Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

63 Mushroom Cap

Mallory (the peasant woman) POV:


  I’ve returned to the dungeon again. It’s a devilish place that has become a forbidden area. Those people up top don’t care that it’s an essential area for scavenging for us.


  I look at the entrance. There is a new sign, but I can’t read it like the other one. I step into the dungeon, and the room is now full of gross mushrooms. This must have been what they wanted me to test.


  As I look around, I hear a quiet noise next to me. I look down and see a goblin crouching with her hands over her head. Her big eyes look at me with bewilderment. Oh no, goblins are dangerous!


  I step back in fear which seems to snap the goblin out of its stupor. It stands up, reaches to a small table, and picks up a piece of paper. “Grr uoh lurch,” it tries to speak.


  I want to run, but my legs shake and won’t listen. My eyes blur in fear, being drawn to the waving paper. The goblin continues to seem bewildered by my reaction. I take a deep breath and grab the paper. I look it over, and it’s what I expect from this dungeon. It has text and a variety of sexual pictures.


  I put it back on the table and tell the goblin that I want the healing potion. She tilts her head and looks up at me. After a short while, the goblin seems to realize and jumps, pointing at the pictures on the wall. They seem to show how to have sex with the mushrooms.


  I shake my head and once again ask for a potion which the goblin doesn’t seem to understand. Then I hear stones rubbing against each other. We both look over, and I see the evil fairy.


  The goblin happily runs over. They speak to each other for a bit, and then the goblin nods emphatically and runs up the stairs. She returns with the strange bottle that they keep the potion in. I reach out for it, but the goblin turns away, hiding the bottle.


  The fairy points at the pictures and says, “sex mushroom get bottle.”


  I sigh and walk over to a mushroom. I straddle it and insert the shroom. It has slick and squishy skin, so it quickly enters me without pain. Still, I’m not feeling it at all, and no matter what I do, I can’t even build toward an orgasm.


  The fairy and goblin say something to each other as they watch. The fairy leaves and brings over the vibrating clamps and puts them on. Eventually, I do manage to get a minor orgasm. The head of the mushroom shoots out a white substance falls to the ground around me. The head comes off, and I pull it out.


  The goblin gives me the bottle with a big smile. I grab it and hand her the mushroom, but she shakes her head furiously. Instead, she shoves another paper in my hand before allowing me to leave. I considered throwing the things away, but I still need this healing potion.


  I sneak past the guards and return toward town. As I get closer, I hear the familiar sounds of the sawmills, the only industry in this backwater town. They used to send the logs down the river, but they expanded as the area became more populous.


  I see the tall colorful buildings in the distance and turn east. I'm not welcome on the main street. As I walk along the outskirts of town, the buildings become smaller and bland.


  When I enter the east gate, the familiar shacks greet me. The smell of vomit and excrement fills my nostrils. No matter how long you live here, entering town is the worst.


  I make my way through the alleys and soon arive home. A building with a bit of hay on top and planks so far apart that the wall is made of air more than wood.


  This is the dumping ground for the poor. We all came on the promise of free land. However, the land is all covered with trees the width of a large man. Sure some skilled adventurous families manage to scrape by out there. But most end up in the slums and in debt.


  With only the brothels or hard labor, we are slowly ground down. Even if you manage to clear your land, will you even be able to keep it?


  I sigh. I've managed to stay out of prostitution, but with Howard's condition worsening... I put on a smile as I enter. "Howard dear, how are you doing?"


  Howard looks up from the ground, covered by worn fur. "Better now that my beautiful wife has returned!" he responds with a raspy voice. I smile. He's always been a sweet talker. It's too bad he fell ill when we moved here.


  "I got more medicine," I say, pulling out the strange bottle.


  Howard frowns. "I told you to stop going to the dungeon. It's dangerous."


  "I'm not going to let you die," I state flatly.


  “What’s that?”


  I look down, and I wonder what to say.


  “What’s wrong.”


  “I don’t know. It’s something they forced me to take,” I explain.


  “the dungeon?” he questions, trying to get up. I grab him and push him back down as he begins to cough.


  “yeah,” I reply with a quiet voice. I show my husband the paper and explain, “they gave me this as well.”


  His boney hand shakily takes the paper from me. He examines it with a dark face. “Maybe madam will translate it for us.”


  I recoil at visiting the madam. “Maybe we can get help from someone else?”


  Howard sympathetically rubs my hand. “You aren’t going there to become a prostitute. You’re just going to get this read.”


  “Your right,” I then open the bottle and hand it to him, “drink up.”


  Once Howard falls asleep, I head out, weaving through the back alleys. The madam is well known for her integrity. But there is no freelancing allowed. She has an iron grip on us lower-class people.


