Jitsu -A different story-

Chapter 75: Personal thoughts

"If you don't say it, I will."

"I think there's something weird here, I remember you said the same thing when we got to your grandparents' house." Akio began to question the words of his beloved wife a little, even though not many would understand the main topic of the conversation.

"That has nothing to do, can't I just have two places to call home?" Rena placed her hands on her waist as she waited for Akio's answer.

"Okay, okay… Sigh… Home, sweet home…"

"Hehe, that was perfect, honey." After hearing that, Rena opened the door in front of her to reveal the familiar view of the apartment that they could consider their new home.

Akio didn't really want to make the conversation go on too long since all he wanted to do was go into the department and leave all the luggage he had with him, maybe his constitution would make you think that he had no problem with lifting some weight, but Akio felt that what was inside the luggage he was carrying could only be stones...

Rena had wasted no time and the first thing she did was go to the living room and fall on the sofa, she felt how the sudden exhaustion hit her, and she still felt a little sleepy although she slept most of the return trip.

Right after they entered, the figures of Kurono and Shizune talking animatedly could also be seen, although Kurono was also helping to carry all the things of the trip while he was trying to remember if he paid the taxi driver...

In short, and although it went without saying, the trip to the country was over and they were back in the city. They hadn't even spent a week at Shizune's house, but they had all enjoyed that time in his way.

In Rena's case, she enjoyed the trip. During the last months, the feeling of wanting to return to her homeland and see her grandparents and acquaintances, since she had spent a lot of time separated from them, was still with her, and it was enough to make her feel calm.

It was quite obvious that the trip made her quite happy, although sometimes she felt a bit overwhelmed by all the care that her mother, her grandmother, and her mother-in-law subjected her to... But it was not missing the fact that many conversations arose regarding her pregnancy, which she was grateful for.

Akio had also enjoyed the experience, he needed to see his family even though his father had left, but he still called him to know how he was. He also had moments where he shared various laughs and situations with Rena's family, but most of the time he was busy developing various aspects of her project, and Kurono had been a great help to him.

Kurono had taken a deep breath the moment he got off the train… And he really could feel the difference in the air, though he also felt like he had come home. He was remembering the little trip, or as he said, that little vacation.

Many things were running through his mind, especially the memories of everything that had happened. Introducing himself to Shizune's parents, talking about their relationship, meeting Akio's family, exploring Shizune's hometown… And especially, the fact that she had told him about the past.

But in short, Kurono felt quite relaxed, they were quite nice days, he was able to relate without many problems with Shizune's acquaintances, he thought he had a good relationship with her parents, and he supposed that he had become friends with Ayaka and Akira.

Kurono had also taken the opportunity to learn a few things from Ryo and help out with Akio's work at the same time, so he had actually been kind of busy all this time.

And lastly… Although it didn't seem necessary to mention it due to the huge smile on her face, Shizune was incredibly happy. She could tell that she needed to make that trip.

Seeing her parents again, talking about many things with Akira, feeling comfortable with the surroundings... All of that was reflected in her now, of course an important part of all of that was also talking honestly with Kurono, so Shizune really was happy at this point.

"I didn't think we'd be this late." Shizune couldn't help but mention that after arriving at the department.

"Yes, although the moon just came out." Kurono had taken a look outside before closing the door and saying that.

"Mom, what's for dinner?!" Rena's voice was soon heard in the room once more, which made Akio shake her head a bit, Kurono just shrugged, and Shizune let out a small laugh in response.

At this time, everyone was enjoying a nice hot dinner, the conversation about the trip was not long in coming, and everyone was sharing their memories, which caused some laughter to be heard around the place.

"..." Shizune was silent for a bit as she looked at the situation and around her, and that itself caused her to breathe a small sigh of relief knowing that they were back in perfect condition.

It was true that now she always tried to live in the small apartment, and that was because Rena's pregnancy had already advanced a lot, and she worried a lot about it. She had no problem with that since Rena and Akio had given her a room of her own, though… The last few months there were times when she would leave that room alone since sometimes Kurono gave her the idea of spending the night at his house… Or simply Rena offered them that idea...

And as if all that triggered something... It was more or less what was about to happen.

"How about you spend the night with Kurono-san, mom?"

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