Hogwarts The Dark Arts Awakened

Chapter 85 Praise, Magic Spear Learning and Fire Dragon End

On Wednesday morning, Voldemort summoned Vayne Nora Zwingli on the high platform.

His expression was very happy.

He was very happy with Vayne's magic painting and looked forward to more episodes from her.

Vayne's expression was very happy, and then she sighed deeply, saying that the reason why she did not continue to make it was not because she was angry that someone was piracy, but because she was a fifth-grade student and had limited time.

After all, these things are just fancy, the most important thing is your own strength.

Although Voldemort still felt a little disappointed after hearing this, he didn't say much.

In front of everyone, he praised Vayne profusely.

But in fact Vayne is still a little scared.After all, according to Ron's memory, the last empire failed. If it were drawn, would Voldemort think that he was insulting the Holy Magic Empire and punish him? …

But none of this was known, and she could only use the excuse that she was busy with her studies and could only produce one episode a month at most.

What Vayne didn't expect the most was that Voldemort had actually formed a team of young girls.

Well...actually all the team members are uncle-level.

They really achieved the fighting power shown in the anime.

even stronger.

Learn to lead soldiers to wage war.

It’s just that it’s very difficult to achieve a high military level in animation.


On the other side, Ron also continued to learn and began to refine his own magic rifle.

A pistol with reduced bullets has been successfully crafted.

The bullet will shrink when it is fired.

In fact, in Ron's view, the bullet was amplified. Although the attack range was increased, it also reduced part of the power.

So he tried to make a shrinking spell bullet.

Finally found out...

The power is definitely increased, but so is the level of precision you need to aim at.

After all, as the bullet shrinks, the impact force will also decrease, but the penetrating damage will increase.

This can only be said to be the lowest level of modification.

Moreover, Ron's transformation was very weak, with only slight changes. Although it seemed that the bullet holes shot were smaller, they were actually not very stable.

Ron found that sometimes when he shot too fast, the bullet did not get smaller.

And just like the musket given by the third-year werewolf senior, it is blessed by three kinds of magic, which is a geometric increase in difficulty.

The refining skills need to be improved.

The magic rifle refined by Hermione has bullets with added acceleration spells.

Bullets travel faster and shoot farther.


Norbert also expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the beginning, he could be held and played with by Ron and the others, but in just two weeks, it had turned into a small mountain.

Bigger than a human being.

The most puzzling thing is...

"Norbert, what's wrong with your carapace?" Ron said to himself, stroking Norbert who was lying on the ground.

Norbert didn't respond. He just raised his head and looked at Ron. His well-behaved look was very cute.

Ron gently stroked the parts of its skin where there were no barbs.

Now Norbert is close to the size of an adult and can no longer be picked up casually.

Correspondingly, something appeared on it that Hermione couldn't explain clearly.

For example, the barbs all over the body and the carapace look a bit weird.Hermione said that a fire dragon shouldn't have such a thick carapace, and it's not a turtle!And the barbs are also weird. Even if there is a creature like the Guildmaster, it shouldn't be the Norwegian Ridgeback.

Such as its growth rate.

It's like blowing up a balloon.

Hermione said that even the fastest dragons didn't grow that fast.

Generally, a baby can grow up to twice as big in one week after birth, and the most it can reach is as big as half a person. This is already a very fast growth rate.

But Norbert suddenly grew almost larger than an adult.

No living thing can grow so fast.

For example, two tails...

It's not obvious at first, but as it grows, its two tails, which were initially glued together, separate.

What's more, it obviously has very terrifying magic power fluctuations on its body.

This is something people have not thought clearly about.

Fire dragons generally only have the ability of flame dragon breath, which is strong, but not outrageous.

But Norbert's fire abilities are just as outrageous as... well... his master Ron.

"Norbert... you are so lucky. We have already tried to resurrect some other little guys, but without any progress. How come you can be resurrected so easily?" Ron said to himself.

Norbert raised his head, looked back and forth intelligently, and then lay down again.

Of course it knows nothing and understands nothing.

In fact, when it comes to the resurrected magic instrument, not only does it feel incredible afterward, but Ron himself also feels very incredible. After all, these things are not as simple as good luck.

It can even be said that he was extremely lucky to be able to successfully resurrect the magical creature for the first time and perfectly resurrect the magical creature.

