I came, I saw, I lost! (Classroom of the Elite Fanfiction)

Chapter 13: Guilty Until Proven Guiltier


『Wow, sensei. That's a crazy thing to say first thing in the morning. 』

Kumagawa, as usual, didn't seem particularly shaken. He only tilted his head slightly, as if someone had just told him an interesting piece of gossip.

The classroom fell into stunned silence for a moment before the chaos began.

Gasps, whispers, and murmurs spread like wildfire.


"Wait, did she just say—?"

"That's gotta be a joke, right?"

Some students looked at each other in disbelief. Others turned their gazes toward Kumagawa, eyes filled with confusion, suspicion, or outright disgust.

Hirata's face was a mix of concern and shock. Ike and Yamauchi leaned in, whispering to each other, trying to make sense of what they just heard. Even Sudō, who rarely paid attention in class, was frowning.

But the most disgusted reaction came from the girls.

Kushida's expression remained neutral, but her eyes flickered with something unreadable. Even Horikita, who usually stayed out of classroom drama, turned to look at Kumagawa, her brows furrowed.

"I know this is a serious accusation. That's why you'll need to come with me. The school is handling this matter with the utmost seriousness."

Even she looked tired of this. A fight, a rule violation—those were one thing. But an actual crime? If it turned out to be true, the consequences wouldn't just be expulsion. It would be far worse.

『Ahh, so I'm guilty until proven innocent? That's rough. But well, I guess that's how things usually go. 』

"Hey, what the hell is this?! You're seriously accusing someone of that? What's your proof?!"

Sudō slammed his hands on his desk, standing up with a glare.

Even Kushida, who always kept a composed and pleasant demeanor, looked uneasy. Her voice was calm, but her expression betrayed a mix of surprise, concern, and a hint of disgust. Even she had her limits.

"…Sensei, can you at least tell us who made the accusation?"

Hirata, who had been silent up until now, finally stood up.

His face was tense. Even though he was normally the kind of person who would immediately jump in to mediate a situation like this, his mental state had been in shambles ever since Sakura's expulsion. His usual composed aura had cracked, leaving him looking exhausted, unstable.

But even in this state, he still couldn't ignore this situation.

Chabashira didn't even blink.

"A student from Class C."

"Sensei, if this is a misunderstanding, can't we clear it up right now?"

"The school will investigate the matter. That's all I can say."

While most of the class remained frozen in shock, Ayanokōji, who had been quietly observing the situation, finally spoke.

"…Kumagawa, do you know what this is about?"

Kumagawa, who had been standing there without a trace of concern, simply smiled.

『Nope. No idea. But hey, at least it's not murder, right? It would be bad if someone got killed on school grounds, right? I mean, imagine if someone got screwed into the wall with a giant screw, that would be a pretty horrifying sight. But don't worry, I'd never do something like that here. That would be against my conduct these days. I'm trying to become a better person, after all. So I would never do something so horrible. Yes. Probably.』

The classroom was dead silent.

Not a single person laughed.

If anything, it felt like the collective intelligence of the room had dropped by several points as everyone tried—and failed—to process whatever it was that had just come out of Kumagawa's mouth.

Chabashira turned on her heel.

"Let's go."

Kumagawa sighed, stretching his arms.

『Oh yeah, if I don't come back, someone take care of my Jump, okay? I just bought the latest issue.』

And with that, he casually followed Chabashira out of the classroom, leaving behind a room full of stunned, confused, and slightly horrified students.


The walk to the student council room was quiet.

Kumagawa didn't seem particularly concerned about the accusation. If anything, he looked more annoyed about being dragged away first thing in the morning.

Chabashira, on the other hand, remained as emotionless as usual.

Kumagawa finally spoke, breaking the silence.

『So, sensei. What's the story this time? Did I grope someone in broad daylight? Did I sneak into the girls' dorm? Or maybe I committed a crime so terrible, so heinous, that the school just can't afford to keep me around anymore?』

"The details will be explained when we arrive."

