I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 140

~ Chapter 139 Yang Xu: I Only Came Here For One Thing, Fairness!

But it was written on the note.

[The Holy Knights launched a challenge to the ocean company. 】

Holy Knights, one of the most powerful forces in the sixth district.

They control six blocks, already close to a quarter of the six districts, with more than nine hundred people and one hundred and sixty-five core members.

“Holy Knights, what kind of force is this?”

Lei Ming glanced at the content on the note and asked with great interest.

As the person in charge of Zhonghua Building, Yao Yuan knows most of the forces in Mermaid City like the back of his hand.

He pondered for a while, and talked about the origin of the Paladins like a few treasures.

“The mafia forces from South America belong to the Phoenix family. This family is very powerful in the local area, mainly engaged in the trading of illegal drugs. Local government officials, even the army, are afraid of the Phoenix family. They have come to Seagod Kingdom to develop It’s been a long time, but only came to Mermaid Cove two months ago.”

“With the influx of more and more outsiders, the territory of Mermaid Town continues to expand, giving many opportunities to expand the forces. The Phoenix family took advantage of the situation to occupy some blocks in the sixth district. At present, the five most concerned about the sixth district Among the forces, the Paladins are the most powerful, occupying the most blocks, and the other forces are relatively weaker.”

“Sino-Ocean Company occupies three blocks. Although the manpower is relatively small, it is the one that attracts the most attention from our Zhonghua Building among the five forces. I didn’t expect that the Paladins would attack Sino-Ocean Company first, but this is also expected. middle.”

“The Phoenix family is a supporter of the concept of white supremacy, and all members of the Paladins are white. Among the other four major forces in the sixth district, only the ocean company is basically Asian, or the face of mixed Chinese and Western. The members are mainly yellow race.”

“There is also the team that was eliminated by Jing Qiu last time. Behind it is the Holy Knights. The two have long had a grudge, and it is not a day or two for the Holy Knights to get rid of the Sino-Ocean Company.”

Listening to Yao Yuan’s analysis, Lei Ming was thoughtful.

White supremacy is very prevalent in the West and the United States, and has many believers.

It is a racist ideology that asserts the superiority of white Europeans over other races.

If it’s just a claim, it’s nothing. But when this ideology is used by someone with a heart and is recognized by the country, the consequences are unimaginable.

The United States passed the first “Chinese Exclusion Act (eseExt in 1882, prohibiting the granting of citizenship to Chinese people, prohibiting the entry of overseas Chinese, and the exit of domestic Chinese. After the Chinese people were banned, the targets of “yellow peril” theorists shifted from China to the overseas Chinese in Japan and Korea.

In 1906, the state of California required that the children of Japanese and Korean immigrants studying in ordinary schools must be transferred to the “Oriental School” specially set up for the Chinese at that time.

In the “Immigration Act” passed by the United States in 1924, the entry of people from East Asia and Tianzhu was completely prohibited.

And these are just some of the stories of white supremacism happening around the world!

In addition to the United States, Kangaroo Country and other countries have used the name of the state to cleanse and suppress people of color.

So knowing that the Paladins belonged to the white supremacist Phoenix family, Lei Ming could understand why their first target would be the ocean company.

Of course, Lei Ming didn’t feel anything about this kind of thing.

This is society.

Lei Ming said: “If you want to know the history of Sino-Ocean Company, this is a good opportunity.”

“The real man is right.”

Yao Yuan put down the information in his hands and agreed.

He smiled and invited, “Is the real person interested in watching a show?”

Lei Ming thought carefully and accepted Yao Yuan’s invitation.

He is also very curious about the history of the ocean company.

The circle of practitioners in East Asia is said to be big or small, and a force with practitioners will not appear out of thin air.


Just after Qing Qiuying reported her development to Yang Xu, she received a challenge from the Paladins.

Yang Xu asked with interest: “What’s going on here?”

