I can be invincible all thanks to myself, martial arts, and my upper body!

Chapter 62

The more you breathe, the more you breathe.

This is the blood and qi smoke!

When the blood and qi circulate quickly, they can manifest outside the body and affect the surrounding temperature.

Now I have just reached this state.

When the blood and qi are strong enough, the blood and qi circulate, the whole body is red, and the air will become extremely hot.

If you reach the blood and qi furnace, it will be even more terrible.

In the eyes of others, you are a blast furnace, with rolling heat waves, blood and qi bursting, which can dye half the sky red.

If you encounter some special dark demons.

Even if you sleep like a pig in the Cataclysm world, those dark demons dare not get close to you within a hundred feet.

Cui Dongshan was immersed in the evolution and transformation of this blood and qi, and was extremely excited.

The further enhanced Qi and blood means that my foundation has been strengthened by one point, and the success rate of breaking through to a higher level in the future has also increased by 10%.

This is the most valuable.

A tall building rises from the ground.

But I have to lay a ten-thousand-foot foundation first, so how high is my building?

After a moment of breathing, Qi and blood calmed down.

Cui Dongshan opened the panel.

Level: Martial Arts Ninth Stage

Qi and blood value: 9.33

Martial arts:

Crouching Tiger Fist (Break Limit +5, 33/100)

Cutting Pulse Finger (Break Limit +1, 67/100)

Running Bull Step (Break Limit +2, 17/100)

Wolf Fang Seven Hammers (Break Limit +6, 24/100)

Hand Knife Slash (Return to the Truth, 43/100)

There is no change in martial arts.

But the Qi and blood were compressed again, from the original perfection, to the ninth stage.

This is a lot of pressure, because I first replenished six blood and qi potions, and then compressed them back, and I can still compress them to the ninth level.

It can be seen that the crouching tiger fist stance that breaks the limit +5 is really awesome.

But this is just the beginning.

The rapid progress of the first breakthrough does not mean that it is all there is at present.

In the future, we can still tap into the potential, compress, enhance, and improve again.

Feel the power of blood and qi now.

Compared with before, the fist force of one level has at least doubled.

In other words, one level of blood and qi is equivalent to a fist force of nearly four thousand pounds.

If we continue to tap and accumulate, it will only be a matter of time for one level to reach five thousand pounds, or even more.

But this is the level of blood and qi.

If I advance the blood and qi again and reach the level of blood and qi furnace.

Then is it possible that one level of blood and qi is a force of ten thousand pounds?

Thinking of this, Cui Dongshan felt his scalp tingling.

Others have perfect blood and qi, and their fist force exceeds ten thousand, which means they have good talent.

But my Qi and Blood are over ten thousand at one stage.

Qi and Blood are perfected to be one hundred thousand.

What if Qi and Blood break the limit several times?

Damn, by then, I will really be able to kill one kid with one punch. Let alone finding an opponent for my classmates in the senior year, even if we fight together, I can sweep a large area, right?

My Great Xia martial arts, the martial arts Qi and Blood pile skills deduced over tens of millions of years, are really awesome.

At this moment, Cui Dongshan was extremely excited.

To have such an achievement.

My own contribution is the smallest.

The greatest contribution is the martial arts practice method created by the ancient sages.

Without the practice method, everything is a moon in the water and a flower in the dream.

The second is the golden finger. The good kids under the golden finger are hard enough and learn well enough.

Then there is my own little bit of effort.

So, although happy, Cui Dongshan is not proud.

After feeling the changes in the blood and qi in the current blood and blood realm for a moment, Cui Dongshan took out the virtual network contactor.

Now that he has become stronger, he must go online to show it and see how strong he is now.

He put on his helmet and entered the virtual network.

As always, he went to hunting mode first.

He skillfully selected the silver-level alien ghost.

In the blink of an eye, it was the familiar dark and ruined environment of the Cataclysm world.

As soon as he came out, the alien demon attacked.

Cui Dongshan didn't even look at it, and slapped it directly to the side.


A ghost was hit by Cui Dongshan's big slap, and his head was blown up directly, turning into a stream of light and dissipating.

Then, Cui Dongshan took steps, neither fast nor slow, like strolling in a garden.

But one step was four or five meters, and one foot stepped on a shadowy ground. Just as a ghost appeared half of its head, it was stepped on and exploded.

The blood and qi are like silk threads, sensing the surroundings of dozens of feet, just like a cicada that knows before the autumn wind blows, and all the slightest movement is manifested in the mind, and then it anticipates the enemy's moves and arrives first.

