Chapter 170
The following day after persuading the Counts, we immediately moved to the Bridge Plains, located at the border of Count Iris’s territory and Count Architel’s territory, which would soon become a battlefield.
A long march lasting seven days, or a short one depending on perspective.
During that time, all nobles, including myself, dispatched scouts to assess the geography of the battlefield and the scale of the enemy forces, searching for villages inhabited by peasants who might have ties to the enemy.
As a result, we succeeded in gathering information on the approximate number of enemy troops and the terrain of the battlefield, but it was quite challenging to find peasants willing to betray their own for a few coins.
Upon arriving at the plains and deciding where to set up our respective camps, the military council began in earnest.
“Then, let us discuss the battle that will take place tomorrow. First, we must determine our positions.”
At those words, the commander of this expedition, Duke Orleans, spread out a map of the Bridge Plains compiled from the information brought back by the scouts.
The duke placed four cavalry figures on the northern edge of the map and five on the southern edge, stating, “Our forces will first position themselves at the northern part of the Bridge Plains. I, Orleans, will lead the central army and the vanguard; Count Izza will lead the left flank, supported by Counts Delon and Miri, and Baron Linear. Count Ilerias will command the right flank, with support from Counts Nouvel and Hand, and Baron Schibel, while the reserve and rear guard will fall under the command of Marquess Croilet. Naturally, I will initiate our attack, and once the infantry formations of each unit are broken, the troops of Marquess Croilet will reinforce us.”
It is somewhat irregular for the commander with the largest force to stand in the center.
This is because when a legion of over 100,000 is deployed on the battlefield, it may seem as if it will not move like a massive structure…
However, once the battle begins, it slowly changes its position and direction on the ground, akin to a turtle moving.
At this time, it is common for the main forces to be placed on the right flank, wielding a spear in one hand and a shield in the other, while the left flank serves as the enemy’s shield.
Thus, we strike at the enemy’s shield with infantry, while knights intermittently attack the center and left flank, causing damage.
As the damage accumulates on our right flank, our central forces will be deployed to take over that role.
However, if we deploy our main forces to the center and engage in battle, the enemy targeting our left flank may expose the side of our main central army if they fail to break through…
In such a case, the enemy can easily surround us in a ‘ㄱ’ formation and will have to fight under unfavorable conditions.
Conversely, if they succeed, the center will be cut off, making it difficult for the left and right flanks to coordinate, allowing us to defeat each side separately.
“The Bridge Plains, which will be the battlefield, is mostly flat except for the occasional small hill. Therefore, neither our forces nor the enemy can conceal a large army. As such, I believe that attempting a surprise attack will be difficult.”
The statement that a surprise attack seems unlikely implies that if one were to succeed, the effect would be maximized.
The classic example is the bypass operation used by Nazi Germany when they ambushed France.
If Germany had attacked the Maginot Line in this battle, it is quite likely that France would not have fallen so easily…
Instead, by focusing their main effort on the Maginot Line and neglecting to consider a surprise attack, France was breached in just a few weeks.
“So… we will focus our efforts on breaking through the enemy’s central forces while our left and right flanks should withstand the enemy’s fierce attacks for as long as possible. You have the marquess at your back, so it should not be impossible to endure…”
As the duke pressured the left and right flanks to take on burdens, intending to credit them with shared glory…
Count Ilerias slammed the table and stood up, condemning the duke for forcing sacrifices upon them.
“I have no doubt that your Excellency, the commander, will successfully break through the enemy’s central forces. However, the enemy is not foolish, and if my lord’s main army is in the center, they will naturally reinforce it in retaliation. Thus, it will take a significant amount of time to break through the center, during which the enemy will inflict irreversible damage on us, numbering only about 15,000… no, including the barons, just 20,000 at most.”
“In return, if we achieve victory in this war, I will request your majesty grant your family half of the Architel domain and the northern part of Iris as a reward for your diligence. Even if we cannot conquer other lands, I will sincerely ask that, in honor of Joseph von Orleans, half of the Architel domain be granted to the family of Count Ilerias.”
Having taken an oath that involves ‘his own honor’ in a gathering of nobles, excluding himself and the protagonists, means that no matter what, he is obliged to keep his word.
Thus, Count Ilerias, who had initially been angry about the excessive demands, spoke in a calm voice.
“Very well. However, no matter how I look at it, holding off the enemy with just 20,000 troops seems impossible. Therefore, I request that 10,000 infantry under your Excellency, Duke Orleans, be sent to support us, in addition to the marquess’s backup. I would also like to receive some armor and weapons from Marquess Croilet.”
