Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 73

I put my cloths back on over the lingerie, but my shorts don’t cover the leggings or the bottom of the garter belt that clips to them. I like how it looks and Amber seems to agree since she gives me a passionate kiss. Citrine coughs and we separate. My winged daughter then says “This is a really nice bed with pillows, blankets and even sheets. It hardly got any cum on it at all, so it should be easy to wash. I say we take it with us, and we’ll all be able to fit on it for snuggles later.” Onyx starts pulling the blankets and sheets off the bed and stuffing them in the chest saying “I agree with Citrine-sis, we could also use those chairs we sat in while watching for the fire pit out back.” Those are both really good ideas, the bed we have already is pretty basic. I hope we can run into Snag more, that way the other rooms in the house can get good beds too.

We stack everything on the big mattress, chest and chairs included, and the four of us hold it all up by the fancy bed frame. I back up into the exit door and select to leave the Dungeon. We show up outside and luckily all the stuff is still on the bed. Citrine wasn’t sure if it would work this way, but Onyx says “This was such a good idea Amber-sis, now we just need to walk this home.” I look at the stairs and say “Let’s take the chest and chairs up the stairs first, I’m worried they’ll fall off and break if we lean it too much.” Citrine nods next to me and suddenly there are four naked elves next to us. They must have just gotten out of the Dungeon. They see what we’re carrying and offer to help us take it all up the stairs.

With their help it doesn’t take long and we can get it all in one trip. I tell them “The Rare boss of this dungeon is nice, so if you see him feel free to take him up on his offer. He seemed genuine to me at least.” Amber adds “Yeah, he looks strong though so don’t fight him if you don’t want to have sex with him.” Onyx also says “He’s where we got this amazing bed too.” Citrine finishes for us by saying “He has a really big penis though, so don’t push yourself too hard.”

The elves all look interested and keep looking at the nice bed. It does look pretty great, and I can confirm it is super soft. I won’t tell them that though, seems like it might be embarrassing. My daughters give their matching hair color daughters hugs before we start carrying the bed to our place. It’s nice to see so many pretty hair colors all the time.

Opal’s body with Sapphire

I tell Sapphire about our find with the boss goblin and I suggest “We still need to find out what the normal boss of the goblin dungeon is, so do you want to switch over to that one?” She responds “I hope you know I’m joining that snuggle pile for sleep tonight. Yes, I’m fine with switching to that dungeon.” So we move over to the goblin dungeon and start going through it instead. It’s not like I’m hoping to run into Snag again. Probably.

It doesn’t take us long to get to the 10th floor, so we open the doors and I notice Sapphire seems eager. It’s not Snag though, It’s a room full of -Goblin- Lvl 25 and one -Goblin Shaman- Lvl 30 in the back. I sigh and so does my daughter. There are probably 30 goblins packed into this crude looking room. Sapphire says “I was hoping for the big dick goblin and the bed, I’m disappointed. Do we let them fuck us a bit to let off some frustration or just kill them. We know already that goblins aren’t addictive…” I think about it and say “Take out the shaman first if you want to have sex with them, we don’t know what he might be able to do to us, and it’s better to be safe.” She sighs again and says “That sounds like too much work, lets just kill them and run the dungeon until we get your big dick goblin.”

I agree with her and we quickly kill all of the little goblins. I let her open the chest since I just got one from Snag not that long ago. She pulls out a pink potion and chuckles before showing it to me.

(Breast Enhancement Potion)Consume to make your breasts slightly larger.

I’m not really interested in it, and Sapphire doesn’t seem to be either. We’ll ask the others if they want it later, but we pack it up in the chest again and head out of the dungeon. We put our chest in a corner of the building. The other kids aren’t high enough level to get to the 10th floor yet, but once they are I think we’ll need some way to sort everyone’s collected chests. I wonder how they do it in Liberation. I’ll ask when I go to have sex with Jeff later.

Opal’s body with Amber, Citrine and Onyx

We drop the bed off in my room, and it’s kind of annoying to get through the hallway and doors, but we manage after some work. They all want to go back to a dungeon for levels but I say “You 3 can take Amber’s hopper this time, I still need to go to Ruby’s Rest and check in on her there.” Amber gives me another kiss and asks “Is your other body still doing the dungeons with Sapphire?” I nod and say “Yeah, if we could fit 5 people in the party I’d just put everyone together, but we’ll meet up for dinner tonight. If that’s alright wife.” She squeezes me and says “You two are tier 5 and you’ll be safe with just you two, so I don’t have a problem with it. We’ll see you two for dinner later, I’m pretty excited to get some levels onto Buns and see if I can ride her later.”

That sounds really fun, but the hopper would need a lot of levels to be able to carry me, so I won’t get excited for it. I tell her “You’ll look really cute riding it I bet, remember to be careful. We still don’t know what the Rare boss for the bats is, and you three might not be able to take the Rare boss of the lops.” Onyx says “Let’s be honest, we’re gonna be doing the goblin dungeon to try and get Snag again.” Citrine interrupts by saying “I’d actually prefer to get more lace clothing, so we’ll probably switch between the two dungeons throughout the day.” Amber joins in saying “I want to do both of them, so let’s just do what Citrine suggests and swap between them when we get bored.”

