Hi, shameless author here! 🧐
I want to express my gratitude to all those who have chosen to dedicate time to reading this novel.
Surpassing 50 thousand views is a milestone I never imagined reaching, and I want to sincerely thank you for this.
Writing forty chapters is a new experience for me, a step forward compared to all the stories I've written in the past.
The numerous unfinished files on my hard disk are a tangible testament to this fact, but this time it's different.
Your comments, likes, and ratings have provided a constant boost, motivating me to continue writing and progressing in the plot.
Your participation has been crucial, and every interaction with you has contributed to shaping the course of the story.
Now that we have reached an advanced point in the plot, it's likely that we are approaching the conclusion of the first book.
I would like to know who your favorite Waifu is. I invite you to share your choice in the comments, also explaining the reason for your preference. I understand that not all the women have received the same amount of "screen time," but it would be interesting to know your preferences.
The choice is never easy, especially for enthusiasts of this novel because, like me, you may find it challenging to decide and prefer the harem route. To facilitate your choice, you can vote for up to three Waifus.
The current illustrations are not final and may undergo changes (especially Kanna and Luysia). I am open to your fan art, and over time, I will add more information about the women in the story. If you have questions about them, feel free to ask; I will be happy to respond and share additional details about their personalities, stories, and roles in the plot.
Furthermore, I want to thank you again for your continuous support. Writing this novel has been an exciting and engaging adventure, and knowing that you have enjoyed the story is a great encouragement. I will continue to work hard to bring you captivating chapters and to progress the plot in an engaging manner. Thank you again for being part of this experience!
Rero Sansanti
Age: 18
Birth: Day 19 Month 03
Rank: C
Level: 2
Class: Warrior
Preferred Weapon: Sword
Love: Strauss, Chocolate, Pork
Hate: Her family, Study, Feel weak, ...
Debut: Chapter 1 The Vial
Breast Ranking: 3° / 8

Luysia Camclair
Age: 18
Birth: Day 24 Month 10
Rank: A
Level: 2
Class: Paladin
Preferred Weapon: Halberd, Spears, Swords
Love: Rero, Ice Cream, Pain, Strauss?, ...
Hate: Strauss, Solitude, The Gods, ...
Debut: Chapter 6 Wagner VS Vonner
Breast Ranking: 4° / 8

Welze Juble
Age: 18
Birth: Day 18 Month 02
Rank: D
Level: 1
Class: Wizard
Preferred Weapon: Staff
Love: Reading, Adventures, Cappuccino, Franz Dadref ...
Hate: Feel Useless, Clutter, ...
Debut: Chapter 15 Party
Breast Ranking: 7° / 8

Bicrista Schrecken
Age: 18
Birth: Day 06 Month 06 (Fun fact: She was born on the same day as Strauss.)
Rank: B
Level: 1
Class: Assassin
Preferred Weapon: Kitchen Knife, Kunai
Love: Kill, Torture, Strauss, Her brother
Hate: ?
Debut: Chapter 30 Cafeteria
Breast Ranking: 8° / 8

Deckara Demora "Deedee" Lang
Age: 26
Birth: Day 18 Month 08
Rank: A
Level: ?
Class: Ranger
Preferred Weapon: Bow
Love: Hunting, Black Coffee, Game Meat ...
Hate: Beta males, Fat people, Incompetence, Sweets, Junkies, ...
Debut: Chapter 25 Raid
Breast Ranking: 1° / 8

Kanna Merfal
Age: 33
Birth: Day 23 Month 09
Rank: ?
Level: ?
Class: Cleric
Preferred Weapon: ?
Love: Tea, Reading, Curses
Hate: Lies, Professor Sfanzeen
Debut: Chapter 1 The Vial
Breast Ranking: 6° / 8

Xiaikai Frolich
Age: 19
Birth: Day 31 Month 12
Rank: S
Level: ?
Class: ?
Preferred Weapon: ?
Love: ?
Hate: ?
Debut: Chapter 29 Masochist
Breast Ranking: 5° / 8

Age: ?
Birth: Day ? Month ?
Rank: ??SSSS?????g?O?(D)?
Level: ?
Class: ?
Preferred Weapon: ?
Love: Lust, Sex, Corruption, Theatre, ...
Hate: Gods, The Church, Boredom ...
Debut: Chapter 10 The Stage
Breast Ranking: 2° / 8

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.