“Regardless of how powerful the enemy’s main forces may be on the right and the weakest in the center… if we remove 10,000 men, it will take time to break through… Moreover, it is not easy to give away such expensive armor to Count Ilerias without compensation, is it?”
As the duke stated, had Count Ilerias impulsively asked me for armor and weapons, I would have refused outright…
But already, between Count Ilerias and myself, we had forged a secret agreement that I would provide armor.
So here, to reduce the duke’s forces, I will of course fulfill the agreement.
“Very well. I will generously gift 3,000 sets of armor made in my territory to Count Ilerias, who has taken on the toughest role. Please equip the soldiers at the forefront with them. Hence, I hope your Excellency, Duke Orleans, can provide maximum support for those who take on such a challenging task.”
Upon hearing my words, Count Ilerias showed a genuinely delighted expression, while the duke, who now had to sacrifice his own soldiers, looked at me in disbelief.
“Even so, 3,000 sets of armor would be quite a significant expense… Are you really sure about this?”
“If we do not achieve victory in this war, losing 3,000 sets of armor will seem trivial in comparison to the great losses we will incur. Therefore, I am providing more support to ensure our victory. It’s an investment for the future.”
Though I said this, as the guns were distributed, most of the armor was being dismantled and converted into cuirass armor that could stop bullets, while whatever remained was turned into inventory.
Moreover, if we are to bait the enemy, we must not spare any expense for the bait.
“Very well, but Count Ilerias, your request for 10,000 men is too much. Instead, I will reinforce you with 7,000 infantry under Baron Ralph.”
“Thank you, your Excellency. And may I speak about a strategy that Count Izza and I have come up with?”
“Of course, please go ahead.”
With that, Counts Ilerias and Izza broke into excited expressions as they began to elaborate on their plan.
“When the battle intensifies, the enemy will certainly focus on preventing you from breaking through their central forces while attempting to rout Count Ilerias’s troops on our side. This is so that victory can be secured.”
“That would likely be the case.”
“If so, as Count Izza mentioned, it is highly probable that the enemy’s main force and rear defense will naturally weaken. Even if they are on guard against a surprise attack, they will be watching the movements of Marquess Croilet’s forces in the rear. They will think that Count Ilerias and my forces are fully occupied defending against a flank attack. Seizing the opportunity, Count Izza and I will lead our knights to set fire to their main base and supply depots, conducting acts of sabotage.”
“Just as the two Counts assert, even if I were the enemy commander, I would likely think the same. Who would dare to launch a surprise attack knowing fully that their army could suffer heavy losses?”
In truth, my own forces were on alert for the 3,000 knights led by former Duke Architel, who would be ready to pounce upon hearing our name, and I also had to maintain three frontlines.
I do have the confidence to maximize the effect of a surprise attack utilizing guns and marksmen, but doing so would only benefit those guys.
Moreover, judging from a commanding officer’s perspective, it would be unthinkable for the commanders of the left and right flanks, who are outnumbered and highly exposed to danger, to take part in a surprise operation, as Count Ilerias pointed out.
Thus, it is no wonder the commander reacted as he did.
“And when the enemy receives news that their main base and supply routes are destroyed, they will become flustered… We will, even at a reckless cost, charge at the retreating enemy with our knights. In the meantime, I request that you gather the remaining forces, Duke, and strike at the enemy. What do you think?”
“Count Izza and Count Ilerias have my full support! Hahaha, if this succeeds, the formidable generals Ilerias and Izza will make a name for themselves in the Eastern Expedition! Wouldn’t you agree, Marquess?”
This plan is one that I orchestrated, and the two counts are merely carrying out what I desire…
When deceiving others, one must not hesitate to offer armor and weapons, and how could I not offer some praise for that?
No, rather, this is precisely the time to be generous.
“Very well. To congratulate the two Counts for their imminent large contributions in battle, I will ensure ample supplies of meat through the military merchants. After you achieve great merits in the war, I will also provide the soldiers with fine wine from the Architel region. The conclusion of the battle is expected soon, so I’ll hastily send a messenger to stock up on plenty of wine.”
“Good, then we will conclude this military council here. Everyone must return and fulfill their respective duties.”
With both armies combined numbering around 250,000, our Croilet Marquess forces will aim to minimize casualties while maximizing our achievements.
“Baron Walt will lead 6,000 infantry and 500 knights, while Baron Beerman will lead 4,000 infantry and 500 knights, each positioned about 500 meters apart on the left and right flanks, respectively. After that, as reserves, they will provide support to prevent their forces from collapsing, while the remaining armies will follow me in protecting the main base and the rear.”