Godzilla God Killer

Chapter 5: Chapter 4

As silence filled the sanctuary, Apate began to plan in detail the next phases of her attack. Her mind ran through each of Zeus' children, from the heroes to the lesser gods, visualizing their strengths and weaknesses. She knew she must move cautiously, for the fury of Olympus would fall upon her if her intentions were discovered too soon. Her gaze swept across the temple ceiling, admiring the scenes of ancient betrayals that were, once again, about to be replicated on a grander scale.


With a subtle gesture, Apate released a small burst of dark energy that swept through the sanctuary, imbuing it with an aura of suspense. Every shadow in the place seemed to intensify, every relief, every symbol of betrayal and vengeance became deeper, as if the temple itself understood the magnitude of the plan brewing there.


The port, now devastated and deserted, was only the first step. From there, Apate would bring chaos to all the cities under the protection of the Olympian gods, slowly undermining mortals' trust in their divinities. She knew that fear and uncertainty were powerful weapons, and that if humans began to doubt the omnipotence of Zeus and his companions, her influence would gradually wane.


As the goddess of deception laid out the paths of her vengeance, an echo of whispers and promises of chaos filled the air of the sanctuary. She knew that Olympus would be slow to react, and when they did, it would be too late. The reliefs, silent witnesses to her machinations, seemed to reflect in their sculpted faces the shadow of what was to come.


Apate's smile widened. She had waited a long time for this moment, and now that Godzilla lay at her feet, her patience and plans for vengeance were about to bear fruit. The gods were unaware of the magnitude of the force that awaited in her dark, isolated temple. Every sacrifice, every worship to the beast, would grant Godzilla a fraction of the power needed to lay waste to those who had underestimated her and who would soon learn the true meaning of fear and despair.


With her thoughts focused on the next storm she would unleash upon Olympus, Apate lay back in her bed, closing her eyes in content. The fall of the gods would be a masterpiece of manipulation and chaos, a tragedy carefully orchestrated by the goddess of deception, and with each passing second, she grew closer to the climax of her vengeance. The chaos that loomed over the gods was imminent, and the silent scream of the devastated port was only the prelude to a symphony of destruction that would echo throughout eternity.


After ensuring that her faithful beast was rested and strengthened in the temple pool, Apate prepared for the next stage of her intricate plan. Her gaze turned to the distant island of Lemnos, the home of Hephaestus, the blacksmith god. She knew that to unleash catastrophe upon Olympus, she would need a weapon worthy of a god. It was not just any object she sought; her desire was a dagger imbued with his divine power, an extension of her own essence and a tool that could pierce any Olympian protection. Hephaestus was the only one who could forge such a thing, and she was willing to obtain it at any cost.


With a flash of magic, Apate vanished from her sanctuary and reappeared on the island of Lemnos, shrouded in shadow and treachery. Hephaestus' home stood among volcanic hills, and the god's forge glowed with an incandescent glow, illuminating the night. In the distance, Hephaestus' automata—metal figures with precise movement and a mechanical appearance—moved in complex patterns, obeying the god's programmed commands.


Hephaestus, his hands blackened by metal and fire, was absorbed in his work, his corpulent figure outlined against the glow of the forge. He did not notice Apate's arrival, until the goddess's cold laughter echoed in the air.


"I see that your genius is still locked away on this island, dear Hephaestus," Apate said with a wry smile. "Does Olympus reward you adequately for all that you do? Or, perhaps, some gods keep you bound here, forgotten and relegated."


Hephaestus, with a weary sigh, turned to her, recognizing her instantly. He did not like Apate's presence, but he was not surprised either. He knew that the goddess of deception rarely appeared without an ulterior motive.


"What is it that you want, Apate?" he asked in a tone somewhere between suspicion and curiosity.


Apate bowed her head and approached Hephaestus, her eyes flashing with dark malice.


"I have heard of a son you have, the fruit of a union with Athena," she murmured softly, her words laced with venom. "A child half man, half snake. And yet Athena has denied you the chance to meet him, has she?"


Hephaestus clenched his fists, and for a brief moment, the fire in his forge seemed to burn brighter. He knew Apate's words were meant to unbalance him, but he couldn't deny that she had touched a deep wound.


