Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 96 Making super powers

Once again it took forever to figure out. Paving your own path sucks massive dick, instead of stealing someone else's work, and playing it off as my own. I figured out and invented a way to permanently gain mana/chi and it was an insignificant amount. 


Figuring out how to shrink the force portal was the first step as it filled my space at a more manageable speed. With the force balloon filling up it reached the magic circles and my mana circles converted the force to mana/chi. With my chi core rotating around it like a planet revolving around the sun I felt much safer leaving this for a few days than the open siphon portal.


If my normal chi collection was that of a tap dripping water. Having sex would be like turning on the faucet for a few seconds. The new converting dark force method was like adding in a bag of ice every few hours. It would take a while for the ice to turn into water but it could be more effective in the long run.


The worrying part is I had to pay more attention to the bucket(Whatever is holding my chi and force now) as it could overfill and start causing problems for me. In the future, once I have finished making my circles and upgrading my chi core to solid, I could shrink down the portal. Right now, adjusting it more might draw unwanted attention.


If someone noticed a person was siphoning dark force without giving mana they might close it off or try to reverse it again. In the worst case, they could open it as much as possible. I didn’t know how much dark force I could take but a portal the size of myself would probably not be a good thing. That’s me thinking of the worst possible case though.


Chances are it would go unnoticed and I would be fine. When I came out of my mana space it had been three days… A gigantic black panel could be seen now.


New powers created!

Mana to force conversion

Force to mana conversion

Mana control

Force control


I can make powers!? The fuck! How did I not get a sex god power yet then!? Well, enough messing around, I wonder if anything important happened in that time.




One day earlier


The Hand was a notorious ninja assassin organization. With many “hands” in the pockets of many businesses, they had a good read on the patents being created. Cale-Anderson Pharmaceuticals has been making waves recently. For the first time in years, they filed a patent and it wasn’t just one but several.


Anderson was a highly skilled biochemist, but she wasn’t several patents at once type of biochemist. It had been years since they released a new product and within a single month huge changes happened. The hand would normally not look twice, besides the new opportunity to steal the products or smuggle them if they were military grade.


So to the leader's surprise, when she read chi awakening pill and condensed chi pill, she knew that they needed the supply of that item. No, even more than that, they needed to stop the production of that product. It didn’t take much effort to find who the real patent holder was. A young man named Danny Storm. Just the name Danny drew the ire of the Fingers of the Hand.


If Danny Rand(Ironfist) hadn’t been completely distracted with his training, he might have had a chance to notice the sudden movement of the hand. Ironfist was a hands-off kind of CEO, which was great for his company. It was also great for his enemies, who had gained key positions in his business without him noticing.


Siphoning away his power and funds, in just a few more months Danny Rand would be ousted as CEO and thrown on the streets as a beggar. That is if they hadn’t just massively fucked up. If they knew who they were dealing with, if they knew the type of man Danny Storm was, they might have made the right decision.


But they didn’t. Orders went through to find the man and it didn’t take long for two locations to watch come through. All they had to do was wait for his return.




It had been a month since his father had “saved” Damien. Their relationship was rocky but he had gotten over the probation period now. He couldn’t visit anyone Bruce had deemed non-family. It was about the same time his father was going to be missing for a Justice League mission into space. 


He was doing research into his rogues gallery but also at potential allies and one name stood out. Several of the girls who were part of the Bat family talked about a certain man and Damien was curious to meet him. What kind of man could keep so many girls enthralled so that he was all they talked about? 


He had seen it with his own eyes. They were all strong, stronger than the men of the bat family. All because of a single man they slept with. He turned from his computer and yelled to Alfred. “Alfred! Do we have any more Capri suns?” The black-haired man answered his ward. “Afraid not young master. Cassandra pilfered the last one before she went on patrol.”


“Drats.” He would have to get revenge on her for that. Doesn’t she know Capri sun is a kid's drink?




“We have to mobilize the entire Justice League for this one. We’re only leaving behind a skeleton crew.” Batman talked to Iron Man who decided to stay behind and make sure the watchtower doesn’t hit Earth. “You got it champ, speaking of which, man to man… When are you gonna pop the question to Catlady?”


Bruce cleared his throat to cover up a laugh. “Cat woman and I are taking it slow. I did just get my CEO position back at Wayne Enterprises.” Tony could only chuckle. “Who would have guessed that removing the core person for how the business is run would be a bad idea.”


Once again Bruce could only smirk at what he said. He got serious for a moment before giving Tony a warning. “Keep an eye out on New York. I could tell something big was about to happen but I won't be around to see it in space… I just hope we aren’t making a huge mistake taking so many members in space to stop the fight between Thanos and the remainder of Darkseid's army.”


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 125+ 

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