MHA: Horizon

Chapter 383: (Wounds u0026 Parasites)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene @KeanuEugene


---England, Birmingham…

A man and woman, wearing masks and gloves along with clothes covering their skin entirely. They are standing in front of the new United Kingdom main vault.

Located here in Birmingham, where many centralized government organizations have temporarily moved after the destruction of London.

The woman walks up to the massive vault, places her hands on it, grits her teeth, and uses her Magnetism Quirk to slowly unlock it.

Sensing and nudging the cogs within the massive door with absolute precision.

"How much longer?" the man asks, looking around nervously.

"Shut up. Concentrating," she grits out.

The man sighs and walks out of the security room, into the adjoining room, where a dozen hostages are tied up.

All government officials who were sent in after Birmingham was gassed with Trigger to take inventory.

The man looks at them, then glances at the three corpses on the floor.

One was dressed like him and his wife, her brother.

He had two gunshot wounds in his chest. Beside him was a security guard and a woman who got caught in the crossfire.

'Just my luck. This dumbass fucked us over one last time by shooting the bitch with the vault code.' He sighs and looks at the other hostages. 'I should just kill them now and get it over with,' he thinks before hearing movement from the main lobby.

"Hello, is anyone in here?!" a man's voice reaches him in the vault. "If you hid from the gas in here, it's safe to come out now!"

The man glares at the gagged hostages and raises a finger to his lips, warning them to stay silent before he walks out of the room.

He stays close to the walla, keeping his left hand at his back while gathering a sphere of water in his palm.

Peeking around the corner, he sees two firefighters with gas masks on, looking around the lobby.

"I told you, this place is empty; they already cleared it out," one of the firefighters, a large and stocky man, says. "We need to get back to the field camp and check in."

"No, something is off here," the shorter man says. He gestures to the main door of the bank, which has a crack in the glass. "That wasn't like that when we passed by this morning. Call the captain, tell him we're doing another sweep. Could be a kid hiding on the upper floors of something."

"Yeah, you're right, I'll call it in," the larger man says before touching his radio.

The moment he touches it, the bank robber throws the water sphere at the firefighter.

The sphere becomes a sharp spear mid-flight and pierces the firefighter's shoulder.

"Argh!" the man screams and falls backward, alerting his friend, who was already walking toward the stairs.

'Shit, I missed,' the robber throws another sphere, but this one is intercepted by a ball of mud that splatters it across the floor.

"Go," the injured man yells as the robber prepares to throw another sphere. He raises his healthy arm and releases immense light from his palm.

"Ngh," the robber winces and shuts his eyes, feeling his corneas burn as temporary blindness takes him.

"I can't leave you here," the unharmed firefighter rushes over to his friend and crunches beside him, using all his energy to create a small pool of mud beneath them and quickly take them out of the building, smashing through the glass door on their way out.

"Fuck!" the robber yells as his vision returns, seeing the trail of mud and blood leading out of the building.

He then walks back toward the vault, rubbing his eyes and dreading the headache he can already feel starting.

"What the hell was that?" his wife asks, still working on the last few locks.

"Firefighters, still sweeping this part of the city. We need to move. Now."

"Don't worry. The police are still stuck downtown, helping out. Once we get this open, my Quirk will make moving the gold easy."

"I'm less concerned about us getting caught by the cops, and more concerned about not making it back to the countryside in time," he says. "It's only a matter of time before another attack happens, and I don't want us to be anywhere near it."

"After this, we never have to go anywhere we don't want to, ever again."

The man relaxes slightly, then nods. "I'll go stand guard. If—"

"Oh, thank god!" one of the hostages in the other room interrupts the man.

"Shit, they're already here!" He turns toward the door, making a water sphere in each hand.

His wife leaves the vault and commands a dozen knives to float around her, each electrified and aiming forward. 

"We need to just get past them and get back underground," he mutters as they carefully approach the hostage room.

To find the hostages gone.

And in their place, Phantom Thief.