Hermione continued to make progress during this period, and was finally able to try to resurrect some mice and the like.

It was also at this time that Ron also felt something was wrong.

"Is it possible..." Ron thought in surprise, but he denied his thoughts in his mind: "It shouldn't be possible... After all, there should be no one except us at that time."

Think so.


"Ron Ron! Look at this!" Harry held an invisibility cloak with some excitement and put it on himself.

Ron looked at Harry in surprise, with his head floating in mid-air.

As the corners of his mouth twitched, his inner premonition began to flicker.

"WOW, it'sssocool..." It was time for Ron to express his amazement: "Where did you find it?"

Harry jumped up and down excitedly: "I found it from the secret passage I discovered last time. At first I thought it was a piece of rag, but I didn't expect it to be a magic prop..."

Ron Dian fell into silence.

No way……

is it really like this? …

He thought about it, no matter what... just in case.

Before Ron could go to find Hermione, Hermione came to see Ron when Charms class was over.

"I still feel something is wrong. Do you remember this incantation here? We all pronounced it wrong. The real pronunciation should be like this..." She recited the incantation.

Ron's expression was completely relieved.

No matter what, since you know it, then go back and do it, otherwise, time and space will force you to go back and do it.

With this thought in mind, he shook the time converter in his hand: "Then let's go back and make up for our mistakes... Don't let people rush us passively. We may have some minor troubles at that time."

With that said, the three little ones started the time turner again.

Ron filled it up directly!

The three little ones traveled directly back to ten days ago.

There are still two days left until Norbert is resurrected.

Harry raised the invisibility cloak, and the three of them immediately hid inside.

Watching myself and others studying in school, the three little ones kept floating around.

When they were sure they wouldn't be touched, the three children were reading crazily in the library.

Usually during class, Mr. Soros, who manages the library, hides directly, either taking a rest or doing his own things.

So the three little ones wandered around in the empty library.

Continuously flipping through books related to resurrection rituals.

After thoroughly understanding the low-level resurrection rituals, the three little ones began to learn some relevant knowledge about other resurrection rituals by analogy.

Observe and prepare.

Wait until the magic ritual begins on that day.

Ron, Harry, and Hermione corresponded to themselves at this time, standing in completely different corners, forming a four-person formation.

Compared to themselves at this time, the mantras they recited were more perfect and complete.

Sneaking and gently chanting the magic spell along with my former self, it feels really exciting!

The three little ones during this time period were fully focused.

Although it may feel like a small resurrection ceremony, the three little ones also invested time, effort and energy into it.

At the end of the ceremony, the magic power of both groups of people was exhausted.

At this time, the three little ones were completely focused on the changes in the magic ritual center, so they did not notice that there were three other waves of the same magic being injected.

Looking at the two guys leaning against him, Ron shook his head.

There is no way, after all, there is too little magic power.

Looking at the newly released Norbert, Ron took out the storage bag, stuffed Hermione and Harry into it, and then quickly escaped with the Invisibility Cloak.

In the following time, they did not return directly to their own time and space, but studied in school along time and space until they returned to normal time and space.

"I can't believe it..." Hermione said without any reaction.

Ron also nodded: "Yeah... I didn't feel it at all at that time. There was actually another group of people hiding aside... It feels very scary when I think about it now..."

Harry also felt confused: "How should I describe this feeling? I'm staring at the magic circle being carved and performing the resurrection ceremony?"

Recalling that dark and windy night, the three of them were performing a mysterious ceremony, and it turned out that there was a group of invisible people nearby secretly watching the three of them doing what they were doing.

Wow~ I’m so scared that my soul is gone...

This is simply a plot found in some horror ghost stories.

Ron was also sighing: "Now I wonder if there are us from the future who have returned to this time and space, and then helped us complete it again when we were performing the ceremony and watching us in the past perform the ceremony..."

"Infinite matryoshka dolls?" Hermione asked funnyly.

The three looked at each other and laughed loudly.

Regardless, the incident finally passed.

What follows is a long learning journey.

Because of Hagrid's strong recommendation, Ron entrusted Norbert to him to raise him.

After all, fire dragons are always lively magical creatures. Ron's small box is only a thousand square meters at most. It can fly, but how can it compare with Hagrid's hundreds of kilometers of land and thousands of meters of space?

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