Therefore, there is no need to observe at all, all the movements of the ghost are under control, and the body will move naturally and deliver a fatal blow.


For a moment, in this shadowy place of ruins, only one figure could be seen, jumping left and right like a ghost, but every time it moved, one or two ghosts were shot in the head.

In less than five seconds, all twenty ghosts in this wave were killed!

The system prompts that the challenge is successful. Do you want to enter the next level of challenge?

Cui Dongshan exhaled a breath and finally gave himself full marks for the practical learning in this scene.

That's how it should be. What about being evenly matched, what about going back and forth, and accumulating experience?

It's all nonsense.

The struggle of races, life and death.

What we want is a strong crushing, a direct push.

Otherwise, I have worked so hard to practice martial arts, and in the end I have to fight with you, then I haven't practiced in vain?

Afterwards, Cui Dongshan did not choose to continue the challenge, but withdrew.

The time is almost up, and it's time to open my own ring.

Although there has been no one for several consecutive days.

But words are spoken, and water is poured out, and you can't go back on your word.

When Cui Dongshan left.

At this time, in Kyoto, at the monitoring center.

The middle-aged man looked at the video of Cui Dongshan fighting the alien demon, and his eyes were full of shock.

"Qi and blood are like smoke, sensing the surroundings, the autumn wind is slightly moving, and the cicadas are already singing."

"This is the third level of Qi and blood, Qi and blood smoke!!"

"Did this kid meet a god? How come he has made such great progress in just one day? And at this age, he can actually enter such a magical realm in this step of martial arts Qi and blood! Even drugs can't do it!"

"In the past thousand years of Daxia, this is the third student in the Qi and blood realm who has reached Qi and blood smoke, but compared to the two martial arts predecessors who have long been mythical, this kid seems to have greater potential. Is this the rhythm of surpassing the martial arts gods in the future?"

The middle-aged man was excited and decisively took out the communicator and gave orders.

After a while.

A packaged video was summarized to the monitoring center.

The video content is exactly the video of Cui Dongshan watching martial arts performance in Jinding Temple.

As for the three old monks, Yuanyuan and others, there is no surveillance in the backyard of Jinding Temple.

After watching the video, the middle-aged man was also confused.

Just relying on this, can you make such a big progress?

Impossible, there must be other variables.

I can't figure it out, but soon, the middle-aged man smiled, took out the small notebook, and added two more stars to Cui Dongshan.

No matter what the reason, just based on the Qi and Blood Realm, allowing Qi and Blood to break through the level of Qi and Blood Smoke, he deserves these two little stars.

Look at the small notebook again.

Now there are seven names.

Mu Dongjun: five stars.

Ding Xiaoer: six stars.

Xiao Yan: five stars.

Ye Fan: five stars.

Long Ziteng: six stars.

Cui Dongshan: eleven stars.

An Lan: three stars.

Simple record.

But at a glance, the number of stars behind Cui Dongshan is far ahead of others.

Anyone who knows the inside story would be stunned.

Isn't this too partial?

The others are all peerless geniuses who are hard to find among millions of people. Which one is not perfect?

But he is so much worse than others?

If the elders of other people on the list saw it, they would be furious.

What is that Cui Dongshan? Why is he so much stronger than our baby? Do you believe it?

But the middle-aged man doesn't care.

Since I was transferred back from the front line and I was not given the opportunity to lead the army to conquer the beast king or the alien demon lord, then what I do is my business, as long as I have a clear conscience.

Then, the middle-aged man looked at Cui Dongshan shown in the monitoring area.

At this time, Cui Dongshan once again came to the challenge mode.

Directly open the ring arena.

In the past few days, although no one came every time it was opened.

But every time it was opened, the audience seats started at one million in less than a minute.

Most of them were Thor's die-hard fans, and a small number were reporters and teachers from the Martial Arts University.

For fans.

Other challenges and fights looked exciting.

But compared to Thor's scene where one person was standing on his horse and no one among the millions of students responded to the challenge, it was still too far behind in terms of style.

So, even if they were watching Cui Dongshan resting here, they felt very happy.

And for reporters and university teachers.

Cui Dongshan was a big piece of fat meat.

If it weren't for the restrictions on their non-student status, they would have wanted to go down and talk to Cui Dongshan about the conditions for special recruitment.

The ring was opened today.

Cui Dongshan went to the virtual grass, thinking that he would go offline and sleep after half an hour.

However, just as he lay down, a figure suddenly appeared on the ring.

Seeing this scene, more than one million viewers were instantly excited.

Come on, come on

Here comes the one who wants to be beaten.

Brother Hammer, beat him up, beat him up hard.

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