Qing Qiuying explained respectfully: “The Paladins are currently one of the strongest forces in the Sixth District, and they have always wanted to obtain the management rights of the Sixth District. During this period of time, they have annexed a lot of forces with their powerful strength, and they have already controlled six districts. block, close to a quarter of the strength of the Sixth District.”

“According to the competition rules of Mermaid City, when a faction obtains the right to rule over half of the blocks in a district, it is eligible to name the area, form a management committee, formulate rules, and become the nominal manager.”

Yang Xu nodded slightly to express his approval.

This system still has merit.

If you want to gain regional management rights, you must first have a strong force.

Although he came to Mermaid City for the first time, he was not ignorant of the situation here.




Because there are no rules and laws, the beasts in people’s hearts are completely released.

Yang Xu doesn’t need a united Mermaid City.

But such a chaotic mermaid market is also not what he needs.

The human strife has seriously affected the transaction with Xuguo, because of the unscrupulous robbery and plunder, the prey of many small teams are often robbed by large teams, or bought at a low price. Because of the disparity in strength, the small team either left in anger, or chose to accept helplessly.

Of course, some people chose to resist, but under the huge disparity in strength, there was never any good ending.

As for bypassing the mermaid market and going to the trading point on Matou Island, and directly trading with Xuguo, it’s not that there are no small teams doing this.

But once discovered by the big forces, they will be held accountable.

In light cases, they are not allowed to enter the Mermaid City, and in severe cases, they may even be killed by a large team!

And any small team cannot do without the supplies of the Mermaid City, not to mention the need for a place to recuperate after hunting exhaustion.

There are many dangers in the wild, and Mermaid City is the safest place and their only safe haven.

But this means that they will be severely exploited by the big team and can only get negligible benefits from it!

This is also an important reason why Yang Xu came to Mermaid City.

He doesn’t care about the infighting among the major forces.

But their internal strife and exploitation have seriously affected Xu Guo’s income, so Yang Xu can’t just sit idly by.

The horse head island trading point has only been established for more than 20 days, and it has already brought him nearly one million life energy benefits!

What a concept.

It is enough to add 20,000 Qingqiu Fox Clan to Xu Country.

Or a family of more than 10,000 blue birds.

Or the 10,000 Nuwa clan.

The entire Xu Country currently has a population of just over 40,000.

Trading with humans for a month can increase the population by more than 10,000!

Now because of the crazy exploitation by the major teams, many small teams are full of complaints, and some teams have even considered leaving Mermaid City to find another way out.

This also means that Xuguo’s transactions may be restricted and stagnated!

Some people hope that Xu Country can build a larger trading point, preferably to replace the function of the Mermaid Market. However, although this suggestion was good, Yang Xu had no choice but to give up after serious consideration.

The population of Mermaid City is still growing rapidly.

It is foreseeable that the population of Mermaid City will reach two million, or even three million in the future!

The cost of eating and drinking for millions of people is by no means guaranteed by Xu Guoneng now.

Not to mention that they still need a large number of arms and weapons from the outside world, otherwise, what would they use to deal with the countless dangers in the wild.

Moreover, how many people and troops are needed to manage such a large city. With Xu Guo’s current strength, even if he is capable of managing it, it would be a pity to waste a lot of energy here.

But no matter what the reason, Yang Xu cannot allow anyone to hinder his plan and hinder the development of Xu Country!

Mermaid City must be healthy.

Exploitation can be allowed, but the interests of the small team must be guaranteed so that they can make enough profits in this transaction. Instead of doing what many big teams do now, they are so greedy that they want to eat all the small teams alive, hardly give the small teams a chance to survive, and plunder 70% or even 80% of their legitimate income, leaving them only a negligible profit!

But to do all of this, Yang Xu must have a strong force in Mermaid City who can act according to his will.

Qing Qiuying.

Ocean company.

It is Yang Xu’s pawn.

A special organization planted in Mermaid City to inquire about the latest human intelligence and trends for Xu Country.