『Cold. But I like that about you, sensei. You've got the perfect attitude for a teacher who doesn't care about her students.』

She sighed. She didn't deny it. If anything, she was starting to think her career as a teacher would be much smoother if she never had to deal with Kumagawa at all.

She already had to put up with Ayanokōji, and now there was this. It was like the universe was punishing her.

They walked in silence for a few more moments before she finally spoke again.

"…For the record, do you actually know what this is about?"

『Nope. Unfortunately, I don't think before I act, so I'm just as surprised as you are. 』

Chabashira gave him a long, tired look.

"Are you not worried?"

『Hmm, not really. 』 He tilted his head. 『I mean, if it turns out I did commit a terrible crime, then I guess I'll just have to accept my fate. If not, then I get to see how much of a joke this school's justice system is. Either way, it's a win-win. Or maybe a lose-lose? 』

Chabashira stared at him.

Not because she was shocked—she had long since learned that trying to be surprised by anything Kumagawa said was a waste of energy.

But still, what kind of logic was that?

If he was innocent, shouldn't he be more concerned about proving it? If he was guilty, shouldn't he be at least pretending to be remorseful? She had dealt with liars, and troublemakers in the past, but Kumagawa was something else entirely.

It wasn't just that he was twisted—it was like his whole way of thinking had been flipped upside-down.

Like a broken machine that somehow still functioned.

"Your way of thinking is seriously messed up," she muttered.

『Oh, I know. But it's okay, sensei. That's why I have you to guide me on the right path.』

"…Don't rely on me for that."

Kumagawa just smiled.

『Oh, by the way, sensei… If they do find me guilty, can I make one last request? 』


『I want my last words to be, "I'll be back." Very dramatic, don't you think? 』

Chabashira let out a long sigh.

"…I think I need a drink."

They keep walking toward the student council room on. When they arrived there, most of the teacher and school staff were already there.

The student council president Horikita manabau was sitting in his chair in the middle of the room. Besdie him were the secretary Tachibana akane, and some blondie who sugly smiling standing just slightly behind manabu.

『Oh, it's the esteemed student council president. And here I thought you'd be too busy running this wonderful institution to deal with small fries like me. 』

Kumagawa's voice carried its usual playful tone, but his eyes flickered with amusement as he looked at Horikita Manabu.

The student council president remained as composed as usual. He didn't acknowledge Kumagawa's sarcasm, nor did he react to his presence in any way that suggested this was anything more than another routine matter.

The definiton of professional, Completely different from Medaka-chan

Tachibana, standing beside him, frowned slightly at Kumagawa's casual attitude, but she remained silent.

Meanwhile, the blond guy—the one standing smugly just behind Manabu—let out a small chuckle.

"Well, well. I've heard about you, Kumagawa Misogi."

『Oh? And who might you be? A fan?』

The blond guy smirked, crossing his arms.

"Vice President Nagumo Miyabi."

『Ahh, I see. So you're the next student council president.』

Kumagawa nodded in understanding.

『Congratulations in advance. I'm sure you'll do a great job making this school even more of a mess than it already is.』

Nagumo's smirk didn't falter. If anything, he seemed more amused.

"Well, that depends. Maybe I should recruit you into my student council."

Tachibana clicked her tongue. "Nagumo, this isn't the time for games."

『Oh, I don't mind. But unfortunately, I have a strict rule against joining any group that actually expects me to contribute. 』


Horikita Manabu finally spoke. His voice wasn't loud, but it carried enough weight to instantly silence the room.

He turned his gaze toward Kumagawa, his sharp eyes locking onto him.

"Kumagawa Misogi. Do you understand why you're here?"

『Hmm… Let's see. I'm in a room full of teachers, school staff, and the entire student council leadership. The atmosphere is tense, the charges are vague, and nobody's brought out the handcuffs yet…』

He clapped his hands together as if he just solved a puzzle.

