Chapter 64: Cats hover around Sula
The maid visits Sula and brings her food. As she goes down the street, she hears the sounds of cats. Sula was screaming and howling like a cat. 394
The maid stood in front of her, watching this scene: a group of cats hovering around Sula, attacking her
She scratched her face 395
The maid shouted at them, telling them to stay away from her, and asking Sula to stay away from them
Sula howls like a cat with them 396
The maid: Speak, you crazy woman. What happened to you?
Sula: These cats are hungry monsters who want to eat me
Maid: Stay away from them
Sula: I have become a monster, one of them. I have to defend myself just as my husband, Capelli, defended himself.
The maid: from Capelli
Sula: The wild cat killed him. Maybe she's here
Maid: Do you know her?
Sula: There are keys around her neck
Maid: I'm watching the cats. They don't have keys around their necks. Why do they carry them?
Sula laughs like a crazy woman. She took all the keys. There was only one key left, which was my son, Sally 397
The maid: I know where he is. He left for the countryside. He lives in the mountain, where his grandfather is raising him. Where is your family? 398
Sula laughs: Don't ask about my family. The monsters are stalking me. They paved the way with their act. They tempted my husband to lend him money to build his house there in the village. Believe them.
They asked him to help them with the village money he was collecting, and when they returned, they would give him more than the money he gave them 399
They took the money and never came back
They took his keys