Chapter 9: The Truth
They say whenever Darkness arrives, an even Darker will always pursue.
The man on the other side of the screen was that ENTITY.
It was hard for Levon to describe the feral aura that man just unleashed.
It was such an odd-sensation, for one to feel such a strong, imposing aura from a screen.
The man had a void-consuming grin that devoured light and hope.
[Well now… Do I have your attention now?]
Those words sent distortions to the masses.
Didn't he always have it?
Many couldn't help wondering if this guy's brain was broken. But only a select few knew he was talking to them.
The minds of people like Levon, began to spiral.
Could he be as strong as the recruiter who visited them?
All 8 youths narrowed their gazes with interest.
[Good... Now that you're all ears, let's begin your orientation.]
[First, I should point out one primary matter—None of you can go back—Not now—And not to the life you once knew.]
"What a load of CRAP!"
"What does that mean? Kidnapping! Isn't that it?"
"That's BULLSHIT! Why can't we go back now?"
"We… we… we will never leave again? NO! NO! I don't accept this!"
"I have money! I swear I'm not lying. I promise it will be all yours if you just LET ME GO."
The crowd felt desperation choking their necks as they pleaded and cursed with all their might.
Well, they were noisy.
More and more people erupted in panic.
However, the one called boss, Floriana Micasumi, the girl who always loved sleeping, was quick to react with a fearsome light brooding in her deadly eyes.
She was so scary.
Don't forget she was the daughter of a Mafia BOSS.
"Zip it." She swept her gaze across many—One look and they began tripping and falling over in fear.
Seeing this, Yimu quickly and Pickler quickly backed up their Boss.
"Interrupt again, and you're D.E.A.D... Ca-pish?"
Loud And Clear.
With teary eyes, many cupped their mouths and shook their heads like Poultry.
The man on the side let out a low chortle.
[Thank you, Floriana... Now, what was I saying again?...]
[Ah yes… About your stay...How should I put this delicately?]
[Because the COUNTRIES you came from approve of your purpose here, you will no longer be part of the outside world.]
[...Not now… Not ever.]
More people slumped to their knees in disbelief.
"So the Country is in on this kidnapping too?"
"I knew it! I always knew trafficking was allowed to please the wealthy! They want our kidneys… They want our eyes… THEY WANT OUR ORGANS!"
"I don't believe it! He must be lying!"
"That's right. What kidnapper will honestly tell us what we want to know? His plan is to crush our hopes and make us OBEDIENT!"
Levon listened with relish, always amazed by how imaginative the minds of idiots could be.
Levon's mind was sharp, going over the man's words.
Some people among them must be foreigners… Maybe foreigners by birth.
Perhaps their parents gave birth to them in some foreign country, thus making them citizens of that Nation even though they grew up here.
Suddenly, Levon's thoughts were interrupted by the man on the Screen continued.
[I know some of you are still in doubt, believing your beloved country won't give you up. So why don't I give you all a show? A little lesson to summarize the truth?—Lesson 101?]
With his words, the TV's image changed, showing the country's map.
For a moment, many felt a worm of doubt begin to gnaw at their insides. The more they saw, the more something in their hearts confirmed that the man wasn't lying.
Dammit, it hurts.
They felt the throbbing sense of betrayal, regret, and all sorts of emotions wash over them.
Were they so terrible that the government and their parents had chosen to give up on them so mercilessly?
[Let me be clear.]
The man on the screen continued.
[Every applicant who takes the National exams is monitored.]
Levon's eyes flickered. He got his answer, although he had long concluded it was them.
[We told you before, right? We are here to rid the Nation of delinquents. Since you do not wish to excel, then why not put you in places where you'll be of better use to the world and society?]
An earthquake erupted in the hearts of the listeners.
People's eyes turned even more watery.
Flashbacks and images flooded their brains when thinking of their silly past selves who didn't even try studying harder for the National Exams.
It was all their fault… It was all their fault.
Unwilling and defeated, they felt their strength leave them as they dropped to their knees in a daze.
If... If they tried harder back then, would they have lived ordinary lives, got married later on in life and enjoyed their lives peacefully?
They questioned in their hearts, already knowing the answer.
They say humans often regret their life choices during a climax of their despair and failure.
Knowing that the government has been monitoring them, and even chose to send them off for whatever reason, many felt betrayed by society.
'Isn't this country supposed to protect us?'
'Isn't the government supposed to keep us safe?'
The betrayal hurt like hell!
The worst part was knowing there was no escaping their fate since the government would be after them once they left.
Although slower in intelligence from Levon and the few others, they were not all that hopeless.
To be selected here, also meant they had some spark about them which interested these people in the background.
Really? Do you think the only reason they got selected was because they were Delinquents?
Someone in the crowd swallowed loudly, posing a question to the Man on the screen.
"If… If what you're saying is true? Then, then... Then what happened to those who didn't show up here today? What happened to those who successfully fled?"
[Successfully Fled?] The man looked as though he heard the best joke of the year.
[It's funny you should ask. They arrived faster than you... Don't worry, they're in another hall... probably with another group of escapees]
[It's just a pity that now, their fates will be Ten times worse than originally intended.]