Chapter 97: Chapter 99 : Harry's Midnight Message
"I don't see Adrian either." Seamus, the sandy blond haired boy in Harry's year stated.
"I couldn't find them on the train." Harry offered, causing whispers to break around the table. The Shorting Ceremony began -with a radiant Ginny joining them in Gryffindor- causing the talk to subside for a while until Filch made an appearance, followed by his cat Mrs. Norris. He whispered something to Severus who was obviously shocked enough to let it show for a moment before rising from his chair and walking swiftly towards the grounds, Filch trying to catch up. Oh, something had definitely gone wrong, Harry thought.
He ate as fast as he could and then asked Percy for the password, proclaiming he wanted to leave sooner to write a letter to his parents asking if Adrian was alright. Percy agreed, barely able to hide his worry for his own brother, and Harry sped off towards the general direction of the Gryffindor Common Room before dessert was served, making an abrupt turn towards the Dungeons when he got out of view. Minerva McGonagall had been informed of whatever the incident was from Filch who, unable to catch up with Severus, had turned back to the Great Hall. The Transfiguration professor's pale complexion and tight lips was all the confirmation Harry needed.
He sped down to Severus's office, knocking on the door. Nobody was in so the boy started pacing up and down the corridor nervously. Mercifully, Severus appeared around the corner, his cloak bellowing behind him, his face an angry mask. As he approached, he noticed Harry and opened his door, ushering the boy in.
"What did my brother do?" Harry asked resigned.
"He and Ronald Weasley crushed a flying car on the Whomping Willow." Harry started coughing, choking on plain air as he tried to comprehend what he had heard. Adrian… flying car… crashed… Whomping Willow? He must have gotten something wrong.
"Were in Merlin's name did they find a flying car?" The boy's eyes unintentionally skimmed over the empty portrait of the most famous wizard of all times, hoping he might appear to answer him.
"I have a feeling that it's -was- Arthur's but I can't know for sure. I'm certain that he didn't fly it to the station!" Severus stated hiding his face in his palms as he sat behind his desk.
"And they really crashed on the Whomping Willow?" Harry croaked, certain he wouldn't like the answer.
"From all the places in the Hogwarts' park they could have landed!" The potions master exclaimed. "They were unharmed, miraculously may I add. Just a bit shaken. Minerva must be chewing their heads off as we speak." Harry nodded.
"But why would they use a flying car?"
"Apparently they missed the train."
"So instead of waiting for their parents they thought, hey, why don't we fly to Hogwarts? Just imagine how much fun that would be!" The green eyed wizard exclaimed confused.
"Apparently." Severus repeated. They stood in silence for a while, lost in their respective thoughts.
"Any idea why they missed the train?" Harry asked. "Fred and George told me they were right behind them when they entered the platform." The potions master shook his head negatively.
"Minerva appeared before I had snapped out of my shock of their survival enough to ask them."
"I'll try to find out tonight." Harry offered.
"Have you eaten anything?" Severus asked, realizing that, in order to arrive in his office before himself, Harry had most likely skipped dinner.
"I don't think my stomach can handle anything right now…" Harry trailed off; he had heard everything about the Whomping Willow from Prongs, Padfoot and Mooney. The mere thought of his brother approaching it let alone crashing on it with a flying car made him shiver.
"Here." Severus offered, waving his wand and producing some of that amazing hot chocolate from the kitchens. Harry took it gratefully. Maybe some warm chocolate would do him good. He took a few gulps and twirled the cup in his hands.
"I saw the Thestrals tonight." He muttered, the ghost-like horses reappearing in his mind now that he was somewhat reassured his brother was safe.
"I thought you might." Severus nodded softly. "Just remember, the Thestrals, despite their appearance, aren't evil creatures and besides, you have the hair of one…"
"Inside my wand, I know." Harry stated. "They just reminded me of… well, of the reason why I can see them." Severus looked at the boy seriously.
"Harry, we talked about this; you can't let it run your life." Harry nodded.
"I know and I'm not. I'm not!" He insisted catching Severus's inquiring glance. "It's just proving hard to forget is all." The black clad professor sighed.
"I will tell you the truth Harry; you will never forget it completely. There will be times when you will remember but, as time goes by, it will be easier to deal with every time." Harry nodded once.
"Can I borrow some parchment and a quill?" He asked, confusing the potions master quite a bit.
"What for?"
"I'm supposed to have left the fest early so I could send a letter to my parents; I better write it, just to be safe." Severus nodded and passed items Harry had requested to him with a smile. Harry wrote a few lines in haste and bid Severus goodnight, knowing he should better return.