Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 90

It’s pretty boring going through the dungeon with Citrine, but we want to be safe and won’t be going past the 10th floor until her and the statues get more levels. I just reset too, but I have more free points in my stats than she does. Luckily it didn’t get rid of the points over the max, since all her classes dropped to tier 1. She should only be able to spend 300 total, but she managed to get to 4th tier before the corruption, and had spent 1200 between her stats. It might sound like a lot, but she said she spreads hers out a lot more than I do mine. Well I did waste a bunch in strength.

We had to help the statues kill the goblins in the boss room since they were taking too long, and it’s my turn to open the chest. I grab the potion from inside and check to see which one we got this time.

(Potion of the Peacock)Consume to permanently change your hair to the colors of your choosing. Max 3.

I like my black hair, but I remember that Citrine wasn’t too enthusiastic about her hair changing with the corruption. I hand the potion to her and she focuses on it. She gives me a big hug and says “This is great mom, I mean your black hair is beautiful, it just reminds me that I didn’t have a say in changing mine. Now I do, so let’s see if I can get it to do what I want.” I nod since it’s her hair, and I did like that it matched her name. She drinks the potion and shortly after her hair starts to get lighter. I watch as most of her hair turns back to her old golden color, but the last couple inches quickly transition to dark black. She swishes her hair in front of us laughing, and then says “See we still match a little bit mom.”

I give her a little soft hug and tell her “It looks beautiful sweetie, now we don’t have to rename you.” I pull back and look at her to see a shocked look on her face. She asks “Did you just make a joke?” I guess I might have, but I’m not sure how I would know. So I nod and say “Probably.” She laughs and rubs my head saying “My sisters aren’t going to believe me when I tell them, I’m proud of you mom.” I don’t know why it’s worth being proud of, but I puff out my chest since my baby seems to think so.

When we get back in the dungeon again, my angel daughter asks me “Have you grown at all since last night? When you were hugging me earlier it didn’t seem like it.” I hug her again and press my face against her butt, since it’s from behind. She yelps and pushes me off saying “Hey mom, don’t stick your face on my butt.” She looks embarrassed so I say “Okay sweetie, but I think you're right, do you think it has to do with the zombie thing?” Her blushed head nods and she says “That might be the case, if it’s a race that doesn’t grow, which is common with undead, then you might not ever get bigger.” I think about it and decide that should be fine if it’s just one body, my daughters do seem to like it.

I tell her “Well that means you can carry me places when you get higher tier again right? That sounds like fun.” She laughs and hugs me by leaning down first. “That’s great mom, I forgot about that with all the corruption stuff, but I should be able to fly around with you later. We can go on mother-daughter adventures.” She seems really excited, and it does sound fun so I nod and say “I remember you saying you wouldn’t have to find humans to have sex with if you could fly me around. You’re invited to the sex party we’re going to have later though if you want, there will probably be humans there if you still wanted flying babies too.” She sighs and answers “The babies are tempting, but the sex with a stranger around a bunch of other strangers isn’t. I’ll think about it, but for now, let’s get some more levels.” I don’t think she’s going to come to the party but that’s fine, I should have another body by then and can just go on an adventure with her using this one.

Opals bodies at Dragon Roost

It’s only a few hours later that my two bodies are about ready to give birth. I’m surprised the babies from Jessica’s husband are only going to have 4, since he’s an elf, and last time I had more than 30 of those. Probably. The two babies from Pops aren’t that surprising since humans are weird though. Everyone is chatting and having fun as I get my bodies down on the floor and ready. Amber and Snow seem to be getting along really well, and Sapphire is sitting really close to Pops, listening to his war stories. Ruby left to go see who would be interested in sex with the humans at her fort. Her and Pops already went over the plans for it, and she wants to invite Penny to the sex party later.

“Okay I’m ready.” I tell everyone and the room goes quiet. Amber comes down and holds my hands, sitting in the middle of my two bodies. She gives both of my bodies a kiss and says “Okay, good luck Opal.” I then start pushing with one body, and it doesn’t take long for all four babies to come out. “Oh wow, I don’t know what that means.” Sapphire says and holds up one of the babies for me to see. It’s a cute black haired elf baby, but above it’s head is -High Elf- Lvl 1. I don’t know either, but my other body starts pushing too, and I have to feed the baby high elves my milk.

A few minutes later I’m now also feeding two -High Human-. We all think it’s weird, but I remember Citrine knows a lot of stuff so I ask her about it. She says “Of course, they’re from both parents being tier 5 or higher. Oh I forgot to tell you about that I guess. High races are basically the same, but the human ones grow like monster born races, and they all start with higher stats. Not a lot, just 10 in each, like I did, but it helps a little with the early levels.” Oh Lyle was tier 5 too then, I guess it didn’t really come up, but it makes sense if he’s married to Jessica.

