It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 143: The Daughter of the Heinford Family (2)

Even after we left, the woman with glasses from inside earlier was openly following us, accompanied by the man she was sitting with. Most of us ignored the two people following us, meanwhile, it was contrary to what Stephanie was about to do...
"Hey, you two, what's your problem? Why are you following us? What do you want?! You've been getting on my nerves!" Stephanie exclaimed confronting the two.
'Yikes, she's still angry from earlier.'
"Whoa, chill down, I'm sorry about earlier. Chill." I said to ease Stephanie down.
"Tsk, I'm not angry at you. I'm like this because I know that woman." Stephanie clicked her tongue.
"You two got into a fight or something?" Lily interjected.
"Ohh, what is it about?" Erik finally spoke because something piqued his interest.
'This guy...'
"I would only say, we don't meet eye to eye. On top of that, she's been staring at us like a creepy pervert." Stephanie said, filled with resentment.
"I'm not. It's called observation. And to point out our relationship, she's indeed correct. Our views are contrary to each other." The woman stated.
"Okay... Is that why your eyes are glued on me because of her?"
"No. Ms. Hart doesn't have anything got to do with it."
"Then why?"
"Based on our previous meeting, the way you conduct yourself with the His Highness. You neither showed hostility nor interest toward His Highness which led me to believe you can either be an ally or an enemy knowing your past with your family, or the latter."
"... I see. That's a sensible reason for your action. But I have a question, was your wariness because of this woman from the Mora family?" I patted Rosalyn's head gently.
"Did you think I'm taking advantage of her? Using her family to get my revenge on the Belmont family? Creating chaos in the aristocrat circle? Which is it? Or, are you wary of the Mora family itself? For the past decade, their contribution to the economy of the kingdom had been remarkable. Now, which is it? I may have acted arrogantly towards His Highness, but those don't mean anything."
I heaved a sigh and continued. "Think of it, distancing myself away from the political stuff of the kingdom. My Master avoided those solely because they're a pain in the ass to deal with and it's natural for her disciple to do the same with the exception of Lily—"
"Oh, wait! I recognize her. She's the daughter of the Heinford Family. The most beautiful woman in the Maiveil kingdom. Lise Heinford!" Erik exclaimed, seemingly out of nowhere.
Our eyes naturally shifted to Erik, once he saw this. "Oh, my deep apologies, I didn't mean to do that. Please, continue on. I'll just move over there." Erik apologized.
"The daughter of the Heinford Family, huh? Your father is considered a genius strategist that helped your kingdom to win against the rebels on the southern border. However, a great wise man like him unfortunately was taken away at such early age. His name is known across the continent for his unorthodox yet meticulous strategy." Lily spoke up.
"Greetings, Your Highness, my deep apologies for not introducing myself first. I hope you may forgive me." Lise bobbed a curtsy.
"Forgiven. But, I find a formal introduction a waste of time, so don't  bother."
"Noted, Your Highness."
"Speaking of your father, his ways influenced a lot of kingdoms even ours, and personally, I'm also an admirer of his works."
"My father would be delighted to hear that if he's here! Thank you for such high praising words, Your Highness!" Lise's eyes glistened in joy.
"It's my pleasure. However, we're digressing too much to our main subject which is this man, so is your reason really just that?"
"What do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about, Your Highness..." Lise was genuinely dumbfounded.
"Don't fool me, vile woman!"
"Vile?!" Lise exclaimed.
"Your lecherous eyes filled with curiosity—"
Before Lily could spout such nonsense, I took the initiative to shut her mouth up to not escalate the situation any further, especially her status as royal and the protector of her kingdom. It may stain her reputation because of her little outburst. I mean, she's already known as a cold, sharp-tongued princess... But, oh well.
"Sorry about that. Lily must've been not feeling well from all the stress on our faction. As you can see, she was recently appointed as our representative. She's handling too much stuff and it's overwhelming her. She didn't mean any of those words." I politely said.
"Hmmmhm?!" Lily cocked her head to the side in confusion.
"O-Oh... I see... I-I understand since I'm also one of the committee members in the faction. I-It can be stressful at times."
"Now, about earlier, I assure you that I don't hold any sort of mal-intent toward His Highness nor the kingdom. As for my issue with Belmont Family, I'm living my life, and even without doing anything, they're already on a downhill trajectory since the beginning." I locked gazes with her magnificent jade-green eyes.
Then I continued. "Establishing a relationship with such a person that's already been rumored to be the strongest contention to the crown. It's a dream come true for any person; however, I don't know him, especially his intention. My status as a disciple of my master would truly bring attention to anyone, so I'm a little careful around people. I hope my reason is enough as an assurance."
