Isekai: The Eight Soul Fragments

Chapter 245: Operation Cleanup: Divination

"Gayle... Are you sure you wish to join us?" Juniper raised a question immediately, warning her of the dangers of the mission. "I'm well aware, Draxus will be the lead for that mission, he's placing you two at the core group right? Which means you'll be fighting that hero?" Gayle raised a few questions, making her own confirmations as to what they will be facing. Pauleen answered, feeling slightly concerned on what will happen. "Yeah, it's pretty much something like that..." "Then let me join." With such a serious and resolute expression from Gayle, they were troubled on how to approach it. Eventually, they tried to use Draxus's name to try and convince her otherwise. "We'll have to talk to Draxus about this..." "No, I'll talk to him directly." Juniper was interrupted, with her slight bit of pressure, the two decided to fold and hopefully Draxus will make the decision.

Back in the castle, Draxus went to talk to his fiancés regarding his next mission. As he planned to bring Lilianna and Julianna with him, he wanted to at least ensure that they will be safe. Wendy first came to him as she was the one that saw Draxus looking somewhat stressed at his balcony.

"Drax, will you be okay now?" "Yes, they decided that they want to save their parents at least, so I won't have to deal with them. Lily, Julie, I'll leave them to you." Lilianna and Julianna smiled as their hopes of being able to fix their family relations was given a chance. Scarlet then came towards Draxus placing her hand on his chest where his heart was located, expressing her own concern. She wasn't very talkative, as she used to have been unable to voice out anything for a long time. "We'll be alright, we plan to set off at the beginning of next month. So I'll open up my time for everyone starting tomorrow." Abigail then came up and spoke as she read Draxus's mind. "Don't push yourself too hard, I know that you plan on clearing all that paperwork. Olivia, let's keep an eye on him in the office later, in fact, we should take part of the workload." Abigail had a wry smile of understanding Draxus's intentions with her mind-reading abilities. Olivia nodded to Abigail's request as they knew how much paperwork Draxus normally handles. "At the very least try to rely on us as well." Olivia mentioned that to Draxus, to make sure that he doesn't hold the burden completely. Draxus could only smile, both in relief and a bit of worry, as he similarly doesn't want his fiancés to push themselves.

This is because he knew that they try to help around the Preeliance castle often. Olivia and Abigail moves as his two secretaries, Matilda, Lilianna, and Julianna help out on improving Richard's Knight Order while doing patrols around the city, Gwen is working on the religious changes within the world after the change in Santuria as they set up a church. Wendy was helping on affairs between Earth and the current world they're in, and Scarlet who is watching over everyone in the Hall of Sentinels.

At that point, Draxus knew that he couldn't do anything to stop them. He just simply allowed them to do whatever they wished. However, he had to make sure that nobody was pushing themselves too far just for him.

After speaking with his fiancés, he went towards Serkyrio's office to ask him for divination. It became customary for the Archons to go towards Serkyrio to ask for a divination for their mission. This is so they can avoid any possible casualties and let everyone return in at least, surviving condition.

Jess greeted Draxus, as she was just leaving the office with a small stack of papers in her hands. "Hello Drax, you're looking for Serkyrio?" "Yeah is he in?" "Mhm, feel free to enter." Draxus thanked Jess before going into the office.

"Oh Drax? Here for divination?" "Yeah, I would like to at least know if there are going to be members in severe danger." Serkyrio nodded, offering Draxus to sit down in front of his desk. "So for your mission, I see that most of your members will be fighting really well. The only existing uncertainty you have is the [Core]." As expected, something will happen in my group, I suppose you won't be telling me much more than that?" "Indeed, if I tell you any more, it could start the collapse of the [Tree of Timelines] as telling you what will happen would mean that many branches will be erased, and it would become unstable." "Alright, fair enough." Draxus looked around and noticed that the atmosphere have changed within the room. As it felt like everything is a bit more floaty or light.

"Serkyrio, if this does not affect the [Tree of Timelines], can you tell me the reason why you aimed to search for the other hearts?" "Hmm..." Serkyrio pondered, as he thought about answering his disciple's question.

"The truth is that, I intend to fully ensure of the Prime's stability before I awaken everyone. At the start of the summoning, only I, was fully awakened, Arlesk and Remuel were also awakened, but only in memory of the goal." "So I was meant to awaken much later?" "Yes, but when you decided to make use of Moonlit Memory, which allowed you to access part of that power, you became much more stable as you we're physically and mentally capable of handling all those memories and power yet. The original plan is to find your harem, and then awaken your memories. But with your memories awakening, twice even, I had to accelerate the process, even if I manipulated the direction of our timeline." "I see, I get it now. To be fair, I'm grateful that we found them earlier than anticipated, we're still missing one right?" Serkyrio nodded, and simply handed Draxus what seemed to be a an orb. "Drax, I want you to hand over your Fortune Cards, the current you can already handle the threats without them. So I will modify these cards to become the [World Breaker] cards. Some will remain the same, and some will be changed completely. This orb here holds knowledge of your souls, it has records of what happened to most of your souls before you unlock their memories." Draxus was surprised with what Serkyrio had given him, but he accepted without any question.

"Now go, you will see what will change the tides of your turbulence soon enough." Serkyrio spoke those words as Draxus left while thanking him. As Draxus was no longer in the room, Serkyrio closed his eyes and smiled a bit. "He'll be making everyone grow further around him... And I will unlock the true potential of some of his Order as planned..."

Draxus returned to the Hall of Sentinels to continue his work for the day. He was assisted with Abigail and Olivia and they managed to clear through the paperwork just before lights out which was three hours before midnight. It was much earlier than what Draxus had scheduled. He offered to let them rest before they get their date with him. He planned out various things to do with the girls. Since he planned to bring them out one by one, so they get at least a whole day to be alone with him. There was already a checklist written in his deck on the schedules that they chose for their dates.

Olivia had her date scheduled as last in the list with her request to see the current state of Quisterion's capital and the castle, mainly visiting her family.

The same goes for Matilda, who also wanted to check in on her family.

Lilianna and Julianna, had similar plans, to simply go on adventures.

Gwen wanted to go to Earth, mostly to shop around novels and books that she wants to read.

Wendy wants to go to an event that will happen in Earth.

Abigail and Scarlet wants to see Earth for themselves.

With so many wishes to grant, Draxus at least felt relieved that he didn't have to do anything complicated but simply expound through their wishes.

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