Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 80

My baby body does end up blacking out, but I manage to get a little from all of them.

Is it rude to say that Citrine’s was the most fun? She let me squish around her larger breasts as I sucked on her nipple, and it was really entertaining for some reason. I probably shouldn’t tell my daughters though, since I shouldn’t pick favorites. My little body blacked out shortly after starting on Sapphire, and is currently in her lap. I see her stroking my little head, but can’t feel it, which is a little disappointing. I lean one of my other heads toward Amber and wiggle it. She giggles and says “Okay wife, I’ll rub your head, but I want a turn with sleeping baby you too.”

I nod and whisper to her “Citrine’s breasts were fun to squish around, so I’m looking forward to when you take those potions.” She perks up and asks the room “Does anyone mind if I go ahead and use those breast potions we got already?” We did get three of them already so it should be fine. Onyx says “Sure Amber-sis, we knew you’d be the one getting those anyways.” I see Citrine and Sapphire both nod in agreement and Citrine says “I like this size now, so I won’t be needing any more of them. For now at least, I feel like any bigger would get in the way of fighting.”

Amber goes to our room and brings back the three potions saying “Hopefully it works like Citrine’s yesterday and I’ll just need the two, but I brought all three just in case.” I hug her and whisper in her ear “Don’t worry if yours don’t end up like hers, I’ll play with them for you later either way.” She blushes and then gives me a kiss. Amber drinks one and it probably has a small effect, since it’s hard to notice. That’s like what happened with Citrine though so it should be fine. She feels them and then sighs saying “I can hardly tell at all with the first potion, wish me luck with the second one.” I say “Good luck wife.”

She drinks the second one and we wait, but its just a tiny increase like the first one. Together, I can kind of see a difference in the size. “It’s okay Amber, we have the third potion, so go ahead and drink it.” Citrine says with a kind face. I kiss my wife on the cheek and say “It’s a good luck kiss.” She giggles and drinks the third potion. Amber immediately starts moaning like Citrine did, so I hastily pull her shirt up so it’s doesn’t get ripped or hurt her in some way as she grows.

She grows a lot… They end up bigger even than Jeff’s mom’s breasts. She stops moaning and looks down with a confused face before grabbing both of them. Her hands almost disappear into her new chest flesh. It’s a fun sight, so I ask her “Can I try too?” Her confused look turns into a big smile and she says “Of course Opal, they’re for my wife to touch and look at after all.” She seems happy that I want to touch them so I smile back. “Hey, those are huge Amber-sis can I feel them too?” Onyx asks and Amber just laughs saying “Sure little sis, but mom gets to go first.”

We all end up taking turns playing with them a little and Amber seems to be the happiest I’ve seen her in a long time. Citrine even joins in on the fun, comparing her breasts next to Amber’s. Sapphire tells them “Citrine’s breasts are about twice as large as ours, and Amber’s are about 3 times as large as ours.” I nod since that is what it looks like. Amber’s are just a bit smaller than my baby body’s head. We held it up to compare the sizes, just because it’s blacked out doesn’t mean it can’t be useful. It still has my tiers and levels so it’s not like we have to worry about hurting it just because it’s small.

Amber already told me I’m not allowed to throw my smaller self at monsters, but I might try to convince her later, since it sounds like a lot of fun. Well I’ll have to hope my little body wakes up before it grows all the way. Throwing a fully grown me would be too hard.

Amber’s bigger breasts and my small body seem to really raise the mood of everyone and it ends up being a really good bonding experience. Onyx’s kids even join in on the fun and start trying to decide which of the sizes in the room is the best, but they seem to be split 3 ways, and haven’t yet come to a conclusion. Onyx’s kids end up leaving first, saying they want to get some of the potions for themselves, so their mom gives them all hugs and tells them to be careful. “So how are you going to name your new babies Sapphire-sis?” Onyx asks once she sits down again. Sapphire was kind of the only one that ended up with new babies, since I’m not going to name my new body something different. That would be odd.

“I’m thinking Amethyst for the girl with purple hair, Jasper for the boy with red hair, and Indigo for the boy with blue hair.” Sapphire says and I nod, since they sound like names I would have come up with. Amber giggles as I squish around her breasts and Citrine says “You know you don’t have to name your babies based on their hair colors like mom does.” Onyx laughs and chimes in with “Oh should they be secret agent numbers like yours?” Citrine puffs out her still exposed chest and says “I wouldn’t mind if one of you borrowed my idea, it is pretty fun.” She then goes on to explain to us what secret agents are and I have to admit, it does sound pretty cool. I’ll probably forget though, so I’ll just keep letting them name themselves.