But Yang Xu didn’t expect that the first important task of building this spy department would be to win fair rights for the weak!

This made him feel a little emotional.

What a **** world.

Yang Xu thought about the plan for the Mermaid City, and said, “I hope you can get the management rights of the sixth district as soon as possible. The current situation of the Mermaid City is too chaotic, and it is not in our interests.”

“Big teams bully others, and small teams have a hard time surviving. I hope you can change this situation as soon as possible after you get the management rights of the sixth district, and you must not let Mermaid City go to self-destruction.”

“If you need anything, you can just ask.”

After hearing Yang Xu’s words, Qing Qiuying didn’t understand the importance of her task.

The burden of responsibility is heavy.

Of course, for him, the most important thing is Wang’s attention.

For him, the admiral entrusted him with such an important task, which was the greatest encouragement and reward.

Qingqiu Ying blushed with excitement, kowtowed and fell to the ground, firmly said: “Ying will live up to the king’s trust.”

“In the matter of the Holy Knight Order, my subordinates have a perfect plan.”

“Three days, the subordinate will obtain the management rights of the sixth district within three days, and present a congratulatory gift to the king.”

Qingqiu Yingkang was passionate, and his words were full of confidence.

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows slightly, quite surprised.

With Qingqiuying’s current strength, it is not an easy task to obtain the management rights of the sixth district in three days.

The ocean company now controls three blocks, even with the addition of the six blocks of the Paladins, it still only has three-eighths of the regional management rights.

Although it is not clear where Qing Qiuying’s confidence lies, Yang Xu appreciates it.

He said with a hearty smile: “Okay, if you can get the management rights of the sixth district within three days, you will be promoted to the commander of the shadow department, and you will be in charge of the army alone.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness.”

Qing Qiuying’s eyes lit up, she was ecstatic, and kowtowed excitedly to thank her.

Commander, lead five hundred people!

A month ago, there were only seven commanders in Xu Country!

Three days, as long as the promise is fulfilled within three days, he can reach the sky in one step!


No rules no standards.

Although Mermaid City has no laws, it still has rules.

This rule is a criterion jointly formulated by most of the forces.

If any force does not abide by it, it will be encircled and suppressed by all forces.

Of course, these rules are few, only a few.

One of them is about the competition for the administrators of the various districts in Mermaid City.

Only forces that have obtained the right to manage a street are eligible to participate in the area’s administrator competition. And once participating in this battle, there is almost no room for withdrawal.

Unless you take the initiative to admit defeat and surrender the management rights of all the blocks under your control.

This is equivalent to leaving Mermaid City completely.

Any force participating in the battle for administrators would definitely not agree to such a thing.

Therefore, there is almost only one way for the forces of all parties.


Annex other forces and strengthen your own until you become the administrator of the first district of Mermaid City.

Of course, because the forces that are eligible to compete for management power are not simple, they either have the support of the big boss, or have a strong army, at least a few hundred armed. If they fought recklessly in the urban area, the threat they would pose would be far more terrifying than ferocious beasts.

Therefore, the competition of all competitors has been strictly restricted.

Heavy weapons cannot be used in urban areas.

Can not affect others.

Simply put, if the two forces go to war in the neighborhood.

Neighborhoods must be cordoned off and everyone in the vicinity cleared before a battle begins.

For those onlookers who do not listen to the advice, or even die because of it, the major forces will turn a blind eye. Anyway, as long as it doesn’t cause too much damage, basically no force will really pursue it.

These restrictions are just so as not to cause huge damage, small damage is acceptable.

It is the same reason that the Holy Knights issued a letter of war to the ocean company.

Of course, there is another consideration when the Paladins issued a gauntlet.


Do it for other forces in the sixth district.

Because with their strength, as long as they win the three blocks of Sino-Ocean Company, it is almost equivalent to winning the management rights of the sixth district.

Armed with nearly a thousand people, three-eighths of the block in the sixth district, there is almost no force in the entire area that can confront them.

