Chapter 236: Hostile Deal
"Harold?" Arlesk was in the Dimensional Laboratory, looking around trying to find Harold. "Archon Arlesk?" The person who called out to him was Remuel's fiancé, Victorina. "Harold is currently underground, through there." She pointed towards a room which leads downstairs, which had signs of no entry for others excluding for a list of names, Arlesk's name is included in the list. "Thanks..." Arlesk thanked Victorina and entered the restricted room. He walked down the stairs and arrived to the cave which was created by Harold.
"Harold?" Arlesk took notice of Harold who seemed to be melancholic while sitting on white grass. "Ah... Arlesk?" "What are you doing?" "I'm testing the limits of my abilities..." Arlesk, as he stepped on the white grass was starting to feel somewhat tense from the feeling of the thickness of mana in the surroundings. "Is this... A different world...?" Harold only nodded, and began to explain the gist. "This is a simulated universe... I created this new form of magic, using the data of dreams, pocket universes, creation, history, phenomena... All concepts and theories... Inside a temporary world..." Arlesk was shocked, as this was pretty much different than what Harold was usually capable of.
"So, what brings you here...?" "I'm here to ask for your help, regarding the souls of the heroes, extracting the heroic souls in their cards." Harold stood up, and dispersed all the white grass and crystal flowers with bright sunlight inside the cave, turning it back into a dark, gloomy cavern. "What you just did... Challenges the principle of creation..." "Yes, but you, the Principle of Creation's proxy, are capable of similar things as well, but you can create things in permanence, that's what you are after all, Creation." "How do you...? Serkyrio told you?" "Yes, but also I've been someone who also has been around for quite a while." "I see... Did you just remember?" "No, I just haven't told anyone really... But seeing Draxus's state regarding his souls, I know that I have to take action to help as well. Specially when the apostles did exterminate my race. Anyways, I'll tell the rest of the story with everyone later." "Alright, we should prep now..." Arlesk and Harold left the Dimensional Laboratory, and met with the Heroes after a few days.
Between the borders of Bovoyna and the country at the center of the continent, there was a long table. With three chairs on one end, and five on the other. Serkyrio was seated on one end, and Cronus on the other. The ones that accompanied Serkyrio's group was Arlesk, Ulysses, Pantheon, and Claude, while Cronus was accompanied by Magna, and the third apostle, who had finally appeared.
"It seems that we have some uninvited guests here, I figured that you might appear anyway." Cronus spoke out with irritation, seemingly having part of his plans thwarted and realized. "Unfortunately for you, I'm here to prevent all of you from murdering the heroes after we had realized what you originally had intended to make them do." Serkyrio held the three hero cards, which was emanating in power as it contained the full heroic soul inside each one. Cronus simply clicked his tongue, as he knew that it would be troublesome to fight against Serkyrio regardless of the situation. "Then since you're here then you might as well hand it over." Serkyrio set the cards down on the table and swiped it to slide to the other end of the table. "It seems to me that you're prepared to make another attack on this entire world. But surprisingly, the country behind you seems completely unharmed by the attack. Aquila, and Temockria are both suspiciously unharmed as well." "You think I would tell you? But I guess as expected of the God governing the Heavenly Space, and one of the three guardians of the prime." "Of course, ever since the first soul was killed, the game is already going towards checkmake." Cronus laughed a bit from Serkyrio's statement. "What? We won at the first soul being taken?" "Quite the opposite, but of course numbskulls like you can't cannot fathom the methods." Cronus' eye twitched, seemingly getting much more irritated. Magna remained emotionless, while the third apostle opened his eyes, which revealed what seems to be a purple glint with tinges of red.
"Let's not forget the [God of Creativity], has failed to eliminate the off-spring of one of the devourer race [God of Administration]... Seeing as both of you are guardians of the prime, surely you couldn't think that you might be strong enough against the full adult of the devourer spider..." The third apostle spoke. "Again, perhaps you might've not considered how your underlings, including Unknown, failed to kill Arlesk, let alone all of you almost died from his setup? Leader of the Devourer race, Kenós Afgrund, or maybe I should say, the one who devoured the [God of Information]?" "You know that much..." Kenós narrowed his eyes, noticing that Serkyrio doesn't have any shred of panic. Magna, who noticed that the two apostles are getting worked up, stood and urged them to leave. "It seems that we have overstayed, we'll be taking our leave now." "Yeah, go work on your amalgamation of heroic spirits." Magna looked back at Serkyrio, completely shocked. The ones accompanying him, including Arlesk were also shocked by his words. Serkyrio opened his eyes, seemingly able to predict every move of the enemies. The three apostles left, with the cards now in their hands but had twitching expressions. "Serkyrio... Did you just say... An amalgamation...?" Ulysses, couldn't believe what Serkyrio had said. "Yes, their real plan was to retrieve the cards and create the perfect weapon in their arsenal. The hero of the country in front of us, has existed for already ten thousand years. Has power over various concepts, which is pretty much the worst match against Draxus, but they're still fated to fail." Arlesk stepped back a bit, completely unable to understand why Serkyrio was still predicting their failure and fall. The heroes, were completely speechless. "Now then, I believe the three of you are awaiting your judgement?" Serkyrio looked over to the three heroes with a bit of a smile, knowing what to do to make sure the three heroes get back to their old capabilities.