『Ah! I got it! This is a surprise party, right? Wow, you guys really know how to make a guy feel special.』

Tachibana sighed in frustration. Nagumo chuckled under his breath. Chabashira, already used to his nonsense, didn't even react.

Manabu, however, remained stone-faced.

"There has been a serious accusation against you. A student from Class 1-C has accused you of sexual assault." He stated flatly.

Kumagawa blinked. Then, as if digesting the words at his own pace.

For a moment, there was silence.

Then Kumagawa scratched his cheek.

『So… how do I react here? Should I cry? Should I scream that I'm innocent? Maybe flip a table for dramatic effect?』

"Kumagawa," Chabashira cut in, her tone firm. "This isn't a joke."

『I know, I know. I just have a hard time taking things seriously when they don't make sense. I mean, if I really was some depraved criminal, wouldn't you have caught me way before now? I don't exactly have the best reputation, right?』

Nagumo smirked. "That's true. Even if you didn't do this, your history makes it easy to assume the worst."

Horikita Manabu pushed a file forward.

"The accusation was made by a student named Mariko Yajima."

Then as he said that, the door to the student council room creaked open.

A man in a suit and glasses stepped inside, his posture stiff and serious. From his appearance, he was clearly a teacher. But what caught more attention was the girl following behind him.

She looked young—probably a first-year. Her shoulders trembled, and her red, teary eyes darted around the room in distress. A white bandage was wrapped around her forehead, peeking out from under her bangs, while another covered her cheek, as if concealing a deep bruise.

Her wrists were mottled with dark, uneven bruises—marks that looked eerily like the imprint of fingers, as if someone had gripped her forcefully and refused to let go.

She was the very image of someone who had been hurt.

No matter how you looked at it, this was a case of sexual assault and violence.

Then, the moment her gaze landed on Kumagawa, she flinched violently.


Her shriek echoed through the room as she staggered backward, gripping the teacher's arm like a lifeline.

"T-That's him! That's the one who attacked me!"

Kumagawa blinked.

"H-He's dangerous…! He grabbed me and— and—hit me!"

She hiccupped, her words breaking apart between gasps.

Kumagawa scratched his head.

『Huh. That's funny. Because I don't remember doing that.』

Even though he said that, all the people in the room, doubt Kumagwa. He got a reputaion of a compulsive liar who never said the truth. So even in this situation, it's hard to trust his word at face value.

Nagumo, still smirking, watched the situation unfold with interest.

"Well, well. Now we've got conflicting testimonies." He looked at Kumagawa. "Got anything to say for yourself?"

Kumagawa tilted his head.

『Oh, plenty. But I feel like no matter what I say, it won't matter, right? I mean, look at her. She's crying. Her voice is shaking. I bet half the people in this room already decided I'm guilty just from that. 』

Manabu cut in before Kumagawa could continue

"Explain what happened, Yajima."

Mariko hesitated, wiping at her eyes, before taking a deep breath.

"I… I liked Kumagawa-kun," she said in a small voice.

The room was silent. Even Nagumo raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued.

But the one who had the strongest reaction was Chabashira.

Her expression didn't change, but her disbelief was obvious. It was almost impossible for someone to like Kumagawa unless they were somehow not right in the head. It was like claiming to have a favorite disease. Sure, some people might have weird preferences, but it wasn't exactly normal.

Mariko continued, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

"I wanted to confess, but I was nervous… So I asked him to meet me somewhere quiet. We went to the special admission building… and that's when he—"

Her voice hitched, and she clutched her arms.

"H-He attacked me…"

There was an uncomfortable pause.

The teacher standing beside her—Sakagami Kazuma—nodded solemnly.

"Her friend found her crying directly after. Her clothes were in disarray… Given the situation, we had no choice but to escalate the matter."

The atmosphere grew heavy.

Given Kumagawa's reputation, this accusation wasn't hard to believe. He was unpredictable, constantly spouting nonsense, and had a history of disturbing behavior. Most students either ignored him or actively avoided him. If someone claimed he did something like this, it wouldn't be surprising if people assumed it was true.

