HP: The Unchosen One-(Malfoy SI)

Chapter 17: Chapter 17-Broken Strings!

Chapter 17


Hours had passed since the special edition of the Daily Prophet had been published, and now the entire magical society of Britain was looking to the Ministry for answers.

The Ministry itself was in an uproar, as reporters continued to harass each and every member for any new information regarding this massive scandal. A scandal which continued to worsen with every passing hour.

"You cannot believe this, Albus. " The Minister was livid and refused to believe the apparent truth as he tried to denounce any wrongdoing on the part of the Ministry.

"This is a lie! A ruse from one of the most dangerous criminals of the century." It was just like Fudge to try and sweep this matter under the rug, given that this could have reporters and the people relook at the thousands of cases that had been prosecuted after the war.

"I am afraid, I do not concur with your opinion Cornelius," he answered back as they sat in the office of Amelia Bones, the current Head of the DMLE. And unlike Fudge whose loyalty and judgement was compromised, Dumbledore believed he could trust the witch in question to stand with the truth.

"The evidence here is undeniable," he added as the Minister spluttered.

"Undeniable! You call this undeniable," he waved the special edition before throwing it back on the table.

"This is nothing but a sham news article by a propaganda artist. You are not saying that you believe it," and while he was not so impressed by the journalistic integrity of one Rita Skeeter, he doubted that she had made this whole thing up or even written it at all.

No. This was the work of a third party—someone who was simply using Rita Skeeter to hide themselves.

"While you can doubt the article, it is undeniable that the DMLE has in its custody Peter Pettigrew, a wizard we all thought dead for more than a century," and at that, Cornelius turned towards the witch who had the highest jurisdiction in the matter.

"Back me on this, Bones. Peter Pettigrew being alive proves nothing, he could have simply been hiding to keep himself safe. Black cannot be innocent," and Amelia Bones was a witch with a broader face, and blonde hair.

"I am afraid I cannot do so. I scoured through the files, and found no paperwork pertaining to Black's trial," she added as Cornelius's lips thinned.

"He was simply thrown into Azkaban without a trial. And now we must suffer the consequences of that mistake," and the witch in question cast a sharp glance in his direction as Fudge sighed, seeing him with no support.

"Black! Innocent!" he gasped as he took off his bowler hat and wiped the sweat off of his forehead.

"Pettigrew! That sweet boy, is he really the traitor?" he asked, and Amelia Bones nodded.

"From the initial investigation, it seems as such. Peter Pettigrew is being rather uncooperative with the investigation, but he will break soon enough, and when he does, we will know the truth," and Cornelius sighed.

"This will ruin my reputation! Already the people are clamouring, and now if we go to them with this, do you have any idea how incompetent we will appear to the public," he questioned, as Albus sighed, devastated by the priorities of their Minister,

Even at such a crucial time, the man saw little beyond his own reputation and interests.

Cornelius had always been like this. His rise to power had been more because of his ability to soothe and endear himself to men of power and influence. While he was no Blood Purist or Death Eater, Albus knew of his extensive relationship and closeness with Lucius Malfoy.

"It need not be, Minister," added a sharp voice from behind as Albus raised a brow.

He glanced back and saw a woman step forward from behind, dressed in a pink dress, smelling rather awfully as she tutted forward.

"Regardless of his innocence, Sirius Black did indeed break the law when he broke out of Azkaban," and he saw her smile as she continued in that thin voice of her.

"We may not be able to prosecute him for the killings, but he is still guilty of breaking out of Azkaban," and much to his dismay, Cornelius seemed to think about it for a second until it was Amelia who cut in.

"We cannot, actually," she said a bit angrily.

"Without a trial, his incarceration becomes illegal. We cannot prosecute him for it—not when he is not guilty of any crime at all," she argued, and the plump, small woman smiled.

"I doubt that the Ministry can keep track of all its transcripts. Those lost can simple b...." but before she could finish, there was a knock on the door, as they all turned towards the door.

"Come in," Amelia answered, and he watched as a rather familiar face stepped into the office.

"Kingsley, I thought I was clear that I should not be disturbed," she admonished, though the Auror captain nodded.

"I know, but there is someone here to see you. And I don't think that you would want to miss this," he said, beckoning someone to come in. Albus watched as another person stepped into the rather small office, which was a bit cramped.

Albus did not recognize the man at once, though he found him familiar until he realized just who he was.

