Chapter 3429: Campaign! III
Noah had gone across many campaigns of conquests that held varying difficulties.
He had conquered Worlds, Galaxies, Universes, Cosmos, and more as his scale of war was vast!
So what difficulty could a Settlement of entities born of Matter pose to him, when they at most held tools like blunt swords, clubs, and bow and arrows?
The answer was that it was not even worth mentioning.
This was why against a few thousand beings, he only brought and planned to deploy a single soldier.
In the span of half an hour after the hot air balloon designed by the Infiniverse and brought into Hell Terra Firma flew out of the first unnamed Settlement, it arrived and floated above the Settlement mentioned by Pioneer Nysa.
A much larger Settlement that actually held viable defensive walls, and the many buildings within actually held structure as if they were made of clay and wood- giving a sense of order and neatness as if an architecture had designed many things here!
Noah looked down at the Settlement below as he smiled and spoke to Ruination.
"Make it quick. Do not kill unless you have to. After all, we are peaceful conquerors."
He spoke such a calm command as Ruination nodded, and her figure encased in a neon battle suit grabbed the edges of the basket they were in…and she jumped out!
The Air Balloon was descending, and yet Ruination did not even wait as she shot down like a speeding bullet.
Hell Terra Firma.
A land of utter despair and nothingness!
Taru arrived here a decade ago as he founded a Settlement and formed a semi structure of government with his remnant fighting techniques and mind.
As an entity who had Pioneered his own path, he ruled over many as there were over a hundred Omniverses he reigned over!
But now…
He shook his head with a sense of desolation as he left a bathroom that was essentially a deep pit dug underground, a small square hole left open as an opening for others to do their business.
He actually had to shit.
For the last decade- whether daily or every two days, someone like him had to do such a thing as defecate!
A Pioneer of Existence.
He ate lavish items and food filled with complexity as they were broken down into pure energy in his body- he never held a need to defecate or urinate!
But now, he was reduced to this.
He raised his eyes to the skies to curse this place he was thrown in out of nowhere once more when…
He rubbed his eyes with hands that had only been washed with water and no soap.
He thought he saw what looked to be a vessel in the skies.
A vessel.
In barren lands such as these that rejected life itself, how could such a thing appear?
But as he stared up, it never left, and actually seemed to be coming closer.
And then, he could swear he saw a human figure jump out of this vessel!
"What the fuc-...!"
It was followed by a heavy impact at the center of the Settlement moments later, the vibrations even traveling over to his current position as he felt his legs go weak.
This day.
It was the start of something that Taru would never forget for the rest of his life!
Approximately one hour after this event.
Just one hour.
And yet, the situation within the Graylife Settlement that Taru had aptly named since its conception was a grim and quiet one.
All those of high positions and power were lined up in the center of the Settlement, Warlord Taru included as his expression was one of shock and heaviness as he looked towards the woman who had come from the skies!
She had decimated any ounce of defense inside this Settlement in the span of a few minutes, and all the time that followed was her stating that if they did not resist, they would not be hurt or killed.
Some tried to test their power and luck since that time.
Warlord Taru included as he had techniques of fighting ingrained in his bones when he was still a powerful personage before this!
The woman clad in weapons and with crisscross blades on her back felt like she was on a different level entirely.
As if she wasn't even human!
Her hands struck out at speeds he couldn't even see, and he found himself beaten to the ground and in great pain within seconds.
His identity was then unveiled as the Warlord, and he dazedly answered all questions this woman asked.
Questions regarding other Pioneers apart from him in this Settlement.
And minutes later, here they were.
An eerie calmness and silence settled in this area as the terrifying woman stood silently while gazing above- towards an Air Balloon that was just now arriving on the ground!
Warlord Taru was kneeling along with four others who were known as past Pioneers of Existence before they arrived in the Hell Terra Firma, their eyes that seemed to have all of their common sense broken also gazing up at the descending Air Balloon.
Hundreds of other humanoid entities watched on in the background as from the basket of the Air Balloon, a man armored in golden brilliance head to toe stepped out.
He looked at everything nearby as even his eyes were hidden, his body radiating an imposing air as he held a long golden spear that seemed nearly twice his size, and yet he wielded it effortlessly!
The moment he arrived, everyone felt their hearts stifled as the magnetic gaze of this being came to lock onto Warlord Taru and the four other Pioneers isolated in their own space.
His voice was even more magnetic and carried a hint of regality as he called out to them.
"You five were past Pioneers?"
It felt like an entity far higher in power was asking a question as even Taru felt a stifling sensation to answer, and he thought carefully while analyzing everything he had seen in the last hour, and he nodded!
The four beside him analyzed the recent events and came to the same conclusions, following along the lead of these powerful beings!