often."
I was pretty far from the camp and could bearly see anything from here, so I decided to get closer.
Luckily the soldiers from outside were pretty lax in comparison with the others.
And now that I was looking closer at them, I saw that they had diamond armor but painted with red to better blend with the environment.
With my Monocle of Truth, I could also see their inventory, and it was filled with some interesting items such as enchanted diamond axes and swords or handmade items that had a similar function as a phone.
I was too far away to see the enchantments, but I was very curious if I could replicate them.
Who knows maybe even Alexa doesn't have those, I'll have to ask it later.
While I was waiting, I tried to explore the surrounding area, forming a plan in my mind about how to distract the Brutes, sneak in, and break Violet free from whatever cage she was in.
But even after I made a whole tour around the camp, I didn't see Alexa coming back.
Did it get caught as well?
But how? The blue angel should be invisible and release fewer particles due to it's size.
After waiting for half an hour, I could only conclude that it was either dead or captured like Violet.
What's wrong with this camp?
I was more prepared than when I invaded the Piligers and I still seem to lose.
While I was making a round around the camp, I was able to see what was inside most of the homes, all except the biggest one in the center.
But I didn't see Alexa's aura or Violet's, which means they're most likely in that house.
With a big sigh, I decided to use the same method that I usually use.
Dig a tunnel towards my target.
I do this so often that I'm already prepared with a few tools to make the job easier.
So I positioned myself in such a way that I would have to dig straight to my target, not only that, my tunnel was 2 blocks under the surface so the chances of someone hearing me breaking blocks would be lowered.
I put my helmet back on for maximum stealth, then I dug for 50 blocks, placed an Enderchest down, and took out hay blocks, and a bell.
With the hay, I made a small room where I could fit and placed the bell down.
From my tests, hay blocks seem to do a better job at concealing noises than normal wool, so when I hit the bell, I could see the shapes of people above me but they didn't hear anything.
Unfortunately, I didn't see Violet in the range of the bell, so I took everything back and mined for another 50 blocks before making the room once again.
This time I saw more soldiers patrolling the camp diligently, but no Violet in sign.
Only after another 50 more blocks, do I see Violet and Alexa.
My robot friend seemed to float calmly, while Violet lay down like she was sleeping.
Did she fall for the same trap again?
She's not going to like this once she'll wake up.
Unfortunately beside those two was the Mad Prince fully equipped with his armor and axe ready for a fight.
He's clearly waiting for me, but why is he alone?
Wouldn't be better to fight me with numbers?
And how did he find Alexa, its invisibility is almost unnoticeable after all.
I want to break those two out, but the Prince seems to be able to capture them without a problem so that means he may have a way to capture me as well.
I need to see his inventory, but how could I do that without getting noticed?
"Alexa, is that you? What happened why, are you there floating without a care in the world?"
Well that sucks, but I'll be able to get some information on what happened.
I took off my armor, and I felt like I was in a sauna, but a the same time, a connection was made.
'Can you hear me?'
'Good, what happened, why are you in the same room as the enemy?'
Wow, that was brutal, maybe he saw the partiacals of the potion and he jumped at the opportunity.
'What happened afterward?'
So that's why it was staying in one place instead of flying off, how annoying.
I'm surprised how the Prince didn't kill Alexa yet with how the Nether seems to hate it.
But that's not important right now.
'What about Violet, is she ok?'
Is this how they got her?
They used enchanted chains to stop her from running away before knocking her out?
No, even without her teleportation ability her claws can still do a lot of damage.
'Why is the Mad Prince waiting alone in the same room as you two, wouldn't be better to be on the lookout with the others?'
How troublesome, the enemy is not underestimating me anymore, so I can't free those two yet.
I have to think of a plan now.
'Sure, let's hear what you have to say.'
That could work.
While I'm not confident about my fighting skills, that would only be against people who already know my fighting style, if I'm fighting an opponent for the first time, I'm confident that I'll win.
But the Mad Prince seems to have a few tricks up his sleeves as well, so I can't just rely on a fair duel.
'That's a good idea, but let's not stop just there. Here's what you're going to do....'
I walked with confidence towards the camp, and the two guards at the gates looked like statues with a bored expression.
I managed to get right in front of them without being noticed, and only after I waved my hands did they see me.
"Wha-You! Stay down and you'll be executed quickly for attempting to assassinate the Prince!"
The two guards took out their enchanted diamond weapons, while also signaling to the other Brutes to come.
I looked at everyone with confidence as they all gathered around me.
"I challenge the Mad Prince to a duel for the freedom of my friends, and if I lose, I'll let him do whatever he wishes with my life!"
Every soldier who had weapons in their hands was taken aback by my announcement, before quickly starting to speak between themselves.
Good, looks like Alexa was right about them respecting the duels.
My plan relies heavily on this.
"Ye lad, whodga think yu are tu challenge the Pince?"
"Not now Coal Head, every challenge must be taken with the most respect. Well, wait for his majesty to decide what the next step shall be."
We all waited for 10 minutes until the Prince came, and he wasn't alone.
On the leash, he had Alexa who was obediently following him and behind him were two Brutes that were caring the sleeping beauty on their shoulders.
But even with the amazing size of Violet, nobody seemed to be interested at her, instead they all looked at Alexa with hatred or suspicion.
I don't know how I should feel about this, but as long as they were safe everything was fine.
"Trader! I'm glad to see you again soo soon. And you brought me such lovely gifts, I could bearly keep the other Brutes to not challenge your Enderman friend to a duel. I have to say, that explosion was truly dangerous, it was the first time I was so close to death, and while I know you have a plan in mind with this duel. My warrior blood is too excited about such a battle to refuse."
Evey soldier cheered with bloodlust in their eyes, chanting for a fight.
It was an intimidating sight, but I didn't dare show weaknesses in such critical moment.
"Since your the one challenged me to a duel I should choose the place well fight, follow me."
With that said, all of us followed the Mad Prince towards a large field in the camp.
There, he build a cage and placed Alexa inside, and gently put Violet besides. Then they formed a circle around me and the Prince.
"I don't know why, but I have an unexplained hatred towards your blue animal. You'll have to explain to me what's the deal with him after I win."
"That only if you win."
With that said, I took a fighting stance which made the Prince smile and the crowd cheer loudly.
"You may have another weapon like last time, so we'll have to change the rules a little. I have your two friends in here, if you want to get them back, defeat my second in command first, them me. One battle for each pet."
Looks like my plan of taking him by surprise won't be succeful, we'll have to relay on the original plan one in the end.
"I don't feel that's fair, since I'll be too tierd to fight with you afterwords and I'll lose unfairly."
"That would be a boring way to end the fight. Fine, I shall let you have a brake after the duel, then you can face me at your fullest."
Good, he was concentrating on me, but he was still to close to the cage for my liking.
Looks like I'll have to get him down here in the ring for the plan to work.
"Is there anything you want before the duel starts?"
"Yes, I want you to promise me you'll let us leave with no problem If I win."
The soldiers strated to get more impatien and started to chant 'fight' to hurry the process of negotiations.
The Prince didn't seem bother by them, instead he was thinking about what I said.
"Fine, you managed to entrain me more then expected. So if you win I'll let your friends out, and won't bother you as you'll leave. But if I win, you 3 would belong to me, you will follow every command I say and no more running away. Deal?"
So he wanted us to be his slaves, this made me hesitate a little, but unfortunately I didn't have a choice.