Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 96

Ruby and Tasha come into the back yard holding hands and it makes me smile. I’m glad they were able to work it out. I can see that Ruby looks a lot more comfortable now. “Opal, do you mind if I take Tasha with me to Ruby’s Rest? I still need to update Penny on what’s going on, but I’ll be back for sleep snuggles tonight.” I get a body up from my seat and go to give Ruby a hug. I squeeze her and say “Okay sweetie, be safe and tell Penny I said hi.” I remembered that Pops told the boys to tell me hi for him, so I’m trying it out.

“Didn’t you have a message for Opal?” Snow asks and Ruby slaps her own forehead saying “I completely forgot, can you have a body come with us? We’ll head to Dragon Roost after I check in at my fort. Pops said he had something important to talk about.” I guess that’s fine, I pretty much have making this bacon stuff down. So I can just use this body, and I’ll have more time with Ruby. I was a bit disappointed that I didn’t get to talk to her much since she was sleeping. “That sounds fun wife, since we’re headed to your fort, let’s stop by Jessica’s camp on the way. I need to invite her to a party.”

Ruby agrees and she gives Amber and Sapphire hugs before we head out.

The boys are coming with us of course, since they are still lower tier and it’s safer for them. It’s not a very exciting journey, since we don’t end up running into a single monster or zombie. I find it a little strange, but it makes it safer for the boys so I guess it’s a good thing. When we get to the camp Jessica is building, I see that they’re already making stone walls. I wonder how they get them all the way out here. We quickly find Jessica who is standing next to some stairs in the ground, and I realize they could finally build a dungeon for the stones. I remember her telling me last night that they were hoping it would count as Land soon so they could.

“Hi sweetie, can I talk to you for a few minutes?” I ask her and tell the others to wait for me. She responds “Sure mom, I have a small office set up nearby.” She brings me to a little wooden hut, and it’s probably only temporary. Well she doesn’t sleep here at night anyways, so it probably doesn’t matter yet. When we get inside, she closes the door and gives me a big hug. I can tell she’s not doing as well as she likes to show people outside. So I kiss her forehead and ask “Are you like this because of the Lyle stuff?” She nods and I rub her brown hair saying “Well I came by today to invite you to a party Sapphire, Cindy and I are having. I thought it might cheer you up.”

She pulls back and asks “What kind of party is it mom? I am pretty busy lately.” I smile and say “We’re going to get pregnant from the Lops in the dungeon and see what kind of babies we have. Cindy says it’s for science, but they do this vibrating thing that really feels good. I know you want to have babies, so come with us. It will be fun… probably.” She sighs and shakes her head saying “I wanted to have kids with Lyle, and I should have realized sooner that he didn’t want any for some reason. You said they can vibrate?” I nod and explain how they move really fast and kind of shake and she tells me “You know what mom, I could use a day off, and Lyle isn’t going to give me any kids unless I force him… I’ll come to your mating party. When is it?”

“We can do it as soon as you get there, Cindy should be finished with her experiments soon.” Jessica then says “Okay, let me finish a few things here and let Lyle know what’s going on. I’m sure he’ll be happy if it means I won’t be as pushy with him.” She’s probably right, they’ve been arguing a lot lately. I tell her that this body is going with Ruby, so she can just meet Sapphire and my other body at the house in Opal’s Home. With that dealt with, I meet up with the others again and we continue to Ruby’s Rest.

About half an hour later, we make it to Ruby’s Rest. There are a lot of elves and vampires that look like Ruby now. It turns out that Ruby has a small chance for her babies to come out as vampires since her race changed. They get better starting stats like the high elves, and I heard they have different starting class options, but that’s about it. Sure they have the sharper teeth, but you only really notice if your tongue is in their mouth.

“You told me about your plan, but it’s something different seeing it for myself.” Tasha says, and I nod since it can be a bit odd the first few times you see it. Streets filled with people that look like Ruby. Ruby and her daughters have a lot of fun with it though, so it makes me happy. Ruby responds “I’ll have Penny update you on our plans, it’s going to be amazing.” Tasha smiles at her and we drop her off with Penny before the four of us start heading for Dragon Roost. Ruby wants to get the meeting with Pops over with quickly so she can get back to her plans, but I’m just happy to spend time with my red haired wife.

As we’re running I say “You know Ruby, I’d be interested in having some vampire babies.” She trips over a root, but manages to catch herself. The boys cough and stumble a bit too. We stop and she asks “Is that so? I guess I might have been neglecting my wife, so how about we fix two problems at once?” I giggle and go to smash a couple hounds that jump at us from the bushes, but only smash one and say “You know, I get boosts to my pleasure when there’s a hound around.” I then cast a bunch of my Dark Tendrils and throw the living hound into them. Ruby raises an eyebrow, but quickly joins me in getting undressed. My high human sons just stare at us and the trapped hound looking confused.