Manabu turned his sharp gaze toward Kumagawa.

"Your response?"

Kumagawa tilted his head, looking thoughtful.

『Well… She did call me to the Special Admission Building. But I have a different recollection of what happened. I must've blacked out. Maybe I have an evil twin? Maybe I was possessed?』

"Kumagawa. Be serious."

『I am! This is a serious crime, right? So it only makes sense to have a serious excuse. 』

"…So, in other words, you deny the accusation?"

『No, no. I'm just saying, if I actually did something like that, I must've been out of my mind. Because why would I, of all people, ever do something so human?』

"Liar," she whispered.

Kumagawa sighed dramatically.

『You wound me, Yajima-chan. I really don't remember doing anything bad to you. But hey, if I did, I'll take responsibility. That's just the kind of guy I am. 』

Chabashira sighed again, rubbing her temples. She could already feel the headache this situation would bring.

Manabu remained as composed as ever.

"This is a serious matter. We cannot make a decision based on words alone."

Nagumo chuckled. "Then what do you propose, President?"

Manabu's gaze swept across the room before landing back on Kumagawa and Mariko.

"We will hold a hearing next Tuesday. Until then, both sides will be given time to gather evidence to support their claims."

Sakagami nodded. "That seems fair."

Mariko bit her lip, but she nodded as well.

Kumagawa simply smiled.

"The hearing will take place in this room. Dismissed."

And with that, the meeting was over.


"So that's what happened."

Chabashira stood at the front of the classroom, arms crossed as she explained the situation.

The room was dead silent. Even the usual troublemakers weren't making a sound. The weight of the accusation was too heavy for anyone to joke about.

Some students glanced at Kumagawa, who was seated at his desk like nothing was wrong. He rested his chin on his hand, looking completely uninterested in what was being said.

"Until the hearing next week, Kumagawa will remain a student of this school. However, if he is found guilty, the consequences will be severe."

Chabashira's tone made it clear—expulsion would be the least of his worries.

The silence didn't last long.

"What the hell?! This is bullshit!"

Sudō, never one to hold back, slammed his desk.

"Are we seriously gonna sit here and pretend this makes sense?! That guy's a weirdo, sure, but you're saying he—he actually attacked a girl? I don't buy it!"

A few murmurs of agreement followed, but they were hesitant. Most of the class wasn't sure what to think.

Kushida spoke next, her usual kind tone slightly strained.

"Sensei, what exactly is being done to investigate this? If it's just their words against each other, then…"

She trailed off, looking at Chabashira expectantly.

"The school will handle the investigation. Both sides will be given time to gather evidence."

She turned her sharp gaze to the class.

"And that includes all of you. If any of you have information that can help prove or disprove this accusation, now is the time to speak up."

Hirata, who had been silent until now, finally spoke.


He looked toward him, eyes filled with uncertainty.

"I don't want to believe you'd do something like this. But if you're innocent, then… shouldn't you be trying to clear your name?"

『Not really. If I get kicked out, I get kicked out. If I stay, I stay. Either way, it's fine.』

His nonchalant attitude was making the class uneasy. Even those who wanted to believe he was innocent were struggling to understand him.

Chabashira sighed, clearly tired of the whole thing.

"That's all for now. Class is starting."

With that, the room fell silent, and the class proceeded as usual. But no one was truly focused.

Everyone had their own thoughts on the matter.

Some, like Kushida, wanted Kumagawa gone. Others, like Hirata were dead set on not letting him expelled. And then there were those who simply didn't care—so long as it didn't affect them.

But that's not the case anymore.

With Sakura already expelled, Class D had received no points this month, and that would continue until the final term. If Kumagawa were to be expelled as well, it would only make things worse. Not just for Kushida, but for the entire class.

Horikita, especially, was aware of this.

Even if she disliked Kumagawa, she wasn't foolish enough to let personal feelings cloud her judgment. Losing another classmate would only make her goal of reaching Class A that much harder.

