Human King

Chapter 167: Doubt

Dawn didn't want to have his powers be connected with someone else. After all, it was his powers. It would just be plain absurd if he were to share it with someone else.

That was why Dawn didn't like the...thought of the Blessings of the Battlefield being a person or a creature.

If it were a person, then it could make decisions according to what it thinks.

And that fact made Dawn scared as hell. This would be the first time that Dawn felt true fear for something.

It was just that bad for the Blessings of the Battlefield to be someone.

Even if Dawn were to eradicate the whole forest in search of strength, Dawn might not receive the blessings if the battlefield deemed it so.

What's more, Dawn had battled a ton of monsters underground when he cleaned up the secret monster pot.

Who knows if the reason why Dawn was not able to evolve was because the Blessings of the Battlefield didn't want to give him blessings?

That would be a first, but Dawn knew that it might not be the last.

That was why Dawn didn't like the idea of the Blessings of the Battlefield being a person.

He was disgusted, scared, and confused that he even forgot about Oz.

It was just that scary and terrifying for a goblin.

---So, does this mean that...any goblin that the Blessings of the Battlefield chose will be strong no matter what?

Dawn thought of the possibility of the Blessings of the Battlefield intervening with the goblins.

It was more than plausible and it was even reasonable. Dawn even thought that the goblins were just pawns for this Blessings of the Battlefield, and that was why he got mad.

Of course, he didn't stay on it as he just thought of the possible calamities that could happen if it were confirmed that the Blessings of the Battlefield was a creature.

Why? It was because so that Dawn would be able to think of countermeasures for it.

Even if the goblin race was created just for the sole purpose of serving the Blessings of the Battlefield, Dawn would do everything he could to get out of its grasp.

He was a king. And the goblins were his people. There is no king who would bow down to an enemy when that enemy is threatening the prosperity of his people.

Even if the one threatening the the pillar that supported the goblins for hundreds, thousands...millions of years.

It was then that Dawn heard something once more. It was the same voice that talked to him.

And the same screen that he read before appeared once again in front of him.

And what it said was the same.

[The Blessings of the Battlefield is happy with your doubts.]

That was what it said, and that was all. It didn't have anything else, and it didn't explain anything at all.

It just literally said that the Blessings of the Battlefield is happy with Dawn's doubts.

And it was crazy. That was why Dawn turned his face into a frown as he stared into the empty air.

After all, the Blessings of the just mocked Dawn!

At least, that was how it would appear to Dawn who was struggling to think about it.

However, there was at least one comfort about this message of the Blessings of the Battlefield.

And that was...

---The Blessings of the Battlefield can't, don't, and won't be able to control goblins.

At first, Dawn thought that the goblins were created to serve this Blessings of the Battlefield.

He then became skeptical of things that happened to him with the Blessings of the Battlefield; the evolutions that he had, the messages that he knew...etc.

However, when Dawn read what the Blessings of the Battlefield said, he became sure that the Blessings of the Battlefield can't control goblins.

Why? It was because Dawn was now suspicious of the Blessings of the Battlefield, and yet, the Blessings of the Battlefield did nothing.

It didn't do anything to stop Dawn's doubts or thinking, nor did it try to force Dawn to kill himself or something like that.

After all, if someone is doubting you, it would be reasonable to try and get rid of the person who is suspecting you.

And if the Blessings of the Battlefield had the power to do that, he would certainly do it to Dawn.

Although Dawn didn't know whether it was because the Blessings of the Battlefield just couldn't control him or what, Dawn was still fine with it.

After all, it means that Dawn won't be dying anytime now.

---That leaves the evolution. As long as I can assure that I can still evolve even if the Blessings of the Battlefield don't want to give me blessings, then...

Then...everything would be fine.

As long as Dawn could still get the powers that he could get from the Blessings of the Battlefield, it would be fine.

It would be fine even if the Blessings of the Battlefield were to have a personality or is a person.

After all, Dawn could get stronger. And once Dawn gets stronger, he would just destroy the Blessings of the Battlefield.

It was a simple solution, and it was one fitting of the goblin king.

That was why Dawn planned to test it out. Right, Dawn planned to test it out.

Although Dawn...didn't trust the Blessings of the Battlefield anymore, he still knew that it is something powerful.

And since the powerful said that Oz will serve Dawn now, there was no longer any need to train him.

Oz would follow Dawn around, and do the things that Dawn would want him to do.

Well, at least, that's what Dawn thought of this situation.

It was such a roundabout way, but Dawn got what he wanted.

Well, he was given a troublesome problem and situation as something more...problematic than Oz came.

Anyway, when Dawn decided to test it out if he could still get evolution even if the Blessings of the Battlefield didn't want it, Dawn quickly moved.

"Oz, follow me." Dawn said as he turned around.

He then began walking as he disappeared into the forest beyond.

Since he already decided on it, there was no time to waste. Dawn would quickly do it to get the answers that he wanted.

After all, this journey and the long-time hunt would also depend if Dawn would be able to achieve evolution.

If the Blessings of the Battlefield won't give him any more blessings, then it was now time to go back to the village.

There was no need to waste time by whining and fighting more monsters when he wouldn't be able to get stronger.

Anyway, when Dawn disappeared into the vastness of the forest of trees, Oz...quietly followed right behind him.

It seems that Oz could understand generally, and that was why he, too, the Great King of the Jungle soon disappeared into the forest.

The look of the goblin king and the Great King of the Jungle looked truly menacing!

Well, it was mostly the Great King of the Jungle as he was that just scary-looking.

Anyway, the two of them soon arrived at their destination. Their destination was, of course, the place where Dawn's goblins were sleeping.

It seems that the goblins were about to switch positions as Didi and Una could be seen talking with each other.

Of course, when Dawn entered this scene, the goblins quickly noticed him.

Well, it was thanks to the humongous monster that is known as the Lion Tiger, Oz.

And as soon as they saw him, the goblins quickly gathered around Dawn.

Of course, even the goblins who were just about to sleep also gathered around Dawn.

There was no need for sleep if their king needed them. And it was clear as day that Dawn wanted them just from the aura he had as he walked.

It was...scary. Dawn looked so scary right now even though he wasn't saying anything yet.

At least, that was how Dawn looked to the goblins.

After all, Dawn was really pissed about how the Blessings of the Battlefield just mocked him.

Well, Dawn was truly a prideful goblin, but at least, he got better at controlling himself now.

Anyway, when the goblins gathered around him, Dawn quickly looked for two goblins.

Of course, that was the little goblin and Moris. The little goblin...was just standing right in front of the group.

On the other hand, Moris was standing at the top of a tree. Dawn was able to notice it when he looked for Moris.

Well, Dawn didn't really care about where or how Moris was listening to him.

All that matters was that Moris was listening, and that was why Dawn spoke as his blackish eyes...showed the shade of red.

The shade of anger.

"Is there a place where we could hunt monsters? Strong or not, I don't care."

"As long as it is a place where there are plenty of monsters where we could hunt, it will be fine."

Dawn said with his red eyes starting to make a line in the air as his Aura...started to leak out of his body.

And with Oz being right behind him, Dawn...truly looked like a death god that came down to this forest!

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