Chapter 141: Rebuilding Hogwarts
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"I'd thought of you as it would please Mr. Molt and Lucius would definitely vote for you. But then I considered your tower and who'd most likely replace you as Head of House. Slytherins have been sidelined and poorly treated for so long now those kids depend on you. They need you to stay right where you are. As for the Molting toddler, he can get a much greater pay out with you as Head of Slytherin than he'll reap if you are moved to the Headmaster chair. Because in the Headmaster's seat you have to be impartial. You can't defend one over another based on what house they're in. Nor will you be able to talk with the students as easily. Which cuts down on your ability to recruit and train the students for him."
Severus hummed as he considered the matter before nodding. "Sounds logical and like something I can sell him when the time comes."
"So then I considered Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout. Both would be good but I honestly don't think either one wants the job. So that would leave a minor teacher which the charter seems to say isn't allowed or hiring outside the school which is allowed. And is, I believe, a better idea since if anyone currently on staff here is moved into the position, the current mess will bleed over on their tenure coloring every decision they make with thoughts of if they decided that because of their involvement or non-involvement with me and everything surrounding me. Not to mention each and every one of you was hired by him. So rumors would arise that he is influencing your decisions and still controlling the school even when he holds no position here at all. Plus, if any of the current staff was selected, it would leave a teaching position unfilled which he'd no doubt try to apply to fill. Most of which I do believe he has the credentials for. I can't really see any of the current staff refusing him a teaching position if he wants one. So there's a good chance we wouldn't be able to get him out of here at all really. Not if the new Head of the school is currently on staff, anyway."
Severus' eyes went wide as he took in what this child was saying. That was way beyond anything a child should be capable of thinking of. Politicians like Lucius would be capable of it but Potter was only a fifth year. "Who are you considering if I may ask?" he finally managed to ask. He really wanted to ask 'Who are you and what did you do with my dunderheaded student?'
"Lady Narcissa Malfoy or Lady Augusta Longbottom. Both preferably. One to act as Headmistress and one to be the Deputy Headmistress. A Gryffindor and a Slytherin. Both purebloods. Both women in support of tradition and culture. And both have a no nonsense attitude. Also, neither of them are someone Cornelius Fudge has a problem with though neither are in his pocket or filling his coffers. It'll also helps that they get along well with the current teaching staff as well so transition from Albus to them will be smoother.
" Professor McGona. .gal," he stumbled slightly over her name as he was used to referring to her as McGonagain.
"Will have a bit of trouble adjusting but only because she fully expects the title to go to her as the current deputy. But the only real question I have, is can they get along with each other well enough to serve as a living example to the students. The students need to see Gryffindor and Slytherin can co-exist peacefully and still achieve their goals. For so long, we've had it shoved in our faces and brains that Slytherin is bad. Evil. Wrong. And Gryffindor is good. Light. Right."
"It's hard for us to see them as people just the same as ourselves. I mean, we know we're both good and bad. Not always right but not always wrong either. And we know the same is true for the other kids. But it's hard to remember that when we're face to face and someone says something offensive to us. The best way to combat that is by bringing in two adults who are known to be from opposing school houses and see them getting along together on a daily basis."
Severus had to admit he was impressed. That was a well thought out and reasoned suggestion. "Oh, very good, Mr. Potter," he purred. "They'll make a very fine team as no one can openly object to them. Both have raised children who have or are attending Hogwarts and they are of two different generations as well which I do believe is another requirement for the positions. Lady Malfoy is my age while Lady Longbottom is Minerva's."
"And yes, they can and do get along very well together as they serve on several charity boards together and attend a lot of the same get-togethers. Narcissa, through her husband, is connected to the Dark Lord though she herself doesn't have his mark and won't be taking it any time soon. Never, if she has her way about it. And Lady Augusta is definitely on the light side of the conflict though she has as little to do with Albus as possible. Together they'll be able to keep Hogwarts neutral which Albus couldn't do being the Leader of the Light as he is proclaimed to be. And in the process, they'll restore Hogwarts to a school of honor and integrity that it hasn't been for quite some time now. Things like what has occurred with Dumbledore's Triad won't be allowed to occur any more under their watch."
He considered the matter for a few minutes trying to anticipate any problems. Finally, he nodded and said, "I'll help you with this plan. I've already been digging into things since I discovered you weren't nearly as stupid as the student who's essays I was grading portrayed you to be. Which, you know you could've told me those essays weren't the ones you had written. What's your next free time?"
Harry ignored his comment about the homework as Severus had suspected he would. He was well aware Harry didn't bother to look at his returned assignments simply because he'd seen him tossing them into the basket by his desk still sealed after his classes for the day were over. The only time he looked at them was if he had questions about an answer he gave or if Severus made him. They discussed schedules for a few minutes before agreeing on a time to meet again to go over the data they had gathered and then Severus took down his anti-spying charms and left the chamber. Harry got ready for bed, feeling a good deal less stressed than he had in a long time. He also felt as if he wasn't quite alone any more.