Harry Potter: Redemption in Time

Chapter 138: Embracing the Holiday Spirit

Harry had just finished talking with Neville on the mirror when he noticed Luna was upset about something He sat beside her on the sofa and put his arm comfortingly around her shoulders. "What's the matter Luna? Feeling homesick?"

"Oh no Harry, I love it here. I'm just worried that Dumbledore will find you because of everyone coming here for Christmas."

Harry tried to reassure their friend, "Luna, everyone knew we were building another home in Australia, where else would we go? What you need to remember is that Australia is over thirty times the size of Britain with less than a third of the population. This is a very big country. Without specific information they will never find us and the only people outside this room who know where we live are the goblins. All anyone in Hogwarts knows is that they're coming to Australia and they won't know anymore until they're in the airport. Tonks is picking up all the travel documents from Gringotts and meeting the group at the airport."

Luna wasn't convinced, "What about when they go back to Britain? All it takes is for one person to let something slip…"

Hermione sat on Luna's other side and also wrapped her arm around the little blond. "The wards around this house are pretty special. When our friends leave here, they will remember everything about this holiday except where this house is. They could walk right past and not know we were here. The wards will be altered to allow them entrance only for the period of the holidays. The people who built this house couldn't even find it again."

She was beginning to understand, "So they will remember they had a brilliant time but not where they spent it?"

Harry smiled at her, "Oh, they'll remember they spent their time in Australia at the Potters, they'll remember the house and the grounds but they won't be able to find it again or tell anyone else how to. I just love magic!"

Luna had another thought that scared her, "So when I leave here to go home, I won't be able to find this house again?"

Harry's smile never waivered, "Luna, you're considered family. You will always be able to find us and always be welcome."

Luna was determined not to cry at that, "It sounds as if Christmas is going to be a lot of fun. I'm sorry I'm going home now but I couldn't leave my dad to spend the holidays alone."

He was still smiling as he revealed her surprise. "Luna, you won't be going back to Britain for Christmas and your dad won't be alone. He's flying out with the Hogwarts mob to spend the holidays here with us."

Luna couldn't help it, the tears came as she managed to hug both of them at the same time. Harry's comment about family had started her filling up, flying her father over here just overloaded the dam. "I don't know how to thank you."

It was Harry's turn to be amazed, "You'll never have to Luna. You're our best friend, that's thanks enough for us."

Ginny was sitting sniffing as well, "I'll get to spend Christmas with you guys and the twins, that's brilliant!"

Hermione decided to raise the mood, "Ok girls, our mission is to ensure my husband here has the best Christmas ever."

Harry shook his head, "Girls, sitting with you three beside the pool today and that lovely dinner Dobby made means today is already better than any Christmas I can remember. This year's being my best is already a given. I have a beautiful wife, wonderful friends, parents and my godfather, it can't get any better than that."

Hermione leaned over Luna and whispered in his ear. Harry's jaw dropped open, his face flushed while his eyes developed a thousand yards stare.

Ginny was now giggling, "I don't know what you said to him Hermione but I think you broke your husband."

It was a smiling Luna who answered, having heard what Hermione whispered to him. "She told him that in a few years they would have children of their own and then Christmas would be really special."

The adults were sitting quietly listening and now wished they hadn't. Even Hestia was fighting back the tears at those last few comments, all silently swore to make this the best Christmas ever.

Sirius was amazed at how deeply Hermione's comment had resonated within him, he regarded his life as being better now than it had ever been. The only thing he could think of that could make it any better would be having children of his own, he was also sure he'd found the person he wanted to have them with. He wasn't sure whether it was his extensive stay in Azkaban or simply that he was that bit older but that thought didn't scare him in the slightest. The idea of becoming a father was one that used to terrify him and had to be avoided at all costs, now he remembered how it felt to hold baby Harry as Prong asked if he would be godfather to his son.

The idea of getting married to Hestia filled his entire being with joy, it was now a question of timing and whether they needed more room on that plane. It may require a talk with Emma to see if they could accommodate more people staying over the holidays, getting married at that time on this beautiful property was suddenly very appealing. Asking Hestia seemed like the best idea in the world, it was just a case of how to go about it. He was after all Sirius Black, there had to be a touch of drama in there somewhere to make it memorable.


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