Chapter 110: Ch-110 shadow palace trial
Ch"110 shadow palace trial
But I see something like a screen and it says " I am only level up system form purple star earth and I used to be a seed created by God of creation unknown but I was given to a fallen angel the god angel to select a new sucessor but the last sucessor was die in waiting for new one but you were late but this you're here pls accept us and follow your lead our new highness "
As I was reading it I was shocked to know this new information about goddess of protagonist and God of villain and their son
As I turn my looks to the ore block as I was heading towards there and standing there infront of the dagger in the stone as I touch it
My mind hit by the mentality and I was in some type of mind space and there was standing two boys
As one of the boy said "I am Sung suho and he is " then second boy said "8 am zheng peng we are both protagonist of our world but we save our love ones and the humanity with our strength and now that war is going on between heaven and two God there is time for you to enter but before that you have to train yourself well if you want to safe your little world in your body "as zheng peng saying this to me while looking at my world "hmm you really have good resources pls used them well I know that what you want to become but you have long road to pass "
As I nodded silently then Sung suho said"we both are texting your four ability that every human have strength,speed, defence and mental strength if you pass the all four test we will not only give our class but also some of our skills "
as I nodded at them and sung suho said "I will test your strength and stamina and zheng Peng will test your speed and mental strength"
Then i said to them"well how can I trust you guys if what you said is true and not false I don't know that but that is what is written then I help but I want to know why this war started "
Sung suho said to me"well actually we both also don't know why this war started but we know that they want to make us disappeared in the eyes of other"
As I was dumbfounded"huh"zheng Peng said to me"well I also don't know but we know that those heaven people made some good protagonist and other villian but I know thing they are hiding from us that ·−−/·//·−/·−·/·//·−/·−··/·−··//·−−·/·−·/−−−/−/·−/−−·/−−−/−·/··/···/−//−···/··−/−//−/····/·/−·−−//·−−/·−/−·/−//−/−−−//−−/·−/−·−/·//···/−−−/−−/·//−−−/··−·//−/····/·/−−//·−/·−·/·//···−/··/·−··/·−··/·−/··/−·//··/−·//−/····/·//·/−·−−/·/···//−−−/··−·//−−−/−/····/·/·−·//·−/−·/−··//··−·/−−−/·−·/−−·/·/−//·−/−···/−−−/··−/−//−/····/·/−−"(we are all protagonist but they want to make some of them are villain in the eyes of other and forget about them)
As I didn't understand what is that but I know some of the word are but it was something like protagonist, villain,eyes ,other and them
Sung suho said to me"ok then let's start your trials