In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju

[148] A Trap Talk

Chapter 148: A Trap Talk

Small or not, Prodence was beautiful.

The buildings of the Capital city had a distinctly elegant feel, reminiscent of 1800s England. The structures were made of stone and brick, yet painted with ornate colors, spires, and elegant arches. They were lined up neatly along the cobblestone streets, offering a pleasant view to the passersby. Incorporated with the city's landscape was a large beautiful blue lake, it divided the city in parts; its peaceful waters bustled with activity and life. The city had an alluring air of sophistication and elegance—combined with the lake's natural beauty, it created a picturesque landscape.

"Nice view,"


Robin and Hashirama strode through the bustling streets, their heads looking round and around in search of an inn.


Robin tried to make a conversation without sounding too desperate. People looked in their direction, captivated by their appearance and clothes. A few recognized Hashirama— since Prodence was a kingdom close to Dressrosa, some people here may have been present during the event. Most looked at Robin, dressed in a salmon sarong skirt and a short green shirt with a boob-window, while Hashirama was dressed in a simple white tee and black pants.

They soon found a hotel to stay, talked with the receptionist about the price, and got themselves three large rooms with many beds. They took the keys and decided to drop the luggage they were carrying in one of the rooms, one where Hashirama would be staying with either Vivi or Mikita if they wished to join him.

From this floor of the hotel, they could see a stunning view of the beautiful city. A soft glow emanated from the sunlight glistening over the waters and buildings that line the canals. The lake, filled with busy traffic of passenger and cargo vessels, could be seen in the distance. Below, the streets were lined with boutiques and shops. As the sun hung on the east sky, a soft morning glow covered the city, the buildings and the waters.

"Looks great, doesn't it?"



Robin once again tried to converse, but he just hummed in response. Robin felt her lips twitch. Now that they were not in a public space, she couldn't hold back her irritation any longer. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and turned sharply to face him, while light cast from behind her.

[Image Here]


"Just what are you trying, Hashirama? I am not your girlfriend, why are you being so dramatic? What have I done that soiled your mood?" she demanded.

He looked back at her in confusion. "Hm? What are you talking about?"

"...." Robin stared at him blankly. "Ah yes, of course. You are not ignoring me?"

"I am?" He tilted his head, leaning his body on his left shoulder against the wall beside the window. "You are reading too much between the lines."

"...." she stared at him in silence. Robin didn't show her negative emotions openly, but even so, it was clear she was extremely annoyed right now. Yet, she took a deep breath and managed to ask, "Just what did I do wrong?"

"It's unreasonable for me to think you did anything wrong." He replied evasively. "If you don't think it's not wrong, then it's not right for me to think it is. Is it?"

"..." She didn't answer, Robin realized what he was implying. She lowered her head. "If you want me to apologize, I will. I am s-"

"Without knowing what you did, you are going to apologize? Quite the pacifist." He said with a sigh, standing straight again. "Anyways, don't worry about it. It's not that deep, I guess. Just don't try to talk to me for a while, it's annoying."

He tried to walk away, but she yanked him by his shoulder. "Am I annoying? Tell me what I did wrong... or what I did that you didn't like. I'll apologize for it."

"That's the same thing you did last time. Apologize this, apologize that. It doesn't work that way." His tone was calm as he turned back to her. "Will you forgive the marines, Admiral Akainu who pulled the final shots, for killing everyone at Ohara if they apologize?"

"...." Robin's eyes trembled at his words. She gave him a conflicted glare; why did he have to bring that up?

"Of course, I'm exaggerating, this situation isn't as deep as that." He shrugged. "It's just extremely annoying that you forgot our deal — your promise. And you did that while painting it as a joke."

Robin's lips thinned. "What did I do- ah."

He sighed as she remembered. When that scene happened with Viola, she fueled the fire by calling out how he was playing with her, insultingly saying that— he thought a high-status woman like Viola would choose to be with him despite him already having other partners.

It was... funny, back then. Because she knew he would survive a few slashes from Viola if she managed to hit him at all.

"Looks like you realized," he looked her in the eyes. "Do you know it nearly ruined our relationship?"

