Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

59 Outfit and Dinner

  I quickly explain to Blue and Saphire that everything is fine. Saphire sighs in relief, and Blue flutters with excitement. “I want to go to Japan!” Blue exclaims. She then starts speaking Japanese, but I don’t understand her.


  “Next time,” I tell her. She’ll be helpful as a translator. Perhaps she’ll be able to turn invisible in the future.


  Brigit jumps and exclaims, “oh yeah! I finished Saphire’s outfit.” She runs out and returns with a black and white maid suit. The black skirt has a fluffy petticoat pushing the black skirt up. A small heart-shaped apron finishes the outfit.


  Brigit holds out the clothes to Saphire. Saphire blinks at her but doesn’t move. She rubs her hands nervously, looking like she wants to hide. “It’s yours,” Brigit states.


  Saphire steps back. “Mine?” she questions.


  Brigit looks over her shoulder at me. Brigit assures her, “that’s right.”


  Saphire fumbles with her hands, groping the air, not knowing what to do. Blue flies to my ear and says, “Saphire has only been by herself.” That’s right. If the goblins kick her out and she’s been living alone in the forest, she’s never worn clothes.


  I tighten my ponytail and step forward, gently putting my hand on Saphire’s head. “It’s ok. Do you want to wear clothes?” I ask.


  Saphire nods, “I want to. But is it alright?”


  I smile at her and pat her head. “Of course it is. We’ll help you,” I assure her.


  We teach her how to put on clothes, starting with underwear. I’m surprised at how confused Saphire is, but we’ve been dressed since birth, so it isn’t fair to expect her to understand right away. After getting her dressed up, she looks visibly uncomfortable.


  “How is it?” I ask.


  Saphire looks up at me with a scrunched brow. “It’s weird.”


  Brigit looks her over and questions, “You don’t like it?”


  “I don’t hate it,” Saphire says while pulling on the skirt.


  Blue flies around Saphire. “You look great! I love my clothes too.”


  Brigit claps her hands. “That’s right. I wanted to get your measurement too. You can’t just wear one outfit. It’s fine for a figure, but you’re a real fairy.” She side-eyes me and then jokes, “Your mom was too lazy to get them before.”


  I shove Brigit’s shoulder. “It was a secret then.”


  “What that you were lazy or Blue?” Brigit laughs.


  “Both!” I say emphatically with a stomp. Then we both laugh.


  After we settle down, I take a closer look at Saphire. Besides the fluff that makes the skirt look shorter than it is, the outfit is surprisingly conservative. The dress covers her neck, and there is no exposed cleavage. The sleeves are short, covering half her upper arm.


  After the compliments, Saphire seems more relaxed but uncomfortable in her clothes. I pat her head, and she perks up. “You’ll get used to it,” I say supportively.


  Saphire smiles and grabs my hand over her head. Mom calls out, “come eat!”


  We sit at the table and begin to eat. In this case, it’s a simple chicken breast with salad. Saphire struggles to use utensils with a scrunched brow. Blue amazes by eating a ridiculous amount for her size. It must be magic.


  “Brigit, I didn’t think you were capable of making a conservative outfit,” I say between bites.


  Brigit shakes her head, “I can make cute clothes too. Don’t typecast me.” She takes another bite and chews. After swallowing, she shrugs. “I mean, she’s cute, but I wouldn’t say she’s sexy.”


  Saphire looks teary-eyed as she looks down at her body. As mom says, “Saphire has been starving once she gains weight, she’ll fill out.”


  I quickly support Saphire and say, “that’s right. Even if that doesn’t work, you might be able to evolve with the dungeon system.” I open the menu, but at this point, there aren’t any evolutions.


  I look at Christal and ask, “why are there no evolutions?”


  “Evolutions only appear when a prerequisite is achieved.”


  I nod and shrug. “You don’t have any evolutions yet, but I’m sure they will appear,” I explain.


  “Alright,” Saphire whispers.


  “Anyways, when is the trip to Japan?” I ask, changing the subject.


  “Start of August in two weeks,” Brigit says. We spend time discussing the trip. I try to stay upbeat to keep the mood up.


  As we clean up the dishes, I mention, “Angelique is coming tomorrow. She thinks we’ll mess up and get arrested.”


  Brigit laughs. “The more, the merrier.”


  “It should be fun. Blue, we’ll be abducting some coed tomorrow,” I tell her.


  Blue floats around excitedly. “Yay! I’ve been bored, stuck doing nothing.”


  I rub my head. “Sorry, things should be picking up soon.”


  Brigit hands the dishes to Saphire, who delicately places them in the dishwasher. As she bends, I can see the black panties on the white fluff. Brigit asks, “What about the mushrooms?”


  I shrug. “I’m planning on letting Saphire take care of it.” I look down at Saphire and ask, “can you speak, Purla?”


  Saphire pulls her arms into her chest defensively. “I don’t understand. I don’t know anything.”


  “What about goblin?” Brigit asks, handing her a cup and forcing her out of her defensive stance. It seems like it’s good to give Saphire work while talking to her, so she doesn’t get stuck in her head.


  “I don’t know. Speaking is magical.”


  “I guess she can only speak because of the dungeon system,” I say thoughtfully. “We should take some time to teach her.” I hold out my hand and gesture for Blue. She sits on my hand, and I say, “You’re the language expert. Can you help her learn English?”


  Blue waves her hands at me. “I’ll do it! Saphire, let's work hard.”


  Saphire seems unsure, but she nods and makes a sound that might be affirming.


  With that done, we head for bed.


Hello. Thanks for reading!

I've decided that from now on I will only show a few evolutions. Before I was just saying that there are infinite due to the dungeon containing everything. But it's annoying to write that. Yeah there should be no way there isn't at least thousands of evolutions but what's the point?

Anyways right as I was getting back into writing my Grandfather passed away. I recently moved back home to help my mother take care of him so his death was pretty sudden. Though we knew he could die at any moment you can never be prepared. I'm trying to keep writing but there is a lot to do and as one can imagine death doesn't link with this sexy fun story I'm trying to tell.

Anyways I apologize for bringing down the mood recently. I don't want my readers to feel bad and instead be happy and enjoy the novel. Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned it?

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