Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 120 Alexander Luthor

I walked out of the elevator with a group of women. As we entered the Stark party, I was holding the waists of the two women I wanted to flaunt. It was very exclusive, only the people who received an invite, movie stars, models, and people on the Forbes richest billionaires list. I noticed the two I wanted to taunt standing near each other talking.


Tony Stark and Lex Luthor were standing near a window as they talked. Both noticed the three of us at the same time and their casual smiles fell off their faces. I let go of my two women and began talking like I didn’t do this on purpose. “Wow, it’s so nice to see the great Anthony Stark and Alexander Luthor.” I knew both of them didn’t like their full names as I smiled at their deepening frowns.


Lex ignored me completely looking at the woman on my right. “Lena. It’s good to see you outside of a courtroom. I wish you would quit this silly little business and just go back to being a mother. Who knows what might happen if you don’t.”


She waved at the waitress in a bikini for the champagne as she spoke not looking at Lex. “Ahh yes, brother. Wouldn’t you like that? Go back to the crippled girl you could ignore as you squandered our father's legacy. When was the last time you invented something that wasn’t for killing Superman you limp dick pathetic loser?”


I had to use several powers to not shout out ‘OH SHIT!’ as I just watch Stark taken aback by what she said. He looks at the woman on my left with a slowly growing smile on his face. “Good to see you, Nat. I’m sorry for leaving the Avengers and causing it to collapse. I just couldn’t handle Fury giving me orders.” She didn’t snap back as hard as Lena but still didn’t go easy. “Yes. I know sometimes it’s best to trade in for an upgrade.”


It was subtle, probably subtle enough someone like Stark wouldn’t put two and two together but he was quite aware of mine and her relationship. “Y-yea. Alright then, speaking of which, I don’t think we’ve met before Mr.?” I reached out and shook his hand. “Storm. Danny Storm.” Once again trying to barb me but leaving it vague. “Oh, I guess you’re one of these models plus one then?”


I just smiled at him. “Ahh, no. Just made it onto the Forbes richest billionaires list. You might have not seen it though with how fast I’m making money. I’ve also done some modeling and acting in a commercial for my businesses. You also might not recognize me but I’m the one who cured your chest.” As if he got me he spoke up. “Wow, I thought I recognized you. Did you have a little work done? You look different, maybe a bit taller? Are you wearing platform shoes?”


I only laughed as I made fun of him. “No, I’m still just eighteen. Still had another growth spurt in me I guess. Maybe we should sit down so you don’t have to keep looking up at me.” I said the last line in a joking manner but it was to flame him as well. As a vein man, I knew his height would bother him as his smile fell for a split second. “No need. I’ll just go look for someone else to talk to. Oh, Zatanna is over there!”


I could only chuckle as I knew what was going to happen when he found out I was actually the business owner of the company she was running. Then he would notice Emma Frost and figure out I also owned that business. Maybe noticed the sudden improvement of Veronica Cale and her bodyguard and went to talk to her… And found out I was a partner with as many shares as her other partners in the insanely profitable pharmaceutical company she was running.


It was hard not to laugh at him and he might even plan to fight me later because of this interaction. I knew Lex had plans to kill me and Lena already. That would be exhibit A in the next court hearing as I began hiring the workers out from underneath him. I was still in the process of flipping Mercy his bodyguard but it wouldn’t take much longer.


As loyal as she was she must have noticed how unstable he was becoming as his sister kept winning case after case. We had gained the right to also use the inventions their father made and were in the process of creating cheaper versions of everything we got access to. The iron-clad will their father made that gave them both high-paying positions, huge sums of money, and access to inventions left him no choice but to stall in the courtroom.


Lena had never claimed the money she was given and the judge deemed that the money was to be treated as a loan as Lex had used every penny of his father's wealth to build his business. The money still was only a drop in the bucket but it left him embarrassed that he had stolen from his crippled sister. It diminished his play at running for president because every person he ran against could use that as a talking point for his character.


He had planned to cure her legs but just hadn’t gotten around to it. Or that’s what he was planning to say, but now with his sister actively suing him with no plans to reconcile it made it impossible for him to run for president without looking like a clown. Or at least someone as smart as me could read into what he was planning. As I heard the glass breaking I knew she had insulted him enough to make him attack her. 


His giant robotic suit had broken through the window of Stark Tower which was odd to me. I would have thought Tony would have installed anti-entry protocols for other robots. He climbed into the robot and as it was sealing him in I tossed an EMP grenade at his feet. It would short-circuit the power in the Tower if it spread to the electric outlets so I made sure to keep the explosion from spreading more than a few feet from Lex.


He continues to move so I toss a magical anti-electricity spell at his feet next. This would only stop him if his robot used electricity to function. It did work on Ironman’s robots but Lex used an alternate power source than electricity to power his suit. He used radiation from Kryptonite or something like that if I remember… Anti-radiation spell next as his hand came up to point a gun at his sister.


I couldn’t help but burst out laughing as he stopped moving. This was a death knell for his business. We pissed him off so much that he didn’t use a robot or assassin or any other workaround to kill us. He was so infuriated he used his own robot to attack us. I had been shorting his stock since Lena began suing him but this was going to be a big chunk of money after the stock fell again. At the very least it would be another thing to point out in the courtroom to have more money given to us.


Lena just smirked as she said loud enough for everyone at the party to hear. “I told you! Impotent!” I walked around the party giving cards to everyone I could, making sure to give the special cards to the female heroes/villains. 


As the party wound down I couldn’t help but try to take two women I hadn’t come with away to possibly ‘make deals’ with. As I’m about to leave a hand grips mine and as I look to see who it is… Fucking Mary Jane was here looking pissed at me.

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