“Shouldn’t you be doing that in private mom?” I look over at Citrine who’s pulling her shirt back down over her breasts and ask “Doing what?” Amber laughs and answers “Fondling your wife Opal. She probably thinks we’re being too sexual around them.” So she means like sex stuff? “Is moving around breasts sex stuff?” I ask her and all 4 of them sigh. Sapphire says “Well we know you’re not doing it for a sexual purpose, but others will definitely think it’s sex stuff.” I ask my angel winged daughter “Should I save it for sex stuff time later then? I don’t mind waiting if it makes you all uncomfortable.”

Citrine shakes her head vigorously and says “No mom, I was just trying to tease you since I was a little jealous of all the attention Amber was getting. You shouldn’t do it around strangers though.” I hug Citrine with my other normal sized body and ask “Do you want me to play with yours too then? They’re probably fun to feel and move around too.” She blushes and Onyx offers “Or I could jiggle them around for you Citrine-sis” My golden haired daughter sticks her tongue out at my black haired one and says “No way Onyx, you’d find a way to make it sexual and weird.” Onyx nods and says “Yeah, I totally would.”

“Mom you can play with them if you want, since I know you won’t be thinking lewd things and it is oddly relaxing. As long as it’s okay with you Amber.”Citrine says, and Amber nods leaning back against my other body saying “Yeah I wouldn’t mind if mom actually wanted to do sexual things with everyone in this room. We all know how she is by now, so even if I wasn’t okay with sex stuff I’d be okay with her playing with your boobs sis.” I take that as a compliment and a go ahead, so I sit behind Citrine and wrap my arms around her. She leans back against me like Amber and I have the strange thought: Am I like a breast squeezing chair? I shrug to myself and start fondling Citrine as well, but only her breasts.

We end up chatting like that with Sapphires babies growing and climbing around for longer than expected. Amber and Citrine actually ended up falling asleep in my arms, I stopped playing with their breasts so they could nap against me instead. Now it’s just my original two bodies, Onyx and Sapphire who are awake, since Sapphire’s babies passed out not long ago as well. We are just sitting there in comfortable silence though, enjoying the atmosphere of the room.

As I start to grow concerned about my little body’ s growth rate, Ruby opens and walks through the door. So I guess it’s probably pretty late already. She comes over and gives me a kiss while staring at the sleeping Amber’s breasts, and says “Wow, those are a lot bigger than I was expecting.” Which wakes up my two sleeping daughters, and they greet Ruby with pillows to the face. “The second potion didn’t give her much, so she drank a third and it kind of just happened.” I tell my red haired wife, and she responds “One of my daughters took that butt potion and hers grew a lot with just one, so I think there is a lot of randomness to the potions.”

“Well everyone seems to like them a lot, so I won’t be using the breast shrinking potion we found today.” Amber informs us. I would have been fine with her either way, but I am a little glad since they are fun to bury my hands in and move around. I give Citrine a soft back hug and get up to go hug Ruby. I notice that both Amber and Citrine have now pulled their shirts back down, but I can’t blame them since it’s really easy to get Ruby interested in sex stuff. Amber’s shirt looks really tight though, so we should stop by the Armory later.

I then go and pick up my baby body and hand it to ruby. She looks at the sleeping body and says “Wow, it looks so much like you this time, it even got the marks somehow… wait is this a little baby you?” She asks with a smile on her face and I nod. She has always been pretty smart. She asks “Why is baby you sleeping?” I tell her “Well everyone wanted to breastfeed me as a baby, and everyone but Sapphire has Bountiful, so I ended up blacking out.” She sighs and says “I missed my chance then.”

I give her a hug and say “Maybe not wife, look at Sapphires kids, she had them around the same time, but they’re already much bigger.” I was a bit worried about how long I’d stay so small, but I’m definitely growing. It will just take a lot longer than the elves who only take a day. Probably. Amber says “So that means we get little Opal for longer than a day?” I nod and everyone else in the room starts celebrating. I guess it is kind of fun seeing how much they smile when holding little me, and maybe I’ll still have time to test throwing myself at a monster.