I don't mind establishing a relationship, but the troublesome political conflicts that come along with it look troublesome. But at the same time, befriending him would really help me in the future in case anything happens. So, I'd love to stay neutral until a problem arises.
Lise contemplated for a few seconds. "Sorry, but that reason is not enough."
"Well, so—"
"None of your business, woman. Also, if you're going to lie into our face that you're wary of this guy, do a better job at lying because such bullshit would work on him, but not us." Stephanie chimed in the conversation.
"I agree," Rosalyn added.
"Nice!" Lily's eyes glistened and gave Stephanie a thumbs up of approval.
I glanced at Lily eerily. 'What a chaotic conversation.'
"And why would I lie? I'm an aristocrat and it's my duty to look at everything that can harm the kingdom." Lise replied sternly
"Does it really matter? And the fact you're making that excuse was mind-boggling for me. You're not a nosy person when it comes to politics. Yet now, you become one? Bullshit." says Stephanie, pointing her finger at me. "Are you not ashamed of yourself to lie openly like that?"
Lise's eyebrows furrowed.
"Okay, let's settle down here, Ms. Lise. The conversation needs to end now." The man beside Lise got ahead of her, in an attempt to end the meaningless fight that was about to occur.
Then he continued. "We're currently in public and showing such disgrace will taint the reputation of our kingdom, Madam Lise. In the presence of Her Highness, Princess Lily, we shan't act like this. This nonsensical bickering will lead to nowhere. It's better if we leave."
"Finally, a sensible person," I remarked.
"O-Okay..." Lise replied.
"Oi! Don't run away, nothing's done yet!"
"Yes, it's done, Stephanie," I said.
"Tch, you're boring as always." Lily scoffed.
"Seriously? Do you want to argue in a place for everyone to see? Look at the people around you."
"... Fine." Lily puffed her cheeks.
Meanwhile, Stephanie covered her face in embarrassment. Then, I looked back at Lise's attendant again and noticed a strange about him.
The man's face was pretty good-looking. He had some unique features that stood above the rest like the fairly visible scales embedded on his skin, gills on each side of his face, fizzy hair that looked dry and wet at the same time, and a strange diamond-shaped green pupil under his glasses.
'A Merfolk?' Thus, piquing my interest.
"Are you seeing, what I'm seeing Lily?"
"What are you talking about?" Lily replied.
"Nothing... Wait here," I said to Rosalyn to which she obediently complied.
"Where are you going?" Stephanie asked.
"Give me a sec." So, out of curiosity, I approached them to take a closer look at the man. The two were confused as to why I'm approaching them.
"You're a Merfolk? It's my first time seeing one. It's rare to see one in general at the surface. I thought merfolks hated the creatures above the surface?" I asked quietly.
"H-How did you see through?!" The merfolk exclaimed.
Lise and the Merfolk's faces became pale. Soon after, the merfolk's eyes twitched and suddenly, threw a punch at my face with the intent to kill but I blocked it with the palm of my hand and remained unperturbed. Despite his skinny-small figure, he has a lot of power behind his fist. His action, made me ponder on why the two were acting surprised. Am I the only one who can see it?
"Wait, why did you attack?" I sincerely asked.
"How did you know?! How can you see it? Answer me!"
"About what?"
"What you said! It's under a spell, so how?! Tell me! Did they send you here?! "
'Under a spell? Altering appearance magic?'
He's currently in disarray as it's apparent in his tone, beads of sweat falling on his forehead, and quivering eyelashes—Fear was consuming him. I wanted him to calm down and explain myself, but I doubt he would respond kindly to any of my answers. As for Lise, she's still flabbergasted.
"Who? Who sent who?"
"Them—!" He was interrupted by a cold, pressuring presence behind me.
"Might as well continue on," Lily said, caressing her spirit Fenrir.
Upon catching Lily's cold demeanor, he quickly backed off and kneeled down. "I-I-I didn't mean to throw a  punch... Forgive me..."
Lise finally snapped out of her daze and took a step forward, pulling the merfolk behind her. "Please forgive my attendant, he's not fond of people approaching us." She said reluctantly.
I raised my hand, refraining Lily and Stephanie from getting closer. "It's fine. It seems I said something inappropriate. If you want, we can discuss it at another time... Once you two are okay, you can find me in our humble abode. But, I do warn you though, the place could be overwhelming, and no matter what, avoid Arya... at all cost. Go now, or before the two snap."
"... We'll gladly accept your offer. Thank you." Lise took a few seconds before reluctantly replying.
They bowed respectfully to us before walking hurriedly in the opposite direction.
"Why did he attack you?" Stephanie asked.
