Her Power and Favor Span the World

Chapter 63: The Virtuous Concubine’s Departure from the Palace

Chapter 63

Yuan Qingling had no appetite for the dinner her Qi Amah had prepared. She only drank a sip of the soup before having it taken away.

Sensing her mistress was in a bad mood, Qi Amah didn't dare ask any more questions. She told Lvye to come help clear away the dishes.

As Qi Amah turned to leave, Yuan Qingling asked, "Amah, is Brother Huo better?"

Hearing her speak, Qi Amah quickly turned back and said, "Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. He's recovered now."

"I'll go see him tomorrow," Yuan Qingling said.

"Yes, thank you!" Qi Amah was moved that Yuan Qingling still cared about Brother Huo even when she was in a terrible mood.

After reading for a while, Yuan Qingling decided to go to bed, hoping to have a good dream.

But Xi Mama came in, closing the door behind her.

Yuan Qingling looked at her. "What is it?"

Xi Mama lowered her hands and said flatly, "Why doesn't Your Highness just say it directly - how do you plan to deal with this old servant?"

Yuan Qingling gave a faint smile. "I don't plan to deal with you."

Xi Mama's voice was bleak. "Then this old servant understands. Your Highness means for me to take my own life. That must be His Majesty's intention as well."

Yuan Qingling said evenly, "I don't know His Majesty's intentions, nor dare I guess at them. But the Retired Emperor told me to treat you well."

Xi Mama stared at her, her lips trembling. "The Retired Emperor really said that?"

"I have no reason to lie to you. Whether you take your own life to end this enmity, or live well to repay the Retired Emperor's kindness, that's for you to think over. I can't decide for you. Go back now, I need to rest." Yuan Qingling dismissed her directly.

Xi Mama left heavily. For a long time afterwards, Yuan Qingling could still hear her sighing.

She had given Yuan Qingling the impression that she was deeply helpless, with many unspeakable hardships. Yuan Qingling had no intention of judging her actions, nor did she have the right. But everyone had to take responsibility for what they did.

As for Chu Mingcui, whether or not the Emperor would punish her, Yuan Qingling felt it had nothing to do with her anymore. Behind Chu Mingcui stood the Chu clan; the Empress was the Chu clan's daughter. The Emperor would have to give them face, at most scolding her a few times.

She slept dreamlessly through the night.

When she woke up the next morning, Yuan Qingling still felt lost and sorrowful. It was the best night's sleep she'd had since coming to this world, yet she wasn't happy at all.

After washing up, she went to see Brother Huo.

Brother Huo's wounds had basically healed, but scars remained.

He was respectful yet frightened of her, not daring to speak, only occasionally looking at her with worshipful eyes.

"You're better now!" Yuan Qingling reached out and ruffled his hair. "From now on you don't have to do such hard labor. At your age, you should be learning to read and write."

"Read and write?" Brother Huo's eyes widened.

"Yes, I'll find a school for you." Only then did she realize there might not even be schools here. Wealthy families would open their own schools and hire teachers for their clan's children to study together. It was nearly impossible for servant boys to attend school.

She was a little embarrassed by her thoughtless words.

Qi Amah smoothed things over. "Your Highness is too kind. He's a servant born and bred, he has to work."

"Granny, I want to learn to read and write," Brother Huo said softly.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Qi Amah glared at him.

Brother Huo shrank his neck, not daring to say more.

The longing in his eyes slowly faded. He knew it was just wishful thinking.

Yuan Qingling felt a little sad inside. This was not a fair society, and her own power was limited.

A servant hurried in, as if something urgent had happened. Seeing Yuan Qingling there, he was startled for a moment. What was the princess consort doing in the servants' courtyard?

"What is it?" Qi Amah asked.

The servant collected himself and first paid respects to Yuan Qingling, then said, "Master Tang told you to prepare some refreshments. Word from the palace is that Consort Xian is coming to the estate."

"Consort Xian is coming?" Qi Amah immediately perked up. "Alright, go back and tell Master Tang I'll make the proper arrangements."

Qi Amah had served as Consort Xian's palace maid when she married into the household. When Yuwen Hao was granted his own estate, Consort Xian had rewarded her to him. Naturally she was delighted that the old mistress was coming.

But Yuan Qingling's heart was clouded with gloom.

Consort Xian - the person who liked her least in the entire palace. She must have heard about Yuwen Hao's injury and come out of the palace to inquire about it. Actually it would have been easy for Consort Xian to find out by asking people in secret. She had just been keeping a low profile.

She returned to Feng Yi Palace and tidied up to formally receive Consort Xian as her mother-in-law.

The scar on her forehead, despite Xi Mama's efforts to conceal it with heavy powder, was still faintly visible like a imprint, very noticeable.

Yuan Qingling was quite good-looking, though not a peerless beauty like Chu Mingcui. But she had clear, bright eyes and a calm, unyielding demeanor, giving her an air of tranquil grace.

Meeting her gaze in the bronze mirror, Xi Mama felt a surge of inexplicable guilt.

Yuan Qingling's eyes were calm and undisturbed. It was nearly noon when Consort Xian arrived at the estate. The autumn sun at midday was scorching, and though a cool breeze blew, Yuan Qingling still felt dizzy from the heat as she stood at the estate gates to welcome Consort Xian.

The curtains of Consort Xian's golden phoenix carriage were lifted by palace maids, revealing the glittering gems and jewels within, and then Consort Xian's exquisitely made-up face.

Yuan Qingling composed herself and led Tang Yang, Xu Yi and the others to greet and bow to Consort Xian.

Consort Xian stepped down from her carriage. Clad in a flowing, embroidered cloud brocade court dress, hair in a slanted phoenix bun pinned with an carved openwork golden phoenix hairpin, a large round ruby pendant hanging on her forehead, she looked rich and august. With one glance at Yuan Qingling she said, "No need to bow."

Yuan Qingling stepped aside. "Please come in, Mother Consort."

Consort Xian entered the estate with her palace maids, followed by Xi Mama. Seeing her, Consort Xian's eyes flashed with surprise, but her expression quickly returned to normal.

Consort Xian was led into Yuwen Hao's quarters. Seeing his severe injuries, she immediately whipped around to glare at Yuan Qingling, furious. "Why didn't you say a word about this yesterday in the study?"

Yuan Qingling said, "Father Emperor forbid me from speaking of it."

"Even if you couldn't say it then, couldn't you have privately sent someone to inform me afterwards?" Consort Xian said coldly.

"After that, the Retired Emperor ordered us to leave the palace immediately," Yuan Qingling replied evenly, unafraid of Consort Xian's anger.

"Mother Consort!" Yuwen Hao called out. He slowly frowned. "Enough. I'm nearly recovered now. Besides, Father Emperor forbid her from telling you because he feared you would worry yourself sick over it. How could she dare disobey Father Emperor's order?"

Consort Xian raised her brows. What was going on with Fifth Brother, actually speaking up for Yuan Qingling?

"Keeping it from me - if something had really happened, what was your mother to do?" Consort Xian still hadn't vented her anger. Seeing his injuries, she was distressed beyond words. Sitting at his bedside, she gently dabbed at the area around the wounds with a handkerchief. "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore," Yuwen Hao said.

"Liar. With wounds this big, how could they not hurt?" Consort Xian's eyes reddened. "Who did this?"

"Father Emperor will investigate," Yuwen Hao said lightly.

He knew in his heart the investigation would turn up nothing. The perpetrators had already committed suicide, and finding out who was behind it would be as hard as scaling the heavens.

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