i am a vilian of the novel I hate the most

Chapter 108: Ch-108 shadow forest

Ch-108 shadow forest

As I look at him and said "well kid tell me your name "as the kid said to me"I am dhruve white and I have a sister and her name is rina white "

As I nodded and said "dhruve you're a kid now but you want to protect her and make her stronger I will help but so you know I can't help you because you have a body that will make you a demonic bring so think about it and take her to me and I examine her and make my student so you know my training is hard and I will help her make stronger "

Dhruve said to me"what do you need in return for making her student of your " as I said to him"well she have to pay a prize but first tell me her age"

Dhruve said to me"she is 16 right now "as i nodded and saidto him"ok well she is little bit I will make her strong but the condition is she have to marry me"and a smirk appeared on my face as I look at him in raggy clothes in his body I assume he is a commoner or villager

As dhruve look shocked at my condition and said to me in tremble voice"c ca. Can you give me some time now" as I nodded and said "you have 1 month and 5 days and my decision will change "


Ding host break the protagonist mind and heart by his offer of making his sister who has a strong bro-con personality your wife as host get 1200 points


After this talk dhruve get out of this forest and run somewhere and I go to the path of the castle as I was walking some more shadow lizard,elves and orcs appeared and suck by my power level they were all absorb in my power system as this was going for 3 hour and I finally reach the core area of the shadow forest

As beautiful black scenery of a forest with a black castle with three large black crystal at the toppest roof of the castle hanging on

As I reach the door of the castle knock it as by sudden in my two fingers as my blood drop on the castle gate the gate open and I go inside there stone statue of soldier's with armour and sword and there are four gaint spider statue and some further away was two orc lord statue with heavy sheild in one hand and double handed sword in other hand

As I was walking to the throne room there was sitting a man in the throne and as he wore a war armour a loin headed shield and a sword was beside the throne

As I was looking at him the torches on the piller suddenly bolt up in blue flame and you can see the five mini throne in the hall room in throne room as there are four statue

And they are one arcane , second ogre ,third is elves and forth is majin

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