Hogwarts The Dark Arts Awakened

Chapter 64 Vayne: Be my dog, you will be well treated...

Slytherin rarely has internal chaos, unlike other houses.

They are more holistic.

Because they... represent the wizarding world...

I have to say, if you want to say which house is more representative of the wizarding world in England, you can only say Slytherin.

Although the pure-blood concept is stupid and backward, feudal and old-fashioned.

But...only they have a rich historical heritage and inherit long-lasting culture and knowledge.

What is the basis of a civilization?

Humanities, geography, culture, traditions, customs, and strength.

Among them, what can you find that other colleges can compare with?People have humanities, because purebloods represent distinct and great historical figures.What the wizards of geography possess is called the geography of the wizarding world, and what the wizarding world possesses is what purebloods possess.

Not to mention cultural traditions and customs.


Why do you think Muggle-born wizards are stronger than purebloods?

If one or two Muggle wizards are stronger, what kind of climate can that be?

In a sense, pure-blood wizards... represent the wizarding world.

"Why?!" Starmetin looked at this crazy girl with strange habits in surprise.I muttered in my heart: Did you drink too much again? …

He was a head taller than his opponent, making him look very intimidating.

He looks ordinary and mediocre, with the usual arrogance of Slytherin.

His eyes shone with confusion and contempt mixed with indifference.

The cold and surprised inquiry made him look...even more stupid.

He couldn't figure out why the woman in front of him wanted to be his enemy?

He couldn't figure it out even more: "How am I inferior to Stanxiu?!"

"You are ugly." Vayne Nora Zwingli said coldly: "And you are too stupid...not much better than the Flobber Caterpillar...I don't even have any collection of your head. Interested..." His expression was disgusted.He added: "My appearance is too mediocre, and my brain may be filled with maggots from rotten fruits and vegetables."

Suddenly, there was an uncontrollable burst of suppressed laughter.

It made people pay attention immediately, but they couldn't tell who among the crowd made it.

There were dense crowds of people watching the fun.

After all, it was a rare seventh-year battle, a battle between the capable Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Therefore, the huge crowds of people make people even more nervous.

What happened today will be seen by most people in the school in real time. After being circulated, the whole school will definitely be aware of it.

It seemed that I suddenly thought of that slimy, dirty, soft, disgusting little creature that secreted a lot of mucus.

Starmetin's expression looked very wonderful. The moment he heard the words "ugly," his face was twitching.

Anger is burning.

Whether you are drunk and crazy, or you are intentionally insulting me, you have already offended me!

The scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone watched this shocking drama curiously.

The entourage behind Vayne Nora Zwingli didn't know what to say or how to say it.

He looked indifferently at the girl who stepped forward with a swish of wizard robe.

Starmetin waved his wand gracefully, bowed, then raised his head, waved his wand and recited a spell.

The shield on his body disappears.

He was horrified to find that the girl disappeared from sight.

Almost at the same time, the automatic defense arc of the defensive props shattered.

A dagger gently opened his neck, and blood flowed out like a fountain.

"Well..." His eyes widened and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Vayne Nora Zwingli's blade slowly sliced ​​across, leaving a trail of blood behind.

The green robe was stained with blood, turning it turbid and pitch black.

"What? You want to say, this is impossible?... Ha..." Vayne Nora Zwingli had an exaggerated smile on her lips and looked at him crazily.

The ten demon-breaking blades floating around him gathered behind the opponent at some point.

My neck almost went around in a circle.

The pain slowly appeared at this time.

"You..." Vayne said with an exaggerated smile: "Stupid, ugly... and most importantly... weak..."

Before he could react, Vayne was enough to kill him ten times...

This was done in the time after he had completed the liturgy, not while he was saluting.

"When did you think the dagger I was holding was placed around your neck?" Vayne asked jokingly.

"It's the last time..." Someone in the crowd responded, expressing emotion and amazement.

too fast……

Starmetin swallowed hard.

She sighed: "You are so weak, I don't have any sense of accomplishment at all... I originally thought that my expectations for you were the lowest, but I didn't expect... It's really beyond my expectation..."

Looking at the smile of the woman in front of him, Starmetin felt cold all over. This is a devil...

Correspondingly, Vayne's weird smile seemed extremely terrifying to him.

"Don't worry... I won't kill you... After all, I am a witch..."

After saying that, he took back the blade.

Then...a red light flashed.

It seemed that the sound came slowly.

"Crucio [Crushing Bones]...at least make me...pleasant, right? Otherwise it would be too boring..."

Screaming, the man felt extreme pain.

Blood spilled all over the ground.

Vayne laughed wildly.

Looking at the man rolling on the ground.

Continuously outputting magic power.

Everyone around felt scared and slowly left...

If a witch kills a noble pure-blood wizard, the consequences will be serious.

The most serious situation is when the family directly marries a powerful family and throws away this hot potato.

Because the world is still dominated by men.

So Vayne's statement that she won't kill this guy is indeed true.

It doesn't matter even if you torture the other person into a lunatic, a fool, or an idiot.

Taking pleasure in other people's pain is an inertia that people will have after being addicted to black magic.