About half an hour later

We end up just making it a quicky, and neither of us has sex with the tied up hound. It was just there to enhance our experience, and I could definitely tell the difference. I’ll have to update Sapphire about it later, since we still have some plans with hounds. We both pull our cloths back on and I kill the growling hound. “Thanks Ruby, that was a lot of fun. I hope at least one of the babies is a vampire, but I’m only having 16 of them, so we’ll see.” I say. Ruby gives me a big kiss on the lips and responds “I’m sorry if you felt left out Opal, I should have come back more often.” I shake my head and say “I only wanted to see more of you wife, I didn’t feel excluded in any way. I’m feeling much better now, so lets go see what Pops needs from us.” I smile and kiss her cheek.

“Mom… While that was really interesting to watch. Are you sure it was the best idea to have sex in the middle of the woods like that? What if we were attacked?” Junior says. I guess it was kind of rude to leave them out, but they didn’t ask to join so I say “If something attacked we would have just taken a break from the sex of course. I’m sorry we left you out. It was rude of us, so did you want to have some quick sex before we head back too?” Ruby nods and adds “I don’t mind either, and I was a little selfish not asking you two if you wanted to join.”

Junior shakes his head and says “No thanks mom and big sis. I’m not interested in women and Neil already has a girlfriend in Dragon Roost. We should just hurry back.” My other son adds “He’s right, sorry mom. She’s a great girl though, so I’ll introduce her to you sometime.” I give them both hugs and say “That sounds like fun sweetie. You might have to remind me since your mother can be forgetful. Now lets go see what your dad wants, maybe it’s more sex.” Ruby says “I doubt it’s sex the way he asked me, but we can always hope.”

We get to Dragon Roost fine after that. We are let in by one of that Jen woman’s lovers who recognizes us from the party. We then make our way to Pop’s place and knock on the door. He answers it, and seeing his sons gives them both strong hugs saying “I knew my boys would be fine, come on in Opal and Ruby.” When we get inside I see a red haired hound woman sitting next to Snow and realize it’s Ruby and her daughter. She stands up seeing us and jumps into a hug with my wife yelling “Other mom!” Snow giggles and Ruby says “Hey Pepper, are you staying healthy?” She releases her mom and answers “Yup! I got a boyfriend.” She then turns to Neil and yells “Neil!” jumping into his arms and giving him a kiss. “This is my boyfriend Neil, I guess you’ve met him already.” Oh, so Pepper must be the girlfriend he mentioned. Well, family seems to be easier to be in a relationship with, so I nod in approval of his choice.

“Kids, always so energetic. Opal and Ruby, I’d like your help with something.” He motions for us to sit down, so we do. Pepper, Neil and Junior all head off to the dungeon. The boys are too excited having seen others with higher tiers fighting monsters today. “Okay Pops, what do you need?” I ask him. He’s pretty much family at this point, so I’ll probably say yes anyways. He sighs and says “I was approached by a messenger with a letter from a large Player settlement. They want me to come and talk with them about trade opportunities, and working together against the zombies. The problem is, it’s a couple days away at least, so I’d want one of Opal’s bodies to accompany me for safety, and help in defending Dragon Roost while we’re gone.”

He scratches his beard and sighs continuing “It’s an opportunity I don’t want to pass up. I want you to come with me Opal, so if anything goes wrong you can use your other bodies to get help for us. Now I don’t want to be distrustful of other Players, but I’m old and know how humans can be. I hope we don’t end up needing to use you, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.” Ruby speaks up saying “I assume you wanted me here for the defense of Dragon Roost part then?” He nods and asks “If you could just have someone keep an eye on the place for me. None of the other humans have hit 5th tier and I worry about them if another horde attacks.”

Ruby rubs her face and says “I don’t really have any kid’s 5th tier except for Penny, and I need her at Ruby’s Rest to help protect it.” So I ask Pops “What kind of dungeon do you have here? Citrine, Mary and I could come do the dungeon here instead, and I’m 5th tier.” He smiles and says “The monsters in it are big lizards, and we have it up to the 30th floor, but no one ever goes past the 20th. The lizards start getting too big to deal with and only I’ve beat the boss of that floor. If you’re going to be the one in town then you can stay at my house at night and keep Snow updated for me.” That’s useful. I forgot when offering that we wouldn’t have a place to stay here. This way I can play with my daughter’s fluffy tail more often.

“Okay Pops, when do you plan on us leaving, and will it just be the two of us?” He answers “Yeah, it should be safer that way. Lower tier people might get hurt going to far away, and if the people there end up being deceitful, they won’t have anyone to use against us.” That makes sense. If they’re bad humans then they can’t use anyone squishy we bring along, if we don’t bring them. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to leave as soon as possible. They gave me a rough map to a road that we can follow straight to their city.” I tell him “I’ll have to use a different body, since this one is pregnant, but I can just come here with both bodies now. Mary wants to finish eating her lunch though.”

We agree to do it that way, I’ll come here with Citrine, Mary and two of my bodies. My normal sized body will then go with him on the trip, and my little body will go through the dungeon here and help protect in case of an attack. With that decided I leave Dragon Roost with this body and Ruby, headed back to Ruby’s Rest.

I’m pretty excited for the new dungeon and the trip, but Jessica just got to the back yard in Opal’s Home. That means my last body will finally be doing something fun too. It’s time for our dungeon mating party.

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