Merfolks walking on the surface would be considered a rare occurrence, notably because of their dispute with the surface-dwellers. Merfolks are the sought-after species for enslavement along with the elves, bird folks, or any creatures that are considered to be a peerless beauty. However, enslavement was just probably one of the few because, throughout history, water-dwellers and surface-dwellers always have had a problem with each other since the early time of this world.
Speaking of enslavement, Lily hasn't mentioned anything regarding those issues yet. Throughout my time as an adventurer, I've encountered illegal trades who possess elves and they sell for a high price because they're coveted among nobles' circles, no matter from what kingdom they came from. The slave market is massive on this continent.
I saw Lily's spirit beside her, inciting my flaming desire to touch its fur. Yet again, Anya with her sharp senses knew my intention and growled at me, releasing an immense coldness around her. "Grrrr...!"
"Hissss...!" Tsuki appeared on my shoulder and answered back.
'Tch, this savage fur really hates me. I swear, someday, I'll be able to lay my finger on that fur of yours. Someday! Mark my words!'
"Wait, where's Rosalyn?" I asked Lily.
"Wait, yeah, where's she?" Lily added.
"She left in a rush earlier and said, 'Useless brother' and ran off," Stephanie answered.
"Is that so?"
"I'll be—"
"I need to discuss some important matters with my fellow, come here Steph," Lily interjected embracing Stephanie's slender arm.
"Eh, wait!" As I was about to stop them, the Fenrir went in between us and growled. "Grrr!"
"You again..."
Then someone tapped my shoulder. "Why did the princess of the Heinford Family attendant attack you?"
"Oh hey, Erik. Well, because he's shy."
"Come again? Shy? Did I hear that right?"
"Yep. I scared him when I approached them."
"H-huh? I saw everything clearly. How could you spook the person when you approached them in a normal way?" He cocked his head to the right.
"Put it this way, he's not fond of people approaching him."
"Oh! That kind. He has my sympathy then. On a separate note, I can't help but overheard everything earlier. Sorry about that."
"It's fine."
"Revenge, huh?"
"Yeah, that's everyone's assumption. I bet, it's also the Belmont family who spread those rumors to taint my Master's reputation."
"Doesn't seem far-fetch considering your Master's stature."
"It's been spread among the noble circle in the Maiveil kingdom, so how come you didn't know about this?"
"Do I look like I'm interested in such gossip?"
"I'm agreeing with you."
"But at the same time, aren't you a lucky one? To get the attention that's considered the most beautiful woman in our kingdom." Erik playfully elbowed me.
"On a bad way."
"Still, you got her attention. Every man that I know would die for a glance! If Lars was here, he'll surely die of envy. He said to me once that he had a huge crush on her."
"He sure does. He makes a big deal out of small things."
"Also, Erik. Since you joined our faction, specifically you're acquainted with me, be careful. They might find you an easy target."
"Then that makes it interesting." Erik smiled from ear to ear.
"Anyway, I'll go ahead first. After hearing that, I can't afford to slack, so I need to train. See ya' later." Erik patted my back before walking away. As I saw him walk away, I heard him say. "Oooh~! Free training."
'Free training? Are you treating those people that will attack you as an alternative punching bag or what?'
He's not even concerned about the fact that he's being targetted, but found it exhilarating because he treats it as an opportunity and a challenge. Sometimes, I wondered if Erik can go toe-to-toe against the likes of Lily or Adelle if he had his spirit. Based on my observation, his techniques are top-notch and with the keenness in every move he makes, I firmly believe that he has what it takes to be on the top. Also, not to mention, he also has the mindset and most importantly the hunger for strength—the hunger is what drives everyone to strive for the top. But, at the same time, that hunger can be frightening...
"Hunger for strength..." I muttered.
"Oi, what are you muttering?"
"Hm, Lily? Where's Stephanie?"
"Urgent matters to attend."
"Urgent matters... So, what did you tell her? Hm?" I leaned forward until my face is literally inches away from hers.
"I'll tell you later, so why don't you send me back?" Lily smiled and embraced my arm.
I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.
"I'll. Tell. You. Later."
"Fine." I heave a sigh. "Anyway, thanks for earlier, I didn't expect it to be a merfolk."
"I thought you're messing with them, but the reaction he gave to you is genuine which made me believe. You know, you can be thoughtless sometimes. But, you recovered pretty well, I give you props for that... Of course, with my help... as always."
"Geez, no need to say the last part. I already gave you my gratitude."
"I'm merely reminding you." Lily shrugged her shoulders.
"Ma—" I caught the sight of a silver-haired woman walking alongside a woman with cub ears. 'Cella and Shikta? Quite unusual to see the two together. What are they doing together? And in here?'

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