"My name is Ted Tonks," and his eyes widened slightly as the wizard took out a letter from his pocket and put it on the table.

"I am here to represent my client," and the young wizard had been one of his students, a muggle-born boy who had caused one of the biggest scandals in the wizarding world as he made one of the infamous Black Sisters marry him.

"And who might that be?" questioned Cornelius, still oblivious to what was happening as the blue-eyed wizard sighed before he answered.

"Sirius Black...." and the whole room became silent as Amelia shook her head, finally taking off her glasses and rubbing her eyes.

"Well, it seems we have a trial on our hands...."



The entire day was filled with gossip and murmurs, and halfway through the day, even the teachers gave up on trying to keep the students quiet. They simply taught their lesson and gave them homework.

Every student in the school had the Daily Prophet in their hands, and could be seen discussing the news article. The article had once more put Harry in the spotlight, and her friend had been rather quiet since the news had come out, and for good reason.

According to Rita Skeeter, Sirius Black was not just innocent; the man was Harry's godfather and had been incarcerated without a trial while the real betrayer was still alive.

And then there was the matter of Peter Pettigrew and him being an Animagus, and she believed that she was not the only one who had made the connection with that and Ron's pet rat.

Ron and his brothers had all been called out to the Headmaster's office around midday, and none of them had returned yet, and the reason for it seemed obvious to her.

Scabbers was Peter Pettigrew, and the mere thought of that made her skin turn as she tried to imagine the implications behind this, and now as the classes came to an end, it was time for her to get a few answers.

Harry had gone to the dormitory, feeling rather uncomfortable with all the questions and interrogations, and she did not mind it.

He seemed rather disturbed by the news and had seemed rather troubled the entire day.

She, on the other hand, headed to the library and was surprised by the crowd of students gathered outside it before she spotted the people she was looking for.

"What happened?" she asked, coming upon Cassius and his group, and Tracey answered quickly.

"Pince's lost her mind with all the gossiping and talking and has closed off the library for the day," she replied as Hermione frowned.

"What?" she asked in disbelief as she saw the notice on the library door.

"She says the library will remain closed," Daphne added as Cassius simply yawned.

"I doubt she will get away with it. The Headboy's gone to Professor McGonagall to resolve the matter," he added before Tracey shrugged.

"Let's go to the garden then, but before that," the Slytherin girl suddenly turned towards her.

"Is it true that the Headmaster has called the Weasleys and that none of them has returned yet?" she asked.

"Or have they all been expelled?" she continued as Hermione shook her head.

"They have been called, but I have heard nothing about an expulsion," she replied as Tracey nodded.

"They are saying it is because of that whole Sirius Black incident," Tracey gossiped as they made their way to one of the empty grounds, as her eyes continuously tracked back to Cassius, who continued to walk with them.

They finally reached one of the empty spots and sat down as Tracey asked her once more.

"Do you really think that was Scabbers in the Hall?" she asked, and Hermione had no answers.

"I think so," she added, and that was her assessment. They talked and talked, hardly getting any work done as Hermione joined on occasionally. However, all this time, she continued to stare at Cassius, who seemed rather disinterested in the entire topic.

They finished their work rather quickly before Tracey and Daphne chose to leave, as Hermione finished her last essay, along with Cassius Malfoy, who yawned for probably the dozenth time as he lazily slogged through his own work.

"You did this," and the words slipped out of her mouth without much thought.

"What?" he asked, his head snapping towards her.

"You were behind this, weren't you?" she asked, and for a second, he was quiet before he raised a brow and asked a question of his own.

"And what makes you say that?" he asked, though she did not miss how he had not denied the allegation.

"It cannot be a coincidence that all this happens a day after you mention your theory about Black's innocence," she challenged.

"So, you really think he is innocent," he asked, and after a second of thought, she nodded.

"I do," and that was the conclusion she had reached after a whole day of contemplation.

"You still haven't answered my question, though," she cut in as Cassius looked into her eyes, and she did not miss the dark circles under them before he simply shrugged.

"And what if I am?" he asked. Hermione's eyes widened because she had not thought that he would accept it so easily.

"Then why hide your involvement? Why do all this anonymously?" she asked again heatedly, and he gave her a small smile.

"What is my name?" the strange question surprised her.

"What?" she asked, thinking that maybe she had misheard him.

"I said, what is my name?" he asked, and she had not misheard the question as she realized that he was being serious.

