Forged In Crimson Essence

Chapter 7: Chapter 7- Return of The Shepherd Boy

Jacob returned to his flock and looked around amazed at how normal things looked. He wondered what happened to the wolves and the storm. He wondered how his sheep were still alive as he led the flock back to the village. His mind was so preoccupied that he didn't even realize when he had returned to the ranch on the edge of the village.

When his father saw him, he smiled widely and went to greet his son. "Jacob my boy, your back so early? I expected you would be gone until the sun started to set but its only been 3 hours!". Jacob looked up at his dad and hugged him. He was confused as he had felt as though it had been at least a day or two but nonetheless, he was happy to be home. His father smiled and hugged him back thinking that maybe he had been lonely on his first trip by himself.

Jacob pulled back and asked "Where's mom?" Andrew, Jacob's dad looked at him and said "She is in the house but there is no rush, she hasn't finished cooking yet you little glutton" he said as he laughed. Andrew was 6'3 giant of a man, with a built body frame to boot. He had black crew cut hair and black eyes with sharp facial features and a handsome face. Jacob laughed as well at his dads misinterpretation and realized that he really could use something to eat.

Jacob ran to the house looking for his mom after helping his father secure the sheep. "MOMMM!" Jacob shouted as he neared the house. Sharon Jacob's mom stepped outside when she heard his voice and she laughed jovially as she saw him running towards the house while dodging equipment and jumping over fences. Sharon was a beautiful woman that stood at at 5'5, an average height for woman in their area. She was slender with a round bottom and average sized breasts perfectly proportioned to her body height and shape. She had auburn brown hair that hung beneath her shoulder with a natural luster showing the care put into maintaining it. Her had natural waves as it fell loosely and her eyes hazelnut brown eyes to match.

Jacob arrived at the house and jumped into his mother's embrace. She was taken slightly off guard and as usual her face became quite stern, as she grabbed him and began checking him for injuries. The more she looked the more astonished her expression became as she began squeezing his arms and pinching his abs.

"My gosh Jacob what have you been doing, when did you become so fit" she asked as she continued trying to pinch his stomach area with no result as his abs were rock hard and his skin tight. I don't remember you being this fit yesterday. Jacob slightly blushed in embarrassment as he pulled his shirt down and replied "well if I want to find a wife like dad did then I've gotta be in good shape don't I?".

Sharon laughed till tears fell from her eyes as she waved her hands in Andrew's direction beckoning him to come to the house. Andrew saw his wife laughing and wanted in on the joke so he dropped what he was doing and hurriedly made his way over to the house.

Once he arrived Sharon shared her son's comment with him and they both laughed so hard they cried and Andrew patted his son on the back while giving him a good shove saying "My God Sharon, you were right, the boy has bulked up so well and right under our noses". They both laughed again as Andrew said "That's my boy, growing up to be big and strong just like this old man with an undeniable charm".

Jacob joined in on the laughter with secret relief that he had survived the ordeal in the mountains and could get this opportunity to see his mother and father's joyful faces again. Just their smiles right now made him feel as though all the suffering he went through was worth it and he was happy he didn't give up.

Andrew and Jacob remained at the house where they helped Sharon to prepare dinner and enjoyed family dinner and boisterously laughed as jokes and the latest gossip of the village were shared amongst the three. A picture perfect family dinner.

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