However, although the Holy Knights think that they have an absolute advantage, it would be the best thing if they can obtain the management rights of the sixth district without bloodshed.

Rush will inevitably lead to casualties.

In Mermaid City, during this important period of time when all forces are vying for the manager.

It is also very important to avoid damage and preserve one’s own strength.

Therefore, before the war, the head of the Holy Knights invited the ocean company to negotiate.

go away.

Or stay here forever.

Negotiations are taking place in neighborhoods that are not under the control of the two companies.

is a hotel.

Moonlight Hotel.

Very beautiful name.

The owner of the hotel is from Nanyang.

But the Moonlight Hotel is said to be a hotel, but it is actually very simple.

The hotel building has only two floors, the first floor is the lobby for eating, and the second floor is mainly a place for guests to rest.

This is also the style of most buildings in Mermaid City at present.

They are all prefabricated houses built quickly. Of course, they are not beautiful, but they are looking for speed.

In District 6, prefabricated houses are already very good buildings, at least they can be called houses.

In fact, in District 6, at least 70% of them still live in tents.

Of course, it is a place planned as a residential area.

The news that the Paladins wanted to negotiate with the Sino-Ocean Company had already spread in the Sixth District before it was sent to the Sino-Ocean Company.

This is a message sent deliberately by the Holy Knights.

And the controllers of the major blocks who got the news, as well as the idle small team, all expressed great concern.

Because everyone knows that once the Sino-Ocean Company is resolved, there is almost no force that can prevent the Holy Knights from becoming the master of the sixth district.

The administrator of a zone has many permissions.

One: Taxation!

This is the big head, and it is also an important reason why the major forces are striving to compete for the manager.

Any fool knows how much benefit can be obtained by obtaining the management rights of an area.

Two: Make the rules!

Although the laws of all countries in the world do not apply to the Sea God’s Kingdom, any region that wants to achieve healthy development must have corresponding rules.

The same goes for Mermaid City.

Managers can formulate rules, which is a very important right, equivalent to legislative power.

Only with the legislative power can we ensure the legitimacy of our own rule and obtain benefits for our own team in almost legal form.

Three: management rights.

Although even without becoming managers, the major forces still have the right to manage their own regions.

But this management right is a right that is not recognized by anyone and has no basis.

People in the management range can leave directly if they are not satisfied, or even accept their management. If the team that is not in the management area is dissatisfied, they can express their disdain unscrupulously, or even launch an attack directly to **** the management right of the area.

But after becoming a manager, the corresponding rules were formulated.

As long as you are in this area, no matter what you think, you must accept the management of the manager.

Moreover, the current power’s right to manage the current region is recognized by other powers. Before there is no reasonable reason, other powers cannot use this as an excuse to interfere in management and provoke disputes.

This is a guarantee.

Because of various benefits, all forces want to become managers in order to obtain huge benefits.

The birth of a manager is inseparable from the interests of all forces in this area.

Therefore, when the Holy Knights released the news, everyone who lived in the sixth district paid special attention.

Inside and outside the Moonlight Hotel, where the two major forces planned to negotiate, spies from many forces appeared. There are spies from the major forces in the six districts, as well as spies from other forces outside the six districts.

This is an important negotiation concerning the future of District Six.

The future of the sixth district will also affect the development of other regions.

As long as they still want to live in Mermaid City, no one can ignore the managers of an area.

Before the negotiation started, Yang Xu came to the Moonlight Hotel.

He came here by invitation, Qing Qiuying’s invitation.

Qing Qiuying hoped that Yang Xu could witness this very important moment, this is the reward he longed for, to show his ability in front of the king.

When Yang Xu arrived, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com already had many people waiting here.

The corners of the lobby on the first floor are full of spectators.

They must send the results of the negotiations back to their respective forces as soon as possible to deal with possible changes.

Yang Xu’s arrival did not attract much attention.

Because everyone is waiting for the protagonist of the negotiation.


Ocean company!

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