Amber then says to me “Go swap with your other body though, this one is married to me, so it won’t be as easy to find Ruby’s Rest if you’re going alone.” She has a good point so I give her another kiss and say “Thanks my smart wife. You three have fun in the dungeons today.” I give the other two hugs and we split up, since they decide to go for the clothing first and the goblins later. My body that was with Sapphire already left for Ruby and I meet my blue haired daughter at the entrance of the dungeon.

Opal’s body running towards Ruby’s Rest

I realize while I’m running through the woods that, it can be nice to have one of my bodies alone killing stuff. Just out in the open air, smashing zombies like I’m doing now seems really refreshing. Maybe I’ve just been in dungeons too much today. Maybe. I don’t think I’d want to be fully alone anymore, cuddles and love feel too good in my chest. I have a lot of things to do though, and it would be difficult with one body. Maybe I’ll get lucky and get another body that I can go off and explore more with.

I smash the last zombie in this group and head towards the arrow for Ruby again. I think about it and it would probably feel just as good if it’s just me and my wives. Taking care of so many people makes me feel better, but it’s also kind of draining. I’ll ask Ruby and Amber if we can go to my lake tomorrow. I sigh to the trees as I pass them by. This is a lot to think about, since the family is so big now.

We were all gone for months, so I’m sure they can handle a few days without us. I’ll stop thinking about it for now and just ask Amber and Ruby later. I’m going to bring Ruby back for sleep tonight, since Citrine wants us all to sleep together. Citrine and I don’t need to sleep, but we still can, so she told me she wants me there too. My babies are so cute, so I have no reason to decline her, and maybe some good sleep will help with the cramped feelings I’m having. Everything has just been non-stop since I got my 5th class.

I shake my head since my thoughts feel scattered. I’ll think about it later. Probably. After a few more run ins with zombies, I finally get to Ruby’s Rest. Ruby left last night right? I’m having a hard time keeping track of time with both of my bodies going in and out of dungeons all day and night. Yeah, she left with her kids last night. I follow the arrow after getting in the fort. A few of my grandbabies wave at me, so I wave back while walking.

I think this was the same building Ruby used for her room last time. The one where we watched all the babies grow up and chatted. It was a fun memory. The more I’m alive and remember of my new life, the more I wonder why I don’t have memories from earlier. I just woke up in a forest and was attacked by wolves. Hearing more and more about the world from other people, that seems less and less normal. Well there’s nothing I can do about it now. I’ll add it to the list of things I want to talk with Ruby and Amber about, and maybe Citrine since she’s lived before and her memories seem clearer than the ones the elves get from their genetic memory.

I open the door to Ruby’s room and I see her on her bed, having sex with herself. Well it’s probably just one of her kids that looks like her. I can tell which one is her since she has that big penis. They seem pretty distracted so I take this opportunity to try to sneak up on them. I’ve never succeeded in being sneaky before, but they both just climaxed so I think I have better odds. I slowly creep up to the bed and then swiftly kiss Ruby on the cheek when her eyes are closed and she’s recovering from cumming in the other Ruby. She jolts in surprise and falls over, so I laugh and say “Hi wife!”

Her eyes are wide, and it takes her a few seconds to recover, but then she says “Wife! I didn’t think you’d be able to make it so soon, or I would have made Penny wait.” The daughter that looks like Ruby sits up and says “Hi Grandma, I hope you don’t mind, mom said you’d be okay with it.” I nod and give her a hug telling her “Of course I don’t mind, if you two could take a break since I just got here I’d like that though. I know how little attention Ruby pays to stuff when she’s having sex.” Penny giggles with me and Ruby rolls her eyes at us.

“We got a new bed from the dungeon and it’s amazing, so I came earlier so that you could get things set up here and join us for bed cuddles tonight.” I tell my cute wife. She nods and says “That sounds like it will be just what I need. There is something I wanted to ask you about though. Is it alright with you if I have sex with Penny pretty regularly?” I think about how much Ruby likes having sex now that she has her penis, and say “I’m okay with it wife, but remember to take care of yourself too. That means you’re still going to have to do some leveling, okay?” They both hug me and Ruby says “I managed to get down the Dungeon here, so it shouldn’t be an issue even when I’m taking care of Ruby’s Rest.”

“I was thinking of going out and exploring with just you, Amber and me. Do you think you’ll be able to, or is it going to be too busy here for that?” I ask and she sighs answering “I can sleep overnight at the other fort, but I have a lot of plans that were put on hold during those months in the dungeon. So I don’t think I can join you two for longer. I’ll make sure to sleep over there at night when I can though.” I feel a bit disappointed since I was hoping she would say yes, but I understand that she doesn’t have two bodies. I’m really lucky to be able to just leave with one of them even though I’m in charge of the fort again.

I realize that Ruby kisses me on the lips and then pulls back saying “Don’t look so sad Opal, I’ll be able to go exploring with you once everything here is dealt with. It should only be a week or two at the longest.” Did I look sad? Odd. It must be true though since Sapphire asks me about it in the dungeon too. I tell Ruby “It’s okay, I can wait a couple weeks, I should probably be doing stuff with Opal’s Home too.” I look out the room’s window and see that there should still be a few hours before dark. I stand up and say “Well don’t forget to come to the sleep cuddles tonight, I’ll head back now and get back into the dungeon. Love you Ruby.” she hugs me and says “Love you too mom. I know you’re tough but be careful since you’re going back by yourself.” I squeeze her back and then shut the door for them again as I head out. At least I finally succeeded in sneaking.

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