Harry Potter- Average Wizard

Chapter 1: The Start

Running- running down a street, a woman holding a baby in the rain.

"I'll get you somewhere safe." After whispering to the baby, she softly covers him from the freezing rain with her body.

Running out of breath, she finally comes to a stop looking around her surroundings. She mutters a silent spell, "Arealios."

Stepping towards a porch, she merely knocks on the door. Meekly telling her child; that she loves him. she kisses him on the forehead and silently disappears.



"Yes, coming!" Getting up from his bed. The child walks toward his mom.

"Noah. Do you know what's wrong here?" Looking at her child with expecting eyes, Noah timidly looks at her "left the bread open?" he innocently says. "No? You ended up throwing away my cheese. Now about that bread?" silently thinking about how he ratted himself out, he says sorry about both things.

After talking about a couple more things and receiving a lecture about cheese, he goes to his room.

Flopping down onto his bed, he merely looks at a book on the other side of the room. "How can this life be any different..."

Closing his eyes, he slowly falls into a deep slumber.


Clutching onto his wand, he finally located where the last Morningstar had been.

"This should be pretty quick, according to the Malfoy, it's just the child and his "mom." so let's end this."

Apparating outside of the house door, kicking down their door. He begins a multitude of spells at the woman on the couch.

Not knowing what was happening, the woman began to move the moment he broke in. she quickly tried to make it to her child's room.

Halfway near his door, the man shoots something green from his weapon.

Falling with no sound of resistance outside of her dead cold body hitting the ground, the kid still sleeps.

Opening the door, he points the weapon at the child.

"Sorry, I had to quickly do this." Sadly smiling, he mutters. "Avada Kedarva."

Walking towards the child. Checking for the kid's pulse and other signs of life. Confirming the death. Apparating away from the house, he goes to a castle welcoming the new first years of Hogwarts.

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