It also means that these people have become pure evil.

Like to see pain, despair, and death...

In the midst of the madness, the girl suddenly became quiet, ignoring the struggling and screaming man, and slowly came to Ron and squatted down.

He reached out and grabbed Ron's red hair, lifted it up entirely, and looked at him face to face.

"How did you..." He looked at the unconscious boy coldly: "Avoiding my hunt?!...Huh?!" He suddenly slapped him hard on the face.

A clear and loud sound sounded, but there was no response.

She really couldn't figure it out...

This guy is so weak.

Why do you suddenly have so much power?

Thinking of this, Vayne showed a strange smile: "Let me...see your secret..."

As he spoke, he pointed the wand at Ron.

Dolores Umbridge, who was watching the battle coldly on the side, was stunned for a moment, and she said softly: "Miss Zwingli, I hope you can be sensible." With the opponent's wand pressed against her head, Even if he is fast, he cannot stop the other party from making any harmful attacks in time.

Although she also hated this damn little bastard, the witch was really... relatively weak.

If she doesn't remind her, she will be implicated if something goes wrong.

Vayne smiled weirdly: "Don't worry, I don't want to get married so early... I haven't had enough fun yet... Hahahaha~ Legilimens [Legilimens]..."

A flash of light penetrated Ron's mind.

Voldemort talked about returning to tradition.

The traditional wizarding world is... patriarchal.

From very early on, the wizarding world has always been in a patriarchal era.

It was not until modern times that it gradually became

Therefore, there was a large-scale escape of witches in history.

And go crazy because of it.

Intended to bring about a feminist era in the Muggle world.

The weak intend to bully the weaker and establish their own order.

This may also be one of the reasons for the origin of the witch-hunting movement.

After all... the witch hunts in history were only witch hunts...

Just like Voldemort's mother, she fell in love with Muggles, abandoned her when she was tired of playing with them, and threw her child in front of the orphanage...

Earlier, other witches did not have the moral values ​​of Voldemort's mother. When they got tired of playing... it was hard to say whether to kill or abandon them...

(Muggles who can attract witches, so what can I say... their appearance cannot be low. After all, in the traditional wizarding world, Muggles are smarter animals...

Otherwise, why am I falling in love with you because you are too ugly or too mediocre?Um? ? ? ! ...)

However, Voldemort's female Death Eaters were very loyal, so he relaxed some of the rules.

For women…

As long as you don't kill one of your own pure-blood wizards, there's basically no problem.

Voldemort preferred crazy people.

When Ron's memory entered her mind, Vayne was stunned...

Her crazy smile slowly froze.

I couldn't help but use Legilimency again.

"Wow..." she exclaimed.

A weird smile appeared on his face.

"What a surprise..."


Voldemort sat on the throne, wearing a gold crown with many gems on his head.

He rubbed the armrest of the throne.

"Clem... when will you come and help me take over this world..."

Eternal life has been achieved by himself, and now his dream is to conquer the world.

Establish an eternal kingdom.

It’s just that the resistance around the world is very violent.

He could only choose and figure it out slowly.

No one knew what Ron, controlled by Climb, said to him that day.

He is very much looking forward to...the wonderful future that Clem said...


Need to wait, need to wait for Clem to completely gain control of Ron's body.


Whispering in pain, Charlie slowly opened his eyes.

Found himself lying on the hospital bed.

Turned to look.

Ron and Harry were both there.


Then someone was found.

The way she sat there thinking quietly when she was calm made it impossible to imagine how crazy she looked.

The Slytherin robes on her body showed her identity.

"You..." Charlie was a little nervous, but almost instantly, he understood who the person in front of him was. Charlie, who was a little excited because of the other student, immediately calmed down and said silently: "Thank you..."

Vayne Nora Zwingli looked at the man's long red hair and always gentle expression: "Well~ A Gryffindor who is polite, a Gryffindor who is not reckless, a Gryffindor who is not stupid... Tsk...Why are you a Gryffindor?...Oh...Maybe you become stupid because of your family?..." Her voice was calm, without any feeling that she was insulting others.

"But I don't hate this kind of stupidity..." She said, standing up, her arrogant look naturally emerged.

"How about being my dog?..."

Charlie was stunned for a moment: "What?!..."

The girl walked up to the man and stretched out her hand.

The boy subconsciously wanted to hide, but the girl suddenly grabbed his chin.

So hard.

There is some pain.

Forcibly turning the red-haired boy's head, the girl's burgundy eyes looked at him seriously.

Vayne Nora Zwingli explained: "Be my dog ​​and I will protect you..." and then added the word: "You..."

The scene suddenly became quiet and eerie.

"Uh... you mean... I surrender to you..." Charlie's expression became complicated: "Please allow me to refuse."

Vayne Nora Zwingli shrugged: "Whatever you think...I saved you, of course you have to...repay me..." She sat on the hospital bed: "This condition is very good, you can Think about it. I don’t know how many people want to be my dog..."

The brown hair trembled slightly.

She turned sideways and looked at the man.

Then she changed the topic: "Or do you want to become Lord Voldemort's dog in the future?..."

Ah this...

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