“Well I want to breastfeed mom before bed tonight. I would want to as soon as she wakes up, but then we’d be wasting time with her being little and awake.” Ruby says, and Sapphire responds “That’s a good idea now that we know she isn’t growing as fast, we’ll see just how fast she’s growing by tomorrow morning, and we can decide on little mom turns.” I guess I’m going to be passed around for a while, and it sounds like a good way to bond with each of my daughters in the room so I wiggle a little.

Citrine coughs getting everyone’s attention before looking shy and saying “If it’s okay with Ruby and Amber, I’d like to marry mom’s new body. I’ve been feeling really left out today, but it’s not like we had a way for me to join in before. So… can I join you all once baby mom wakes up?” Oh, I forgot having another body would mean I could marry two more people. Citrine did mention earlier that she kind of wanted to get married with the rest of us, and I don’t see an issue with it, since it will be like my marriage with Sapphire and Onyx.

I say “If it’s okay with Amber and Ruby, then I’d like that. It would be one more daughter I’ll know how to find, and who can come get me if I get in trouble again.” Ruby looks at Amber, who nods and says “As long as it’s not a relationship then I think it’s a good idea, and I know you aren’t interested in mom that way, so I approve.” Ruby then adds “I’m okay with it too sis, this way we feel more like a close family. As a side note, if you ever change your mind about having some sex with me, just let-” she isn’t able to finish since Amber elbows her in the side and says “Ignore Ruby being horny like usual.”

Onyx walks over to Citrine and hugs her saying “It will be nice having us all together. At least until I find my cute boyfriend.” Sapphire adds “I think that might be a while for all of us, since there aren’t exactly a lot of good men around, and we aren’t into women like Amber and Ruby. Unless you two would be interested in Indigo or Jasper when they grow up?” Citrine shakes her head fervently saying “I’m not going to get into a relationship with a family member like that. You all might not know, but it’s not considered something normal by humans.” Sapphire nods and says “I keep forgetting you used to be a human sis, and I did realize they don’t like that kind of thing when they started coming to Liberation more often.”

Onyx answers Sapphire by saying “Only if they grow up to be cute boys who will let me be in charge.” Sapphire sighs and says “Well I guess we’ll see, but family seems safer for them. A lot of those humans are really sneaky and dishonest with their relationships. A few of them are really honest and great people though. I heard Tina moved over to the lake with our brother Chair, and Steph is in a relationship with a few of our elf boys. One of Amber’s from her trip in the dungeon with Jeff, and two of mine from our sex in that cave with Ruby.” I think I remember some of those, but I’m pretty bad at remembering names, since I’ve heard so many lately. Maybe.

I say “Jeff is nice too.” and Sapphire sighs saying “I don’t know anymore, last time Jeff tried to have sex with me he was really pushy even though I didn’t want to at the time. I later found out that he didn’t ask Daria or Sara for permission, and that was one of their rules. He does still seem nice though, so I’m not sure what to think about him.” Citrine says “I’m sure dad just forgot he was supposed to ask, but I believe you sis. I’ll ask him to clarify next time I see him, but it’s hard to be unbiased since he’s my papa.” I really like Jeff, so I hope he’s still nice like before. Citrine knows more about humans though, so I’ll let her talk to him about it and tell me after.

It reminds me a little of what happened with Tasha. I just hope the comparison isn’t justified, since that wasn’t a fun situation for anyone. We move to the back yard and get the fire started up, since it’s getting dark outside. I come back with another pig for all of us and Ruby says “I found out that we can go to Sue’s camp to get more of a variety in our food, and was thinking of sending some of my daughters to go get some for us tomorrow.” Sapphire says “I think that would be nice, since eating pig all the time has gotten a bit boring.” I nod since it would be boring to eat if Amber didn’t get so happy while feeding me.

As we start roasting the meat we hear a frantic knock on the front door and I go to answer it so the others don’t have to miss out on dinner or the conversation they’re having about penis sizes. It is pretty interesting, but I have more bodies, so it just makes sense for me to go. I open the door and see one of my elf granddaughters that we helped move the bed earlier today. She says “We captured an undead at the gate that isn’t hostile and keeps asking for you granny.” I’ve decided I prefer grandma for sure now, but I say “Okay sweetie take me to wherever you’re keeping it.”

I don’t remember knowing any zombies, but I hope they are friendly. I hear a chime and see


Your Land (Liberation) is under attack by a zombie horde. Defend it, or leave it to it’s fate.

Good luck Player.

Wait, didn’t I give Liberation to Jeff?

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