  I reach the back of the brothel and see a girl sweeping. She has nice clothes and a red ribbon showing she’s a virgin owned by the madam. Kids are sold to the madam to get a better life. If they are talented, they will be taught business and sold as secretaries.


  I step out of the shadow, and the girl looks over with the confidence that no one would hurt the property of the madam. She scrunches her nose at me but manages to politely ask, “are you here to join up?”


  I shake my head and humbly explain, “I was hoping the madam would read something for me.”


  The girl rolls her eyes and holds out her hand. “I can do it. No need to bother the madam.”


  I step back. The madam may care about her status, but the girls aren’t nearly as pure as they seem.


  She rubs her head in frustration. “Seriously. Fine,” she curses. She opens the door and waves at me. “come on then.”


  I step towards the door and am shocked by the opulence. Bright red carpets and complex wallpaper covers the walls. “wear the slippers,” the girl informs me. I look at my feet, feeling like a pig.


  I step in and follow the girl that strides away with grace. Her dress flutters behind her, and her hair's complex braid sway naturally. As we reach an older girl, she smiles brightly and curtsies. “Big sis.”


  The teenage girl looks over and gives a disarming smile. “What seems to be the issue?”


  The girl leans and points at me with a flat hand. “This young woman wishes for the madam to read a document for her,” she explains without the vitriol she once had.


  The teenage girl glances at my clothes without losing her smile. “I understand. I will inform the madam and see if she is available. Please bring her to the waiting room.” She then turns in a place like a ballerina and heads farther into the establishment.


  The girl bows as the teenager walk away. She then gestures for me to follow her. I enter a room with padded chairs and an elegant table. On it is a tea set with birds painted on it. There are a few mirrors that make me feel inferior as I contrast with the room.


  The girl states, “please wait here. Someone will come and get you. I must return to my labor.”


  With that, I’m left here, out of my element. I don’t dare touch anything. After waiting for what seems like forever, I began to worry that they forgot about me. But my worries are unwarranted as the teenager knocks on the door and enters.


  “The madam will see you now.”


  I follow and enter a room with a large desk. The madam is quite large, with the shape of an egg. She has heavy makeup and multiple layers of clothing on her. The room has numerous portraits of her.


  The madam looks up from her paperwork and says, “Mallory, I thought you would finally be joining us. But I hear you are only here for me to read something.”


  “That's right!” I quickly pull out the paper. The teenager takes it from me and brings it to the desk, placing it carefully with two hands and then stepping away.


  The madam doesn’t look at the paper and, with a motherly tone, advises, “I know you want to be faithful to your husband, but he’s been on his deathbed for years now. Isn’t it about time to make the decision that will help both of you?”


  I retort, “He’s been doing better recently. I’m sure Howard will be back on his feet soon.”


  Madam takes the paper and disinterestedly replies, “right, you’ve been running to the dungeon.” She glances up at me. “I don’t understand you. If you die, so will he. If you join us, you’ll have money for treatment, and it’s safe.”


  “Sorry,” I say while looking at my feet.


  The madam sighs. “Well, it’s your life.” She then scans the paper. I wait for her to tell me what it says, but she only stares for a long time. She then places the paper down. “Do you have one of these mushrooms?”


  I hesitate for a while before nodding. “Yes.”


  “Do you have it here?”


  “No, I left it at home.”


  The madam taps the desk and then waves at the teenager. “Allison, get her a bath and get that healer to cast something on Howard.”


  Allison is shocked; her mouth opens and closes a few times before answering. But she soon finds herself and bows. “At once, madam. This way Mallory.”

Hello, thanks for reading!

NEW RELEASE SCHEDULE: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

It's not the daily of the past but I haven't been able to keep it up anyways. I want to get to a five day release schedule but I will build up to it. It's not like I don't have the time but writing can't always be forced.

This is a longer chapter but I've actually cut a lot of stuff. I rambled a long time about the economy the political reasoning and so on. But it's cut because it didn't make much sense for Mallory to think all that. Also I don't know whether people are that interested in that stuff since it won't have a big influence on Hedone. It's more just background dressing.

On another note in the long term I will probably have an adventuring party go through the dungeon as it becomes larger. While I think the dungeon master part is fun and designing the dungeons and traps. You do miss out on the excitement of exploring. It makes me feel that I should have just did a lesbian dungeon from adventurer perspective anyways. I think it's my love for strategy games and my game developer degree that makes me lean to writing this story instead.

Still it may be a pay wall thing that I write as new parts are built or might just be pov in this story. I'm leaning to something stand alone though.

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