Harry Potter: Go To Hell

Chapter 144: Unmasking Regret

"I knew what was going on between him and Denis and said nothing. So did you and Hermione. All the two of you ever said was he should've found and defeated the beast before Colin died. That only compounds my original bad act in writing in that stupid diary to begin with. So many bad things happened because I was a stupid little girl. And for none of it did I ever ask anyone for forgiveness."

"But tell me, Ron, about your insinuations. How was he supposed to do that? You admit you didn't know where the chamber was until he found that scrap of parchment in Hermione's statue hand and he put all the clues together. A scrap of paper you admitted to me she had just gotten from the Headmaster earlier that day." She shook her head.

"I didn't even help him tend to his injuries when I was the cause of them. I knew why Denis was beating him up. Colin even tried to get me to tell Denis the truth because he didn't like Denis beating on Harry for something he wasn't responsible for. I wouldn't." Ron looked surprised. As far as he knew Colin hadn't known exactly how he died. The Headmaster had told them all he remembered was seeing big yellow eyes. Ginny smiled bitterly. "Yes, he knows exactly how he died. He remembers following me into that hallway and hearing me in the girls bathroom doing something. He waited for me in the hallway to come out of the bathroom. I knew he was there waiting for me but I gave him no warning, Ron. I didn't even try to tell him to go away. Because I thought he was a pest and no one would miss him. It'd make Tom happy to finally have a victim. So I said nothing to warn Colin away. I released the snake and then opened the bathroom door to let it into the school knowing damn well an innocent boy was in the hallway waiting for me to come out. The last thing Colin remembers is me opening the bathroom door and seeing the eyes. So yes, he knows damn well I was responsible for his death."

Ron closed his eyes and lowered his head. He didn't like thinking of his sister as a murderer and had been trying very hard ever since Colin had died and he'd discovered she had been releasing the monster into the school to deny it. Yet she'd just sat here and told him point blank she'd deliberately set Colin up to die.

"As for Harry, tell me Ron. Why should he have forgiven me when I never showed any remorse? You know, forgiveness given without being asked or being shown remorse is worthless and only makes a fool out of the one doing the forgiving. Because the one being forgiven learns nothing of value and will do their bad act again and again. Until the day when they try it on someone who will take something from them they can't afford to lose for their audacity. Like their life."

"Colin did nothing wrong. I did. Harry did nothing wrong. I did. Yet, I let both of them pay for my wrongdoing which only compounded my error. I never asked for forgiveness or showed any remorse to either Colin or Harry for what I'd done. Neither were required to forgive me just because you and the Headmaster wanted them to. Or told them to. They didn't owe me their forgiveness, Ron."

"But the Headmaster says if you don't forgive people when they do wrong against you it only eats you up from the inside," Ron said. "So we should forgive people who wrong us whether they ask for it or not."

"Yeah, he does but that doesn't make him right, Ron. It just means that's what he believes. But if you keep running around forgiving people for things they do wrong against you without ever them asking for it, how do they ever learn what you're considering wrong? Take Hermione for example. How many times has she offended you with her I'm always right and you're always wrong attitude? How many times have you forgiven her for being a bossy know it all and demanding you do things her way when you knew the way you wanted to do things was the better way?"

Ron grimaced. "Lots," he answered.

"Yet did she ever stop doing it? Did she ever even pause to consider trying things you're way?" Ron shook his head. "That's what I mean. You forgave her each time she demanded you do things her way when your way would have been better, more effective. But you never told her what she was being forgiven for so she never knew she'd done wrong by you simply by not listening to you. So she kept repeating the mistake. That's a whole lot simpler than the mistakes I made with Harry and Colin. But it's the same concept. Forgiveness needs to be asked for if it's to have any true meaning. Harry understands this. The Headmaster doesn't."

"So you aren't mad at Harry because you never asked him to forgive you for opening the chamber? Still Gin, that didn't mean he had to mark up your face like he did. Seems to me you paid a pretty unfair price for not asking him to forgive you over that mistake.

Ginny sighed and shook her head. "The mark wasn't for the Chamber Ron. It was for everything we've done wrong to and against him."

"Huh?" Ron asked confused.


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