Class D was already at a disadvantage. They couldn't afford to lose any more people, especially not in a way that would give the other classes an easy win.

She glanced at Kumagawa, who was still acting like none of this mattered. His posture was relaxed, his expression unreadable. He sat with his head resting on one arm, looking half-asleep.

It was impossible to tell if he was actually unconcerned or if he just enjoyed making things difficult for everyone.

Either way, Horikita knew one thing for sure—she couldn't let him get expelled.

Not for his sake. But for the sake of Class D.

Hirata was with her, looking concerned. Kushida, standing slightly behind them, wore a composed expression, but her eyes held something unreadable. A few more students gathered nearby, pretending to do their own things while listening in.

"Tell me what actually happened," Horikita demanded.

Kumagawa stretched his arms, letting out a small yawn.

『Ahh, Horikita-chan. You're really asking me, the alleged criminal, for my side of the story? How rare. I thought everyone already decided I was guilty. 』

Horikita's expression didn't change.

"I don't have time for your nonsense. If this affects Class D's ranking, I can't ignore it."

『Oh? Not worried about my honor? My dignity? My poor, fragile heart? 』

Horikita narrowed her eyes.


The weight in her voice was clear. She wasn't playing along.

Kumagawa blinked, then grinned.

『Well, since you asked so nicely… Sure. I'll tell you what happened.』

And so, he began to explain.


—The day before—

Kumagawa followed the girl, walking a few steps behind her.

She had called him out here, asking to meet in private.

He didn't think much of it. He wasn't the type to get nervous over confessions or secret meetings. If anything, he was more interested in how things would play out.

Then, as they walked, something caught his eye.

A car was approaching from the opposite direction, stopping directly in front of a building. The Special Admission Building, if he remembered correctly.

A few people stepped out, carrying boxes from the trunk.

『Oh? Is that my Shounen Jump shipment?』

For a brief moment, he was genuinely interested.

He had heard the bookstore was facing delays, and he'd been waiting all week for the latest issue. The tragic part? He still hadn't gotten the chance to educate Ayanokouji on the wonders of the sacred text known as Shounen Jump.

A truly unfortunate series of events.

『I was gonna show him the art of One Piece's double-page spreads… The beauty of Jujutsu Kaisen's choreography… The pure emotional damage of Blue Lock…』

His priorities were clearly in order.

Unfortunately, his grand plan would have to wait.

He turned back toward the girl and followed her inside the building.

The Special Admission Building was just like its name—empty, isolated. It was probably only used for special occasions, though Kumagawa never cared enough to confirm.

It wasn't a place students regularly went to.

Which meant that, right now, there was no one else around.

After walking a bit further inside, the girl finally stopped.

She turned to face him, her expression serious.

"…I'm Mariko Yajima."

Kumagawa immediately burst into tears.


『Sorry for crying all of a sudden. Did you want to confess to me? Is that what this is? Because if so…』 He sniffled. 『It's my first time being confessed to in my entire life. Even my own parents said they didn't love me.』

Mariko stared at him, speechless.

This guy was insane.

Her mind blanked for a second, trying to process the bizarre situation.

But then, as if nothing had happened, Kumagawa's tears instantly disappeared. His face returned to its usual expression, as if the whole breakdown never occurred.

『And? Even though you lost the truth-or-dare game, what is it?』

Mariko, still slightly thrown off, took a breath before responding.

"…It's nothing complicated. I just wanted to talk to you privately."

『Oh? That's pretty suspicious. Usually, when someone drags me to a secluded place, it's either to beat me up or tell me something really disappointing. 』

He tilted his head.

『So? Which one is it? Are you about to confess your undying love? Or are you going to reveal that I'm actually a long-lost prince from a hidden kingdom? I'd prefer the second one, to be honest. 』

Mariko sighed.