Pops comes up to me after the babies have finished eating and asks “Can I hold them?” He has sparkles in his eyes and I can tell he’s excited. I hand the human ones over to him and say “Citrine says since they are High Humans they’ll grow fast like elves, so we don’t have to worry about finding someone to watch them.” He says “So they aren’t going to stay cute little babies forever?” I shake my head and he seems a bit upset, but is quickly smiling again. They both have black hair and pale skin like me, but one is a boy and one a girl. He says “Can I name them since I’m their father? You can tell me if you don’t like the names.”

I agree, since I would have just let them name themselves anyways. “I’ll name the girl Mary, after my own mother. She was a great woman, and I’ll name the boy Derrick after another great person.” Snow chimes in asking “Isn’t that your name honey?” He laughs and says “It’s normal for humans baby. They’ll call him Derrick Junior, it’s a way to keep family tradition alive.” I remember some of my grandbabies were named after me, so it makes sense. I don’t know about the junior thing though. Since I have the skill that keeps me making milk, we decide to wait till we aren’t around Pops and Snow to breastfeed my daughters for points. It’s not that we don’t trust them, it’s just being kept as a family secret. That’s what Amber, Ruby, and Sapphire all tell me.

I still want to test tonight whether or not it will still make the ones with Bountiful sleep. I decide that now is the best time to purchase the additional body using my Special class, and focus on the option with one of my bodies at Dragon Roost.


Option Purchased

Suddenly I have another body standing next to that one, and Pops coughs. Amber says “You should have warned us you wanted to do that now mom, you could have scared poor Snow.” I move my new body around and say “Sorry, I forgot to say I was doing it now, but it seems to be fine. I thought I’d have to give birth to it like the last one I randomly got.” I see Sapphire shrug and say “We still don’t know for sure how that one happened, so you have 4 now right?” I nod and say “Yup, do I keep this one here for the sex party? I can’t really think of anything else I could be doing, since I’m not allowed to go into the dungeon alone.” I see my daughters agreeing and Pops shaking his head before saying “Your naked, we wear cloths in this house if we aren’t having sex or cleaning ourselves. Snow should be close to your size, so you can borrow one of her spare uniforms.”

Snows stands up and wiggles saying “I’ll be right back.” she then heads upstairs quickly and comes back with a uniform matching hers. I slip it on and Pops stops staring at me, I did it as fast as I could, since I wasn’t sure if it upset him. He sighs and says “It’s sad to see it go, but we have to stay civilized in this house. Well, until later, who all do you folks want to invite?” Amber and Onyx both shrug. I guess they don’t have anybody they want to invite, but Sapphire says “Lets ask Jessica if she wants to come, can you go invite her mom?” I nod and say “I’ve invited Citrine too, but I don’t think she’ll be coming. Wait… I’ll probably get lost can you come with me sweetie?” Sapphire sighs and says “That’s a good point mom, yeah I’ll come with you. She told me where to find the location of the new camp so it shouldn’t take too long.”

We soon leave, but we still have a lot of time, so it’s not like we’re running as fast as we can. As we are traveling Sapphire stops and says “Mom, hold on, I have a suggestion for you.” I stand next to her and say “What is it sweetie?” She sighs and answers “You’re immune to addictive stuff now right?” I nod and she continues “Your new class is focused on Hounds. I know we had those bad experiences with them, but we both know those or goblins are going to get you the most children the quickest for the quest, and the most free points for advancing your Special class.” She is probably going to suggest I use them for points right?

She continues “I recently got enough free points to unlock my next bonus for my Special class. It gives me immunity to addictions, and I was hoping you would join me. It doesn’t have to be Hounds, we could do goblins, or the lops. I just think we could safely have fun with hounds now without problems. What do you think mom?” I think about it. She is right, if we’re talking about free points I was getting a ton from the hounds, and if we can’t get addicted to them it’s tempting… I tell her “Only if we can tell one of your sisters that won’t be participating, so if something goes wrong she can have the other’s come help us.”

I see Sapphire smile and say “Onyx then, I already told her about my problems with hounds before and I feel like she’ll be the least judgmental about us doing it. She’s also married to both of us and will be able to find us, even if we’re moved.” I nod since that makes sense and say “Okay sweetie, but if anything starts going wrong I’m stopping it, and you should do the same.” She gives me a big hug and says “Of course mom, you’re the best. I already told Onyx my plan, but we can tell her before we head out to find some hounds. We have a sex party to go to later today.”

I remember a skill I have from my tank class that could be useful for it so I read it to her.

Call Pack: (300 Stamina)

Call nearby Hounds to your aid. May receive permanent loyalty in exchange for breeding.

“If loyalty means they’ll listen to you, then we could make it much safer by converting a few and then bringing them to a building in Opal’s Home. We should definitely give it a try.” I nod since I was thinking something similar. Otherwise I’d have to make sure to protect the female babies so they don’t get eaten like Snow almost was. That would probably slow down the quest and free points gathering.

When we finally find where they are building the new camp, Jessica says her and Lyle aren’t interested, but tells us “Go invite Cindy, she could really use some relief after what she went through with that Richard guy. I feel like she’s spending way too much time in dark rooms by herself.”

Well if Jessica suggests her then I guess it’s fine, so we start heading towards Safety.

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