Robin frowned now, "This is nonsense. She would have reacted the same way even if I didn't say that. Any woman would be mad if they found out the guy who was flirty with them has not one but two girlfriends! How is that my fault that-"

"Ah yes, it's fine to betray your captain's trust just because he would suffer anyway." He shut her up and she fell silent. "You are saying it's alright to work against me since I was going to suffer again. That if there was a battle and I was losing, it's alright for you to backstab me and run to the enemies." He looked at her coldly, laughing in irony. "I remember, that's how you lived your life until now. I am not even making it up, you admitted it, you worked for people and when things turned bleak you betrayed them and left. That's your lifestyle. You did that to me already in the past, and now again. I should have learned from the first time."

Robin's eyes were wide now, her lips shaking as she tried to come up with an explanation. However, what was there to explain when she had indeed betrayed him in the past?

"Robin, we had an agreement," he said with a sigh. "A trade. For my forgiveness, you traded your freedom. You became my property, remember? But you just took the benefits from that which was supposed to be a punishment. You lived on a ship that reminded you of home, and you had a fun time doing that. You just sat on your ass, read books, and enjoyed your time while the others did everything. Mikita cooked, Vivi fought, and you just sat on your ass. What is your use, really? So useless, until it's time to stab my back."

Robin was in tears by then. Her lips were shaking and droplets of tears were forming on the corners of her eyes. She glared at him, but she had no words to defend herself. He was exaggerating, she knew, but she had no arguments.

And he was exaggerating, he knew that too, Robin wasn't as useless as he was blaming her to be. She took care of the girls like an elder sister, she managed their plans and supervised them, and it was her that gave him the blueprint for the Wood that the ship was made out of. But in the heat of the moment, he knew she couldn't fight back. He was not faking all of it though, he was indeed annoyed at her for that Viola incident, just now as much as he was showing.

'But it's alright, we'll be much closer after the arguments end.' He thought, much to his selfish belief. She needed a family in this world, and as the compensation for being a dick, he would give her that.

"A-are you," she gulped and looked at him, quickly wiping her tears away. "Are you going to kick me out of the crew, then?"

"What?" he showed her a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Did you not hear what I just said? You're my property. Why will I let my poneglyph reading machine get away from me? That's your only use, even if you have only been of use once until now. Ah, wait, maybe Marianne knows how to read it? She did learn Fuinjutsu from her late father. What if... he taught her how to read a Poneglyph too? Damn, then you'd have no use left at all."

"...." that caused her tears to break free, she looked away from him and wiped her eyes. That was particularly harsh even among everything else he said, he was telling her he saw her in no different way than what Crocodile did. "Then... what do you want me to do? To get your forgiveness?"

"Hmm," he wondered. "I don't know. You think of something. I'll take anything." He looked her in the eye.

"..." Robin let out a sigh. She held the knot of her shirt... and hesitated. "Do you want me to..."

"That'd be lovely of me," Hashirama let out a laugh. "If that's what I wanted, I'd have seduced you slowly in a romantic way, Robin."

He didn't lie. All he wanted to do with this talk was soften her up a little, for his future approaches. If he demanded her body as an apology after telling her all that, even he would feel bad about it.

To his shock, Robin pulled off her buttons and let her shirt free anyway. "I'm glad to hear that." She said, looking at him with wet blue eyes that were drying. "I would have done it if you asked, but I would have felt worthless afterwards. But now... I can do it with a free heart."

"What? Don't be silly, I really don't want to force you into this." He told her.

"Don't misunderstand, since I insultingly said that it's arrogant of you to assume that a high-status woman like Viola would choose you despite you already having other partners, I'll prove myself wrong and slap myself in the face by choosing you myself. Not that I am a high-class woman... not after the things you said. But I hope it counts. And I'm saying this just in case, but I will feel more useless if you reject me."

Hashirama stayed silent and watched as hands sprouted from her body and took off her shirt, leaving her only in a sarong skirt.

"Now I'm conflicted," he looked at her delicious body, her full chest, and then at her face. "I've always wanted you, but if I take you here it feels like I'm forcing you."

"You made it clear you aren't," she didn't meet her eyes with him, looking to the side with a red face. "I am doing this on my own because... like you said, I'm useless, I have nothing. And the things I do have already belonged to you since you are my owner, right?" She said almost mockingly, before quickly fixing her tone. "So I'm giving you the last of what I do have. And what I know you'd like to have..."

"Love," he corrected her and yanked her to him by her waist. his hand reached out to raise her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. "I'll gladly accept your apology, then. And I'll make sure you never regret ever proposing it."

Hashirama leaned forward then, and there was another moment of hesitation between her movements before Robin closed her eyes and gave in. She might as well have sold her body just now, but she knew... he would treat her well.

The room filled with the smell of love.




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