『So? did you just take me all the way here just to break my heart? If so, then congratulations, you really did it. My heart is now in tiny little pieces, scattered across this cold, empty building. Truly a tragic sight.』

Mariko looked at him like he was a madman.

And honestly, that wasn't an uncommon reaction.

Kumagawa's reputation in the school wasn't exactly… great. He was known for being strange, pervert, unpredictable, and completely unreadable. If anything, most people just found him unsettling.

Mariko quickly shook off whatever thoughts she had and lowered her head slightly.

"…I'm sorry."

Then, without another word, she turned and left.

Kumagawa blinked.

『Huh? What was that?』

He scratched his head, watching her disappear down the hallway.

Well. That was weird, then again, everything in his life was weird. With nothing else to do, he decided to leave as well.

As he stepped outside, he noticed that the car he saw earlier was still parked in front of the building.

Curious, he casually approached it and knocked on the window.

『Hey, is this the Shounen Jump shipment? If so, I'd like to put in a pre-order for next week's issue.』


『So that's the end of my story. 』

There was a long silence in the classroom.

Horikita pinched the bridge of her nose, clearly exhausted.

"…That doesn't explain anything."

『Ehh? But I told you exactly what happened, didn't I? I went there, she left, and then I got curious about some random car. What more do you want?』

Hirata, who had been listening carefully, frowned.

"Kumagawa-kun, are you absolutely sure that's all that happened? You didn't interact with Yajima-san in any other way?"

『Nope. Unless you count her breaking my heart, but that's more of an emotional wound than a physical one.』

"…Then how do you explain her condition? If she was crying and her clothes were messed up, something must have happened."

『Yeah, I was wondering about that too. It's almost like… someone else did it.』

That statement made the atmosphere even heavier.

No matter how you looked at it, someone had framed Kumagawa. Someone was targeting Class D.

But even if they knew that, it didn't really narrow down the suspect pool. If it were anyone else, they might have been able to limit the possibilities. But since it was Kumagawa, that wasn't an option.

They didn't know if the culprit intended to attack Class D as a whole or if Kumagawa was the specific target. Either way, it wasn't hard to find people who had a reason to hate him.

You could pick out a random student in this school, and they'd probably have one or two reasons to despise him.

Hirata exchanged a glance with Horikita, while Kushida's expression darkened.

Horikita sighed.

"Kumagawa, you're saying that you have nothing to do with this. Fine. But just saying it isn't enough. We need proof."

『Ahh, I see. So I have to prove that I didn't do something? That sounds fair. It's not like proving a negative is impossible or anything.』

"You don't get to act like a victim," Horikita snapped. "This isn't just about you. If you get expelled, Class D suffers too. So if you're not lying, then help us prove it."

Kumagawa smiled.

『Ooh, that's the first time you've ever said something nice to me. You actually believe I might be innocent, huh? I'm touched, Horikita-chan.』

Whether Kumagawa was innocent or not, they had no choice but to defend him.

Their survival depended on it.

They needed to prove his innocence—not for his sake, but for their own. Because if they failed, they'd be stuck living for three months straight with zero class points.

And that was a future no one wanted.

"If Yajima-san was really attacked, then the mastermind is definitely Class C. We only have a week until the hearing. We need to find evidence before then."

At this point, it was obvious who the main culprit was, but that wasn't the real problem. Even if they knew who was behind this, it didn't change anything.

Kumagawa was still guilty, or rather, that's how it looked.

What mattered now wasn't exposing the mastermind—it was proving Kumagawa's innocence. Because without solid proof, Class C's argument would stand unchallenged.

『Sounds like a pain. But I guess I do like being a free man.』

Hirata nodded.

"Then let's split up. We need to investigate everything—where Yajima-san went after she left you, who saw her that night, and if there were any witnesses in that area."

Kushida hesitated before speaking.

"…I can try talking to my friends."

Horikita narrowed her eyes slightly but nodded.

And just like that, Class D was now working to prove Kumagawa Misogi's innocence.

A bizarre turn of events, really.



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