"Cassius, Cassius Malfoy," and as the words left her mouth, she got an idea of what it meant. Malfoy, the name, the history and what it represented.

None would ever dare trust him, even if he spoke. Even Hermione herself had spent years suspecting him of wrong doings and sinister plots, just until a few months ago.

"Peter Pettigrew did the Dark Lord a great service by betraying the Potters," he began softly as he turned away from her and continued to work on his essay.

And she had never thought of it like that, and yet as he continued, it began to make more and more sense.

"Anyone involved in his incarceration has just put a massive target on their back for no matter what the Prophet and the Ministry may say, not all of the Dark Lord's followers are in Azkaban as we speak," and if it ever got out that it was him who had turned the man in.

"Your family," she guessed the real reason he had done all this while remaining anonymous, though there was still the question of how he himself had known of Sirius's innocence.

 His eyes did not move from the piece of parchment as he continued with a rather mocking tone.

"I told you before, Hermione, didn't I, that the wizarding world is not so simple," he finished, as Hermione slowly voiced out her last question.

"But how did you know?" she asked, and he did not reply immediately. He slowly turned to look at her and shrugged with half a smile.

"It does not matter, I just did," and with that, he closed off the book slowly, as he stifled another yawn. Was this the reason behind his tiredness? But how had he even arranged everything?

"Promise me that you will never speak of it to anyone else," he asked sharply as he looked into her eyes. And while she wanted the whole school to know of his actions, she realised that it was safer for him if he remained anonymous.

It would be better for him and his family.

 So, she nodded reluctantly, even though she wished she did not have to.

"I won't. I promise," and with that, he nodded smiling as he whispered back jollily.

"Good, because I wouldn't want to diminish my ominous dark charm," he wiggled his brows making her roll her eyes.

"Thank you," she whispered, as she realized that none would ever know that he had gotten justice for Harry's parents and had rescued his godfather, giving him a family.

"For saving Sirius," she added, and he gave her a nod.

"Goodbye, Hermione," and he walked away as she saw a slew of Gryffindor students run towards the dorm.

"They say Weasley's back. It was him! It was really his rat!" and she stilled as she heard those voices.

"His rat was Peter Pettigrew!"


Back at the Ministry, a timid and jittery Peter Pettigrew sat in an interrogation cell, begging desperately to the blonde head of the DMLE.

"I am here," spoke Amela Bones as the man began to grovel and beg.

"I had no choice! I really had no choice! The Dark Lord! He was too powerful! You know it as well. Your own brother, he..."

"DO NOT TALK ABOUT MY BROTHER!" Amelia Bones thundered as the plump man turned in onto himself.

"Just let me go! Let me go. I won't bother anyone, I won't," and his desperation was obvious, for while he was loathed by all for betraying the Potters, he was equally hated by the Death Eater's who blamed him for the demise of the Dark Lord.

"Your fate is sealed. Sirius Black has agreed to question under Veritaserum," and the small man's eyes widened as his face paled even further.

"You know what that means, don't you," she smiled as he spluttered anxiously.

"We are no longer in need of your admission, and when Black gives his testimony I will make sure that they give you the Kiss," and Peter Pettigrew shook his head.

"NO! NO! I confess! Please, not the Kiss! I confess! I betrayed the Potters! I betrayed them, but I had no choice! I had no choice!" he pleaded as Amelia Bones rose up.

"As I said, it is too late now," and as she walked towards the door, the fat man continued.

"WAIT! WAIT!" he pleaded.

"Names! I can give you names," he offered as the blonde stopped, a subtle smile appearing on her face as she continued.

"All your Death Eater friends are already rotting in Azkaban. I doubt you have anyone valuable to offer," she said, and the man continued.

"Not all of them! Not all of them, I can give you details, details about their crimes," he offered before adding in a whisper.

"Wouldn't you like to know who killed your brother? Edgar. He was a good auror. He was killed right! I can tell you who it was, can tell you who killed him?" he offered, and Amelia Bones finally turned to face him.

"Who?" she asked.

"Let me go..."

"You can put your trust me or your buddies in Azkaban! The choice is yours," she thundered as he spluttered, shaking and whispering to himself before he finally opened his mouth.

"Malfoy. It was Malfoy...."




And in that very building, some distance away in a room scarcely visited, a glass ball, filled with dusty white smoke, cracked silently.



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