Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 90 Explaining the drugs

Veronica Cale’s point of view


I poured myself a double standard-size glass of wine and drank it all down in one go before pouring myself another. Wonder Woman was on the news again as she thwarted a galactic attack by the Sinestro corps. At least that’s what the news would have you believe. I highly doubted that bitch did more than bat her pretty eyelashes at the men of her group and took credit like she always did.


I had no doubt Wonder Woman was fucking all the men in the Justice League to get her way. I walked into my office and I was greeted with a sight I hadn’t expected. Sitting in my seat was a man being held at gunpoint by my chief of security Blanca. In her normal spot she would sit waiting patiently for me to arrive was my business partner and head scientist Leslie Anderson.


The man turned towards me and I was almost taken aback by how attractive he was. It’s almost otherworldly, like something you’d expect an angel to look like. I didn’t hate all men. It would have been impossible for me to have children if I hated them. I used them for their intended purpose. I was thinking of ways to get this man in my debt when I realized he was sitting in my chair.


I took in a deep breath as I tried to hide my boiling anger at a man sitting in my chair at my desk. In my best saleswoman voice, I ask. “So Mr…” He answered. “Storm. Danny Storm.” That name sounded familiar. With a few snaps Blanca answered. “He was your 4 P.M. meeting this Thursday ma'am.” Ahh the man who promised the literal world on a platter.


The man abruptly stood up and moved to the side. With him exiting my chair I could now see several different items on my desk that I had previously not noticed. That was to be expected with me, a tiger doesn’t lose sight of its prey. He began to explain what each product was and if he wasn’t lying… I needed to get him under me by any means necessary.




“This first product is a miracle weight loss drug. It effectively increases the body's metabolism to burn extra calories a day. We have three different strengths there. The first is a thousand, the second is two thousand five hundred and the third is five thousand.” I pointed at the different pills inside different colored containers.


Pointing at the next. “These are cancer removal pills and cancer prevention pills. The weaker ones work sort of as cancer-sniffing blood cells that will eat and replace the cancer cells. The prevention pills do the same except they reproduce new cancer-eating cells from the biomass it will absorb from eating the cancer.”


Wide-eyed stares looked back at me as they realized the weight of the products I was showing. It was extremely easy for me to reverse-engineer some of my powers. Using my chemical secretion and manipulation was an insane shortcut to actually synthesizing new medicine. 


I had killed enough bioengineers, biochemists, and scientists to understand the underlying principles of what was currently needed in the market. Obesity and cancer were the two biggest problems and the only other products were much worse than what I could produce myself.


It would take six months to get to market but each would be a multi-million dollar industry in the first year and possibly a billion-dollar industry within its second. Once the pills were verified to work that is. I would have to get Emma to hire actors and models, possibly superheroes, to use and endorse the weight loss pills. Possibly famous elderly actors to endorse the cancer removal pills.


I pointed at the next set of products. “Each of these is a weak version and a strong version of different drugs I stole. I’ve altered them enough that they’re outside of patent law so it just leaves explaining what each does.”


I grabbed the yellow vials first. One was in a normal vial while the other was in a more ornate vial showing the difference in each product. “This is my version of the mirakuru drug. The weaker version effectively lengthens the life of anyone who ingests it. The stronger version also increases lifespan and is a more powerful version of the super soldier serum. We’ll only be selling the weaker versions to the public while the stronger version will be kept for people who are close to me.”


I sat for a few moments before I explained. “That means if you agree to this deal I’ll give the three of you the perfected ultra-human serum I made.” I sat the two down before grabbing the purple vials next. “This is the purple heart serum. The weaker version enhances the senses and improves cognitive functions in humans. It won’t make someone a genius but it will still be noticeable. The better version lets you hear someone's heartbeat, see in the dark, and think at an accelerated speed. It also enhances your ligaments to a professional contortionist's level.”


Pulling up the next orange vials. “Extremis stolen from your rival Maya Hansen. I know that Leslie was trying to recreate it at some point. You should know what this does, or what it should do. I altered the virus so instead of it being a parasitic relationship it is a mutualistic symbiotic relationship with its host. It will try its best to keep the person alive. That includes fixing damage all the way up and including mental conditions. The enhanced version gives greatly improved regeneration, it also gives mental cellular adaptation.” 


The deep intake of breath from Miss Anderson and the dead-eyed stares from the other two told me I needed to explain further. “What Leslie is so excited about is it allows you to mentally alter your body. If you don’t like your mole, you get rid of your mole. If you don’t like your scar, get rid of your scar. You can make yourself as beautiful as you want to be and on top of that, as young as you want to be. It’s effectively an eternal youth potion.” The two new deep intakes of breath and the sudden smirk on my face let me know I had gotten their attention.


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 120+ 

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