"That is none of your business, Apate," she replied, her voice firm, though her expression betrayed the truth of her emotions. "My job is to create weapons for the gods, not listen to rumors or play their games."


The goddess of deception smiled, pleased to see how her words had penetrated Hephaestus' defenses.


"But this is not just a rumor, dear Hephaestus. It is the cruel reality of how Athena has taken from you what belongs to you. Does it not pain you that she denies your blood and disowns the life you gave birth to?" She paused, savoring her victory. "I, however, offer you something that neither Athena nor Olympus could give you." A way to regain your pride and show the gods the power of your art.


Hephaestus frowned, knowing Apate's words had the taste of betrayal, but temptation was beginning to germinate in him. His skill was great, and he rarely had the opportunity to create a truly unique work.


"What is it you propose?" he asked at last, crossing his arms in interest.


Apate, triumphant, approached and whispered:


"I want you to forge a dagger. Not just any dagger, but one that carries on its blade the power of my magic, a divine weapon with the power to deceive even the most powerful of the gods. In exchange, I offer you my word: Athena will know what it means to betray someone who has been loyal to her. And you, Hephaestus, will be free to see your son, without interference from anyone.


Hephaestus' eyes shone with a mixture of fury and ambition. The idea of ​​creating such a powerful weapon, capable of deceiving even the gods, was a challenge that stirred the passion of his blacksmith soul.


"This is a dangerous weapon you ask of me, Apate," he warned, although in his words the desire to accept the challenge was already evident. "If I accept, you will not be able to back down, because what you ask for will be the ultimate weapon of deception."


The goddess smiled, satisfied that her cunning had won once again.


"I trust that you will give me what I ask, Hephaestus. And when you do, all those who have scorned you will pay the price," she said as she extended a hand towards him in agreement.


Hephaestus hesitated only a moment before shaking Apate's hand, and with that simple gesture, destiny began to take shape. He turned to the forge, where the fire burned with renewed intensity, and his automatons came to bring him the sacred materials he would use. With steady hands and focused eyes, Hephaestus began to work on creating the dagger, a divine stone weapon that would channel Apate's dark power.


The goddess watched every move, her gaze fixed on the process, as the sound of hammer blows echoed through the night, an echo of the destruction they would soon unleash together. As the dagger began to take shape, Apate felt her magic flow into the stone, imbuing itself into the weapon as if each blow of the hammer was etching her very essence into the metal. It was a masterpiece, a symbol of betrayal and power, ready to be wielded against those who once believed in their invulnerability.


Hephaestus gazed at the dagger, his most sinister creation yet. The hilt was decorated with symbols of betrayal and envy, in an intricate sequence that only the gods could read. Dark engravings snaked from the base of the hilt to the tip of the blade, depicting the many faces of deceit and cunning, a silent tribute to the essence of Apate.


The goddess watched with a mixture of fascination and pride. The scene, bathed in the reddish glow of the forge, was enveloped in an atmosphere of tension and power. Around her, Hephaestus' automatons moved silently and precisely, as if witnessing a historic moment, assembling, hammering and welding under the supervision of the blacksmith god. Each piece of metal, each tool that touched the dagger seemed to emit a spark of dark energy that echoed in the cavern of the forge.


Hephaestus, with unusual seriousness and a somber air, held the dagger in both hands, bringing it close to his face to examine every inch of his work. He had infused her with a singular power, like an extension of Apate's darkness, and she could feel that power vibrating in her hands. Shadows seemed to twist and dance around the blade, reflecting the goddess's thoughts as she contemplated her future betrayals.


"Your weapon is ready, Apate," Hephaestus said, handing her the dagger with a mixture of respect and fear. "This blade will carry your will and fulfill your desires. But remember, this kind of power comes at a price."

Apate took the dagger in her hands and looked at her reflection in the blade. The satisfaction on her face was evident, and her eyes shone with a mixture of ambition and hatred.


"The price, dear Hephaestus, will be paid by those who stand in my way," she replied, putting the dagger away delicately.


Without another word, she said goodbye to Hephaestus and left the island of Lemnos, with the weapon in her possession and her revenge ever closer to completion. With that dagger in her hands, the goddess of deception knew that Olympus was one step away from ruin.

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