Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 330

Chapter 310 : The Assailant

“Smelly guy, start helping.”

Seeing Sansa’s pitiful appearance, Ramsay Bolton hurriedly ordered, he couldn’t wait.

“My lord, I, I can’t.”

In fact, Theon really couldn’t do it, and it would deepen his guilt.

But Xiao Pei Pi just likes strong men to lock men. He grabbed the collar of the stinky guy and dragged him to Sansa’s side.

The girl had retreated to the edge of the tent, and she had nowhere to go.

Sansa understood Ramsay Bolton’s intentions, and she cried out in tears, “No, Theon, you can’t do this!”

Little Skinner warned: “Damn scumbag, do you like my little brothers better?”

Master Ramsay’s face turned dark, he could no longer hold back the fire, and the stinky guy could see this from his twisted thick lips and the blue veins on his neck.

Theon, who was afraid of being dismembered by the hounds, was born out of guts. He apologized and said, “Sansa, I’m sorry.”

With that, he began to help.

The thin Theon was a man after all, and he easily subdued Sansa.

It started, and Ramsay Bolton’s gray eyes began to shine, shaking with excitement.

In order to see clearly, he ordered two cronies to light a dozen candles and light the tent as bright as day.

“I can’t stand it, kill me, kill me!”

Sansa screamed and struggled, so that the cold Drogo couldn’t stand it anymore, he waved his wings and flew out of the tent.

Gradually, Sansa became sluggish, like a corpse.

As Ramsay Bolton was about to end the battle himself, he suddenly heard shouts, screams, running footsteps, frightened horses neighing, and frightened dog barking from outside the tent.

“It’s on fire, put out the fire!”

Xiao Peeling’s complexion shrank, and he quickly stepped forward, opening the curtain and looking out.

As a result, he saw a raging fire ignited in the food arsenal, and the soldiers turned into a pot of porridge.

Across dozens of tents, he could still see long tongues of fire spit out from the food storage.

“Be honest, or throw you to the kennel!”

Rams Bolton turned angrily and threatened, then rushed out with two of his cronies.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of him giving orders to the guard outside the door came in.

“Female horse, what are you doing in a daze? Don’t help out the fire!”

Amidst the discordant sounds, Sansa suddenly found Theon calmed down.

Xiao Pei Pi left, and Theon said apologetically, “I’m sorry.”

He stood up and opened the curtain carefully.


Seeing the flickering red light, he was relieved. He and his sister were temporarily safe. The food storage department was far away from here, and there was no possibility of the fire spreading here in any case.

“Thank God.” Theon whispered softly.

Suddenly, he heard Sansa’s extremely hollow voice.

“Theon, take me away. I can’t stand it anymore. Ramsay Bolton is a demon. He has no humanity!”

Xi En was shocked when he heard that he couldn’t even think of this idea.

“Smelly guy, I’m a stinky guy, I’m not Theon.”

“I’m the stinky guy of Lord Bolton.”

The smelly guy repeated.

Although there is no shackles on his body, his heart has been tightly bound.

Besides, he acts like an old man.

His muscles hang weakly on the bones, and he often twitches.

Theon had no hope of running past the hunters on good horses of Lord Ramsay.

Master Rams likes to let his hounds bark and chase the tender prey.

“Please, Theon, take me away, take me away.”

Wanting to escape, now is a good time, Sansa begged him bitterly.

Stinky dare not agree to Sansa’s request, he is afraid of the hounds, and even more afraid of their owners.

All this may be a prank by Lord Ramsay, the stinker thought, a cruel test.

Maybe he arranged for Sansa, she was bewitching me.

Little Peeling gave me a chance to escape, and then watched what I would do.

Even if it is not a prank, where can he go?

This is a barracks, packed with troops from the Terror Fort, and troops brought by Landau Tully.

On the road to the south, the Lannister family’s army was swimming.

To the east of the main road, the army is stationed in the Stormlands, and a little farther away is the fog-shrouded Dorn, the desolate and barren coast and the cold, salty water.

To the west, there are endless forests and swamps, wandering around with poisonous snakes, lizards, and swamp devils with poisonous arrows.

Just as Theon was thinking about it, the curtain that had just been put down was knocked open.

A white lion the size of a buffalo broke in. When did Sansa and Theon have seen such a lion, they were terrified by the monster.

They screamed, but no one paid any attention to them, and the scream only made Ramsay Bolton more excited.

Both thought they were finished, but to their surprise, the white lion did not attack them, but wrote a line on the sand with his paw.

“I will take you away.”

Both Theon and Sansa were silent. After a brief shock, the eyes that were originally like a dead water gradually glowed.

Later, when Ramsay Bolton and his two cronies rushed into the tent, what they saw scared them.

There were two corpses in the tent, one of which had an arm twisted from the elbow Half of the neck was missing, and there was only a black hole in the place where the belly button was originally.

The other is not much better, losing his hands and neck.

Ramsay Bolton’s face was as sinking as water, and he asked bitterly, “Gal is responsible for guarding the camp gate, right?”

“Yes, my lord,” his guard replied.

Ramsay Bolton said disgustedly: “He was just like these two hapless guys, and his death was disgusting.”

He then asked: “What beast in this world is more ferocious than my hound?”

The guard pondered for a moment and hesitated: “Ice wolves? The Stark family feeds the ice wolves.”

Xiao Peiping glared at him, and yelled in disapproval: “This is the south, how can ice wolves appear? Besides, the Stark family wolves are almost dead to his family.”

Another guard hesitated: “Could it be a lion and lion?”

Rams Bolton’s eyes flickered, and he muttered: “It’s a lion, but it’s not a lion lion, but a bloodstained white lion from the Great Caohai of Dothrack!”

The guard suddenly said, “Zo Ge has started to act!”

Ramsay Bolton howled angrily: “Damn barbarians, took away two of my playthings, and ordered to go down, and Randall Tully will attack Nightsong City tomorrow!”

The guard cautiously suggested: “My lord, your father’s army is coming soon, shall we wait? Attacking the Midsummer Hall is a better choice!”

“Idiot female horse, Nightsong City is less than a hundred leagues away from here. Are we going to stay here and wait for death? Our food is burned out. Don’t follow Landau Tully. Should we have an empty stomach and fight against Zhuo? Ge’s 20,000 army!?”

Xiao Bo Pi cursed and kicked the guard.

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