Beside him, where the hostages were, is a quickly closing purple Warp Gate.

"One chance, surrender," he says, in English.

The couple share an uncertain glance before resolving themselves for battle.

The woman builds her power, needing some time to gather a strong enough magnetic push to affect the iron in a person's blood and end this encounter, so her husband stalls.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in Japan, or wherever the hell that new team is based?"

"The United Nations Global Threat Response United is based in Manhattan, where the UN headquarters is. But I was a few countries over with my boss. He's chatting with the President of Elkara as we speak."

"Horizon is here, shit."

"Don't flatter yourself. This is far below his notice. One of my friends just happens to be in this city, and she gave me a call when the firefighters reported it in. They're short-staffed…and you people are being criminals, attacking the few emergency responders left while they're still picking bodies up off the streets."

"Chaos is opportunity. And I figured someone named Phantom Thief would understand what we're doing here. Stealing from a ghost city should be your style."

"It's just a name. Now, deactivate your Quirks and surrender. I want this done before Horizon's meeting is over." He then looks at the woman. "And please don't throw those knives at me."

She doesn't speak, instead glares at him and thrusts her arms forward.

He opens a Warp Gate to block the knives, but they clatter to the floor as his focus switches to the iron in his blood.

He feels pain wracking his body, as if every cell in was on fire.

Like most people, her Quirk is pitiful, only capable of one task at a time. So she dropped the knives, knowing he'd warp them away, and focused on his blood.

"ARGH!" Phantom Thief screams as he looks at them, bleeding from his eyes. He sees the husband create a water spear and raise his hand to fire. "Shoot her!"

The husband suddenly swings his hand over to his wife and fires the water spear through her chest, pulverizing her heart in an instant and slamming her against the wall.

"Gah!" Phantom Thief takes a greedy breath as the pain instantly stops. "Thank you, Simon," he mutters while getting up, looking at the Brainwashed man.

He hasn't used Simon's -Shinso's- Quirk enough to affect entire crowds like his friend, but controlling one person is enough. And it's one of the Quirks he always grabs whenever he can.

And now that Horizon permanently grafted Warp Gate into him, any Quirk he wants is a thought away.

"Kneel, hands on your head." Phantom Thief watches as the man obeys every command, all the while, tears are flowing down his face.

Leaving the man there, he leans against the wall to catch his breath.

Only for Horizon to appear in front of him. "You didn't tell me where you were going."

Phantom Thief looks down at Horizon's bloody right glave and the large vial of pure Trigger in it. "You were busy with you…meeting. How did it go?"

"I kept my word." Horizon looks at the kneeling villain and the corpses. "Bank robbery?"

"Yeah. A friend of mine is in the city and got the call, but she's a bit busy, so I figured I'd pop by and solve it during your meeting."

"Word of advice. Don't fuck your teammates."

"That's four words, and she's not a teammate…her dad is the ambassador of—"

"That's infinitely worse. Don't put your dick in politicians or reporters, c'mon man."

"I'm not taking advice from mister 'I slept with every girl in my class and two teachers' on this," Phantom Thief says mockingly.

"Didn't sleep with Asui, Toru, or Uraraka, and technically, only one of them was a teacher."

"Can you just tell me what we're doing with this guy already?"

"Right." Horizon looks at the villain. "The world doesn't need more things to worry about, and someone taking advantage of a crisis like this only has one destiny, so long as I am here…"


He releases two optical energy beams and splatters the man's head, burning a small hole in the floor.

"And now I need to clean my costume." Phantom Thief looks down at his bloodied shoes as the man's blood and brain paint the walls.

"Just take me to my lab. I need to analyze the sample."

"Right, after I clean up, I'll go check in with Juzo at the UN, then I'm taking a nap."

"Sleep for both of us," Horizon says as the warp gate appears. "And keep you dick away from politicians…"

"No promises," Phantom Thief says as Horizon steps into the Warp Gate and appears in Japan.


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