HP : The Chronicles

Chapter 87: Chapter 87 : Protecting Bonds



"Have the Potters' been alerted of tonight's events?" He asked, trying to change the subject slightly.

"Yes, but when we tried to get Harry…" She paused and glanced at the sleeping boy. "But why didn't he come to me when he couldn't find his brother? I'm the Head of his House after all!" And her eyes turned disbelieving on Severus.

"And -as you know but seem to forget- I'm the one that helped raise him." Severus stated in what he hoped to be a calm voice, even if he couldn't prevent the icy undertone that laced his words. Minerva's eyes widened before turning to the ground.

"Of course, Severus." She simply stated recomposing herself. "We should go to Albus; he has requested your presence too, along with the rest of the staff." Severus nodded.

"Just let me write a quick note for Harry; the potion wasn't very strong and he might wake up before I return. He will want to know his brother is safe." Minerva nodded and left the office, after informing him that the meeting was to be held in Dumbledore's office. Severus pulled out a parchment and wrote down what Minerva had told him and what he had told her in turn to cover for him. He explained that Adrian was alright and placed a spell that would make the parchment appear blank until Harry cast the correct spell. He folded the note and wrote Harry's name on the back before going to attend the meeting.

The Potters had arrived about an hour after Harry had burst into his office, close to three thirty in the morning. They had been extremely worried, as was natural, and were soon joined by Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Severus just observed them from a distance, having half a mind to comfort a tear-stained Lily. She was still his friend, no matter what. But he couldn't go near as both her husband and his mutt of a friend would skin him alive. All four of them, Lupin included, were hovering around Adrian's bed, Lily sitting on a chair holding her son's hand.

"What happened to him, Albus?" James asked the headmaster the moment he stepped into the infirmary.

"It's a long story I fear…" He started only to be stopped by a growl, coming, apparently, from Sirius.

"We have time; start talking. Now." Sirius's tone was icy and completely the opposite from what Severus had expected of him. Maybe the mutt wasn't all that bad after all, the potions master thought, fighting the urge to smirk.

"As you wish." And he began to explain about the Philosopher's Stone and how it was kept in the school. Once that part was finished he explained how Adrian had somehow found out about the Stone and how he had stopped Voldemort from getting it.

"Voldemort was here?" Lupin asked, his gold-flecked eyes zeroing on the headmaster.

"Yes, he was."

"And how did my son stop him?" Lily asked, speaking for the first time since she saw her son. Because he's amazing, Severus thought, his mind straying to the boy sleeping in his office. That would be an interesting question to hear answered anyways.

"When I reached him, Adrian was unconscious and Quirrell -who had served as Lord Voldemort's vessel- was being consumed by flames. There was barely anything left of him by the time the flames died down." Albus stated seriously.

"Flames?" James asked. "Albus, are you trying to say that… What are you trying to say?" James asked staring at the headmaster, not really wanting to believe what he was hearing.

"It appears that Adrian, once again, managed to reach the same magic that helped him stop Voldemort the first time. His magic reacted to threat once again and saved him." Albus explained. Severus knew he should be relieved they didn't suspect Harry for anything but a part of him wanted the boy to be credited for his accomplishments for once. This wasn't the right time…

"How could you not know, Albus?" Lily asked, never taking her eyes from her son. "How could Adrian enter that room with you not knowing?"

"I never expected anyone to get past the Cerberus, Lily." He admitted gravely. "I thought the Stone protected; how could I expect three children, barely twelve years old would try to reach it?" Well, one would suffice, Severus thought. The Weasleys arrived at that moment, running towards Ron who lay in the bed next to Adrian. It was only when the twins and Percy arrived, still wearing their pajamas, that anyone asked about Harry.

"He's sleeping in my office." Severus stated as James's eyes looked at him accusingly.

"And why is that exactly?" He asked, his eyes narrowing. Severus, glad he had taken the time to take that room to pieces so he could suppress the urge to hex James into oblivion, proceeded to tell him what he had told Minerva.

"I believe he feels guilty for knowing Adrian had gone near that dog and not telling anyone; he seemed convinced that his brother was somehow harmed and that he could have prevented it." Severus offered. Not that far off the truth and would explain some of Harry's guilt. James seemed to step back after that. Severus left the infirmary and accompanied Albus back to the chambers under the trapdoor. The Headmaster gathered the invisibility cloak from the floor where it lay and looked at it with a sigh.

"Tricky cloak that one; meant to protect but helped his current owner to get in danger splendidly, wouldn't you say, Severus?" The potions master couldn't care less about the cloak but nodded nonetheless; the Headmaster had always been interested in it. Severus braced himself as he was about to see just what Harry had been through. Minerva, Fillius and Pomona Sprout joined them so that a better estimation of what had happened could be made.



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